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The Outsiders of Reality Singing Shows -- Inside Out

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, October 01, 2013


From Susan Boyle to Adam Lambert, your favorite reality singing shows have launched the careers of some interesting people. What is it about these outsiders that make them stand out?


Anonymous said...

I did not realize that Adam is gay until someone told me..did I care? NO!! he is absolutely beautiful in every way imaginable..I love him even more..

Anonymous said...

I also did not realize Adam was gay until someone told me to google him. I didn't and don't care at all. What I did find out is how long he has been making beautiful music and I was in love with this superstar.nancdruu2

Anonymous said...

It bothered me so much that people were so hung up on his sexual orientation and some still are. People with different beliefs aren't born with their beliefs. They learned it. We have a segment of human race that are naturally created or born with different sexual orientation. I believe in God and always believe their is a wisdom in his creation. We all have to embrace and celebrate our differences. To unite in order to see the light for our own good.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has a stigma of being out of the norm, especially being gay, has to overcome the personal as well as public gauntlet of opinion and judgment. Adam took his stand without flinching and with honor to his person. It inflamed his detractors even further, but also explains why we who value justice and talent "love him even more".

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I think Adam's season of Idol was a reflection of it's time. This last season didn't seem discriminatory in who made it through to the top 40 or whatever the initial cut is. Hopefully all television is making progress.

Anonymous said...

I am another person who did not realize Adam was gay until I read about it. His vocal talent, stage presence and always changing style are what got me to vote for him. He just had the "IT" factor during season 8 and no one since then has even come close to Adam's performances. I do not care about his sexual preference. He is the best in music today and that's all that matters to me.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but in general my gaydar does not function well... I was too mesmerize by his singing voice and his public speaking ability that I totally did not notice the possible gay signs... Or maybe because I used to grow up in an era where straight and gay artists wore make up like Adam. Axel.

Anonymous said...

Adam is one hell of a performer and person. That all I care about never has bothered me ever. Sue

Anonymous said...

JAK here....when I "discovered" Adam I called my daughters every week and reminded them to watch idol, I wanted to share my excitement with them . My eldest was laughing about my enthusiasm with her co workers....a young friend said "does she know he's gay?" No, Michael I'll let you tell her. A few days later I went into the office and Michael scurried over to me to give me "the news".......I shrugged and reached out to hug him and said "why would I care Michael, you're gay and I love you!"

lorraine said...

I had only one reaction when my husband started to "clue me in" when he saw how mesmerized I was by this guy Adam Lambert on American Idol------------SO WHAT !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have never understood why anyone would ever care whether someone is straight or not.

Anonymous said...

I am a christian and i know the biblical stand on homosexuality But i would never be a homophobe. See all i care about is adam's wonderful talents and career, i close my eyes and ears to everything else

Jadam said...

My daughter picked that Adam was gay straight away when I showed her the Idol finale I was so blown away by his voice. I didn't pick it myself.

Anonymous said...

3:33 PM. That's very sensible of you. How about the other Bibical rules - not eating shellfish or pork but you can chow down on all the locusts you want - it is also forbidden to mix wool and linen in a cloth - in cursing, foolish talk or coarse joking - (we are really in trouble on this site).

People with flat noses also those who are blind or lame shall not be allowed to go to the altar of God - if a priests daughter is a whore she must be burnt at the stake - psychics should be stoned to death - stoning is also
ordered for homosexuals, disrespectful children, a drunken son, astrologers, adulterers and witches.
And on and on and on.

Anonymous said...

Although Adam has given hints on who he is and my gaydar failed me, I didn't care when truth was told.
Adam is phenomenal and that's all I care about.
Even when I was reading some comments about him being gay, I'd still ask my daughter if he is and even she failed to guess
Maybe because Adam has masculine attributes and not a hint of gayness in his countenance or demeanor though his nail polish and singing Cher's Believe should have given him away already.

Anonymous said...


Try to move on to the New Testament so you're not left out.

Anonymous said...

whats your point exactly? There are basic things the bible supports and condemns! But as a christian with the holy spirit, hating or condemnation is a sin IMO, God does not hate and if he wants to change anyone' sexuality, he will do so himself. Name calling, discrimination and the likes isn't an attribute of a true christian

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:01. I am completely familiar with the New Testament and I know that nowhere is there a word of Jesus mentioning homosexuality. PK (preacher's kid)