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Adam Lambert Liked xandertarigo's photo on Instagram

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 18, 2013

Posted at : Monday, November 18, 2013


Anonymous said...

those boys love juicing!!

Anonymous said...

Why is this news?

Anonymous said...

It is not earth shattering but I find it kind of interesting.

Anonymous said...

Does not look healthy... :(

Anonymous said...

I went on a so-called liquid diet once. Kind of the same thing!
I ate salads though. Was unable to go without eating!lol....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

To each his/her own but I'd fade away to nothing if I were only drinking juice.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I wouldn't mind 'fading away' about 20 pounds! Can potato salad, fried chicken and lobster be turned into a tasty juice?

Anonymous said...

I would be a shrinking violet after consuming all liquids. How does anyone think that is healthy? I say eat lean protein, green vegetables and brown rice. Good vitamins are important. They need a good whipped mash potato juice don't they? heha

Anonymous said...

Why always Lambertlust's tweets ?

Anonymous said...

Because he is one of the few stalking and tweeting everything Adam likes on IG.

Anonymous said...

Obsessed maybe... hah.
Well, i like to follow Adam too. But stalking everything... thank god no. I have a life outside internet and twitter. LOL.