Skinpress Demo Rss

QueenBert Looking Fierce and Awesome!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 18, 2013

Posted at : Monday, November 18, 2013


Anonymous said...

where is this from??

Gosh dang the legs!!DED

Anonymous said...

yes, where and when was this taken?

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked at myself, but I'm not familiar with this .... Glitzy? ... anyone ? ....

Anonymous said...

I believe it was in London 3rd concert singing We Will Rock you.

Anonymous said...

Around 1:40

Anonymous said...

didn't he put on these pants after he split the leather ones?

Anonymous said...

10:09, Adam wore the zebra pants for the finale after he ripped his pants on night two. He also wore the zebra pants for the finale on night three. He must have liked them :)

I think 9:07 is correct and the video at 9:53 supports that.

Anonymous said...

10:25 thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Legs 11.

Anonymous said...

How does he do that in those merges?
Great shot!

Anonymous said...

Please, Queen and Adam; concert dates in the US!

Anonymous said...

Zebra pants!!!! Yuhuu!!!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I KNOW I SEE ! Happy Tuesday to me!
I sat down with my toast, ipad and mug of tea....
What to my adoring eyes should appear
But Adam's long legs in his zebra gear!
What joy what glee what good fortune divine
We match this morning I'm wearing mine!
We're both zebra-d out though I can't compete
My p.j.s don't fit me nearly so neat.

There's no doubt this will be an exceptional day
Scrolling from zebra to leopard leggings ..hip hip hooray!

Anonymous said...

How can he wears those high heel boots and sexy tight pants and still sing, move, dance, kick and looking fierce and awesome at the same time?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe I've ever read a post of yours that didn't bring a smile to my face .... No matter my mood....and this little poem has me smiling ear to ear.... Of course first I had to pick up my teeth that I lost when I saw this pic....I sure won't mind being the one that melted him and poured him to those pants... Rose petal

Anonymous said...

I wanna see him walk a high wire in his fierce medges.

Anonymous said...

@ Rose petal....JAK here....I'm glad to give you a smile . Most of my
verse is comic least those I share......I'm not brave enough to share the poems where I dig deep within. That's why I love your poems so much you go right to the core.

My youngest daughter took one of my old files from the 70's and 80's home recently. She called me and said "Mom I didn't know how often I broke your heart in my teens!" I had forgotten I poured out my soul on paper during those was a comfort to me......I said,
"Don't worry about it was either that or scream at you!......I survived and still love's just part of being a Mom."

She said......"I'm glad my kid is a dog!"