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All of The Most Recent Pictures

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 15, 2013

Posted at : Friday, November 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

Why can't they change the feature picture, it's been up for a week. I am tired of it, and don't like it either.

Anonymous said...

amen, 10:23PM!!I hate it,too,but love BB..I do like his black leather shirt,tho!

HK fan said...

I agree three....definitely not the best look, looks like Lucius Malfoy!!!

Anonymous said...

I feel like Admin is punishing us by keeping up the slicked back silver wig pic up. I'm not getting the message of why, tho.

Anonymous said...

How about you all stop the constant whining about whatever?!
Admin punishing... Are you in kindergarden?
The whole site is full of different kind of pics showing Adam's versatile beauty, let there be one that you don't but someone else likes. Maybe Admin likes it?! Quit the bitchin!

Anonymous said...

@6:42 AM So nice to hear from you're cause you're not whining or bitching.

Anonymous said...

No, not about Adam or anything re him. Never.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could touch that leather shirt........... Unfffff!

Anonymous said...

It is a very nice shirt, it must be hot. Leather doesn't breath.

Anonymous said...

Is that a skingraft shirt?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely lovin' that black leather shirt. Adam wears it so well.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Lenny and Adam! Beautiful men!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I don't know how anyone wears leather...I had leather lederhosen from Switzerland I wore occasionally when I was in college and wanted to be "different".....I had an Auntie Mame type world traveling aunt who kept me supplied with apparel "oddities". Wooden klompen from The Netherlands, cheongsam from China, etc.

Those lederhosen were HOT! Of course I do live in Florida! Not an Alp in sight!