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MARRY THE NIGHT is the only GLEE song from 5x05 still in the Top 100 on iTunes

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 14, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, November 14, 2013


Anonymous said...

Thanx for passing on the news.

Anonymous said...

That's because it's AWESOMEEEE!!!!

Adam's voice is unmatched. And, thank God for that performance! Brilliant!!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

His voice on that song is stellar. I think the radio should be playing it. Gaga must be proud of the little monster:))

Anonymous said...

watching GLEE as we speak miss Adam but the episode is pretty good.

Anonymous said...

He's still up there because he is the absolute BEST.

Anonymous said...

Still? It's been one week since they showed it...

The speed everything 'wears out' in music today is awful... So many tunes are here today, gone tomorrow... Makes you wonder what is the definition for "an evergreen" in today's music? When a song has been on the top 40 more than a month? Lol?

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see Gaga and Adam perform MTN on an awards show like the AMA,but I guess we all know that will never happen. I think it would blow the roof off the stage and would probably be the highlight of the evening's performances.

Anonymous said...

Adam would like that number.