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Adam Lambert has the eye of the tiger!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 15, 2013

Posted at : Friday, November 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

Good one Admin! Leaving that pic of the day up there so long is payback for all the grief you been getting about negative comments! (I agree this site is better without them. We see you hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Love, Love Adam's eyes!

Anonymous said...

My 2-year-old poem on Adam's eyes:

Adam's eyes mesmerise
Cast his gaze far and wide
Hoping to find the love of his life
Lo and behold he caught his eye

September 1, 2011 9:11 PM

p/s This could be the eye of the tiger in love. lwl!

Anonymous said...

@Admin These are colored puma's eyes. But I like pumas much more than tigers:)

Anonymous said...

i know its a female lion but i used "Eye Of The Tiger" cuz it was more of a zinger. lol

Anonymous said...

@Admin These are colored puma's eyes. But I like pumas much more than tigers:)

Anonymous said...

An update on my above Adam's Eyes poem:

Adam's eyes ever so wise
Sparkle from sunset to sunrise
Looking deep like the tiger's eye
Still searching for the love of his life
Right now, he has become more wise
Taking a little step at a time
No hurry, no scurry
Before you even suspect otherwise
Cupid will hit you with his arrow
Straight in your heart and mind lwl!


Anonymous said...

Adore Adams eyes!

Anonymous said...

Adam has wolf's eyes not tigers and his eyes are mesmerizing especially when you have the chance to meet him in person.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say but that isn't a tiger....

Anonymous said...

I have made reference to leopard eyes because Adam always wears leopard prints and t-shirts. lol! But these cat family / feline animals have similar though varying eyes.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't anyone here remember the song 'The Eye of the Tiger' --- or have a bit of 'childlike imagination' and/or sense of humour?! Always somebody, often many, rush to 'correct and give the right info'... Many teachers here?!!!

@Lambertlust, thanks for the zinger!

Anonymous said...

Although I've heard it said many times ... I'd given little thought to the old saying .... Eyes are the windows to the soul.... I know now how true that old saying is.... Adam has beautiful eyes and a beautiful soul to match......rose petal
@Lammy nice poem always a pleasure .

Anonymous said...

... or wolf-eyes!!!!

Adamluv said...

Love it! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Rose petal
Whoa, haven't heard from you for quite a's definitely my pleasure too. Hey how is your poetry getting're a genuine poet! And person! You know, when I first came across your pen-name, rose petal, I thought of a delicate, gentle person; little did I know it's not so delicate, rather an unusually tough petal. lwl!
Thank you!!


Anonymous said...

Adam has Siberian Huskie eyes. Blue. Big Cats and Wolves have gold, brown or green eyes.....if a wolf is a and wolf, they might have blue eyes. Some other dog breeds may have them if they are hybrids.

All humans with blue eyes came from one common ancestor born about 10,000 years ago in the region of the Black Sea. Up until that point in time all humans had brown eyes.....and then a mutant was born with blue eyes. So if you have blue eyes.......howdy cousin!
We are related to Adam! JAK : )

This ends today's Biological Science class!!!

Anonymous said...

What about my green-grey eyes?!
May I still play with you and Adam, pleeeezzz?!

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed you are also a mutant! Yay! You are classified as a European ........ No matter how many generations back your family goes. It's an interesting study. At least to me........I have a very cluttered mind full of "stuff"........ since I find almost everything interesting...
Unless it's Algebra!......JAK....(blue eyed mutant)

HK fan said...

I have green eyes JAK...what does that mean?

HK fan said...

probably European like @3.23am