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Random Cuteness!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 15, 2013

Posted at : Friday, November 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam' you re awesome!

Anonymous said...

We want more Adam, we want more Starchild.
Early morning drive with my car and NCOE was on the radio - goooood song!
Happy morning here in Finland.
Have a nice weekend all of you!


Anonymous said...

Definitely he acts like 12 yrs old, especially in his relationships...

Anonymous said...

Hi M - Nice to hear from our Finland friend! So happy you are able to hear Adam on the radio. We in the states are eager as well to see our Elliot/Starchild on Glee. I wish you a wonderful weekend also!

Anonymous said...

He's so cute

Anonymous said...

A sense of fun. . . . .What a special gift.

Anonymous said...

@2:04 AM

"BA HUM BUG"! Why don't you give it a rest and move on.

Sour grapes, not a good color; neither is green with envy!

Anonymous said...

I love mature people that never lose their inner child. Love that bout Adam; Such a beautiful sprit that lights up a room; as many people have observed.

Anonymous said...

@2:04 AM

Wow, you've been a fly on the wall in all of Adam's relationships; that is the only way you would know anything intimate, and accurate about his relationships.

Perhaps you should concentrate more on your own mature relationships; you would find more accurate information there; unless you let someone else define it for you; as you are trying to do with Adam. Get it?

Anonymous said...

he is damn cute!

Anonymous said...

@2:04 AM And you know this because you're his chaperone? I can just envision you sitting straight and sour between Adam and his 'relationship'.

Anonymous said...

Adam seems like he would be so much fun to be with; yet serious when you needed that side of him too. He said once in an interview, regarding the song "Broken Open", that many people he met; just wanted someone to listen to them with out judging, and they; for some reason, he said, felt comfortable in pouring their heart to him. He said those confidences were never broken.

What a man; the kind of friend to have. May I add, good looking to boot.

Anonymous said...

Adam is that magical mixture of serious and fun. He is smart and well-spoken when he wants to be, and he's silly and crazy when he wants to be. Great combination for just about anybody IMO.


Anonymous said...

Speaking about mature people who never lose their inner child...where is JAK?!!

@JAK, tutto bene cara Signora?

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering about JAK, too. Hope she's doing all right.

glitzylady said...

The ability to be silly and young at heart is something we should all aspire to have. I think Adam would be a wonderful friend... His close friends love him so much and they are so fortunate, in my opinion, to have him as a friend... His ex's seem to value his friendship as well and remain on good terms with him. That's all we as fans need to know..

glitzylady said...

And yes, hoping all is well in @JAK's world........

Anonymous said...

What happened to Admin deleting comments that insult Adam? Since obviously people here can't ignore a troll.

ADMIN, please delete!

Anonymous said...

JAK here ...... Thanks guys! All is well in J.A.'s world. : )
Our boy came for a weeks visit, his mom and I shared him! Half the time with her and half with me. He talked my ears off and I loved every second of it. I got to hold his hand, give him hugs and tuck him in at night in his childhood playroom. I know it's dreadfully corny but he's our one and only and we all love him to pieces. He is very tolerant of our excess affection!

So my world has been rosy all week! <3. <3. <3

Anonymous said...

6:51 AM........Si..tutto bene! JAK : )))

Anonymous said...

So the deleting thing is not happening anymore? OK.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe Admin is going to police rude remarks. If they/he/she just delete vulgar, disgusting, mean to the bone remarks I'll be happy.....JAK

Anonymous said...

So saying Adam acts like a 12 year old in his relationships isn't mean to the bone?

Anonymous said...

No,'s a rude comment and was said to aggravate you and obviously it worked........JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam looks older than 25.