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Another Picture of Adam at Church Boutique

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 18, 2013

Posted at : Monday, November 18, 2013


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



total Thud! I'm DED

Anonymous said...

What is Church boutique?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is that Christina Aguilera he's talking to? That's the way she's wearing her hair these days. If so, I hope they might have talked about a collaboration!

Anonymous said...

No , I'm pretty sure if xtina had been there they would have mentioned it. Lol

Anonymous said...

I sort of got the impression from the other pictures she may have been a friend of Lenny. Don't go by me tho I got beat up in 7th grade once for accidently spreading a rumor.

Anonymous said...

@11:07 PM

No one is going to beat you up here; and it is no rumor if you mistake someone for someone else. Saying all that to say; I thought the same thing before I saw your post and was getting ready to type the same thing. So thanks. She looks just like the girl that Lenny was with from the hairstyle and outfit. Seems as though Lenny may have walked away and left her and Adam talking. Just guessing also. But, I think we guessed right.

Anonymous said...

Seen that Adam look before.

Anonymous said...

I would have thought the woman with Adam was Xtina as well. It's her loss though if it isn't. About Adam's "look", I've seen it before too!....Adam is gorgeous alright!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Sutan standing beside Adam with the Union Jack hat.

Anonymous said...

the eyes go into squint mode whenever females are talking. just an observation on my part.

Anonymous said...

That's his 'listening intently look'.