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Shoshanna Stone coming to LA

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 21, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, November 21, 2013


Anonymous said...

Can I tag along with u? please

Anonymous said...

This sounds very encouraging; anything involving Adam and Management happenings sounds very good to me. Has anyone heard if Adam will be attending the AMA's?
Be nice to see him at least on the Red Carpet. Presenting would be even better; Performing would have been heaven! One day awards shows will be requesting his presence.

Anonymous said...

Well could be the new music part of her day involves Adam or perhaps goin to the studio..sounds good to me!


Anonymous said...

I think it is probably Adam's new music. I think 2014 is going to be a n awesome year for Adam. With the Queen iheart show and glee Adam is expanding his fan base and people who weren't following what he has been doing are rediscovering him!

Anonymous said...

I think it's Britney's music since her album comes out soon. She has an UK journalist with her. Probably listen to Britney's new cd and then interview her. She already said she is meeting with her

Anonymous said...

This optimist is assuming her whole day is about Adam. ;)

Anonymous said...

I don't think that anyone on here indicated that they thought her whole day was with Adam. She has stated that she is meeting with more than one person; and that Adam was one of them.

Management meets with their clients all the time. Most I read just said looks like things are rolling along positively. By the way, rather be around optimistic people than nagative ones.

Anonymous said...

Great news, so many great things seem to happening for our man finally. What a wondeful ride so far; and it's getting more and more exciting. This wonderful man deserves every bit of the great things that I feel is on the way for him. Happy Glambert here!

Anonymous said...

I'd rather be around smart, realistic people. Adam doesn't have a label or producer. He is nowhere close to having new music ready to share with an influential, and very snarky, journalist

Anonymous said...

@9:04 AM
I'd rather you stop stalking Adam and spewing your hate on him.

Anonymous said...

Lol, the hate is all in your not too smart mind. I never said anything hateful at all

Anonymous said...

@9:04, I don't care if you're a troll or not, but just because Adam doesn't have a label doesn't mean he isn't making new music for people to hear. He may have new music he wants to present to a label and wants a sounding board and opinions.

Anonymous said...

Being optimistic doesn't make a person stupid or naive. It means that you're hopeful and looking for the best to happen, which it can. Many of us optimists are also smart and realistic. But being a fan is as much about the heart as it is the head. In fact, more so. Pessimism may be realistic, but it sure isn't fun.


Anonymous said...

Well I hope the studio part is Adam. Yes he probably has a few recorded to present to labels.

Anonymous said...

@9:04 AM

Maybe it would help you; if you would surround yourself with smart realistic people; because you are not displaying any of those traits yourself.

Do you read what you type; before you hit print; try doing that; may help people understand what you are trying to say; because, honestly, at this point you are not sounding very sane.

Anonymous said...

It never surprises me that this self involved woman, Shoshanna is so involved in her own life that she needs to list when she eats!! Like we would care?

Anonymous said...

2014 isnt too far..just saying.
Shoshanna stone is a publicist to many artistes,but i can say that glamberts are nosy,each time i surf thru her TL for updates on adam;britney and john L, i can differentiate a glambert from other fans, ms.stone is sure doing a good job,handling glamberts diplomatically as many of us (them) dont deserve it.
Regarding labels or not, i feel a true glambert will hope and pray for the best, seems some folks are happy and relishing the fact that adam hasn't gotten a label yet, which isn't fair.

Okay the last, it wouldnt hurt the senior citizens in Glamily (on twitter) put adam on their avi..would it?, it wouldn't hurt if they stopped writing about how they enjoyed elvis during his time,on other blogs, i totally dig the support we give adam, but i sense a new era coming, new music, new tour, new FANS..we wanna look funky and cool..don't we?
Rest my case.
Hawt glambert

Anonymous said...

10:11 yes you are so cool and hawt.

Anonymous said...

9:59, many benign "dinners", more often than not, are pivotal business affairs, or else Shosh would not even mention them on the same footing with the other activities. Besides, making assumptions about ego when they are baseless serves no purpose other than to snark. How do we know that the dinners do not involve our Adam? Comments like yours will likely deter any goodwill that we should instead be fostering, if the target of this barb sees it.

Anonymous said...

10:43 shhhh in her head.

Anonymous said...

9:04 for goshsakes U know music is produced all the time without a "producer" or "label." What counts is distribution and I think you know this even if you're hoping others don't.

Anonymous said...

@ November 21, 2013 at 10:11 AM

I totally agree with you. If you get unkind remarks here, just let it roll off your back. I completely understand where you're coming from and agree fully. It is a difficult notion, I understand how it ruffles feathers, it's a little painful even, but I completely get where you're coming from in your second paragraph and you have a very sound point. I fear your point won't be greeted well and won't be understood ('though it's very easy to understand and "get") and it won't take hold though ... but nevertheless, don't feel you are alone in your thoughts and ideas because I know several Glamberts who are over 35 who feel the same way you and I do (for the good of Adam's career). Don't mean to be impolite to any other Glambert or Adam fan, just a point of view, and not an invalid or unhelpful one IMHO. Peace.

Anonymous said...

@9:04 AM It's really sad that you thrive on rejection.

Anonymous said...

12:33 ummmmm what? you can do better than that when you answer your own comments. This is Preposterous!!

Anonymous said...

@Oh I don't know; perhaps a fool?

I just can not believe that there is someone posting here, that is trying to suggest that Adam should just have some type of fans represent his fan base; and the others should hide away as not to make him look bad. Adam has fans from babies to people in their 90's maybe even 100 or more if we all live long enough to continue to enjoy this wonderful man.

This seems like some kind of crazed alter universe you would be trying to set up. Adam loves all of his fan; of all ages; and sexual orientations, and races and nationalities; and he always makes this quite clear. Do you need to be a certain race in your opinion to follow Adam; should certain ones hide in the back just in case it may offend someone.

I think the only type of person that Adam would not want in his fandom; is an insane, brainless idiot that would discriminate against anyone and cause havoc in the fandom.

No one in their right mind would listen to your crazy ravings anyway; so why don't you be the one to take a hike. You know who you are!

Anonymous said...

Shosh does have several clients based in LA and she seems to enjoy the passive aggressive game of making each fan group think it's all about their favorite. I'm not counting on any new info from her just because she is in LA.

Anonymous said...

I think Shoshana is just doing her job; for each of her clients; not even thinking about playing games with people; this is a busy woman trying to look out for the best welfare of her Management team's clients. I doubt if she really puts a lot of thought in thinking about playing games with fans; why would she? Some of this talk is just plain childish. Let the woman do her job. Fans will know soon enough what is going on.

Anonymous said...

There is probably a lot going on with Adam that we don't know. He will tell us when the time is right about a new label and new music. I have complete faith in Adam!

Anonymous said...

4:19, Me too.

Anonymous said...

@1:37 PM

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I completely agree with you. I've always had complete faith in Adam and also trust him and what he says to be truthful. We all know sometimes he's honest to a fault. When he says he's working on new music , to me, that means he is...why doubt him? We're his fans ...let's believe in him!


Anonymous said...

I knew my comments was gonna bring that backlash and hate, no qualms,you cant harm me all you will do is spew ur ignorance out here.
Look, whether we like it or acknowledge it, posting and writing comments about the 1973, talking about how ur grand sons loved adam isnt doing well for adam's brand.
I never said, certain age should not be fans of Adam, i totally feel the support you give him; which is endearing, but if you wanna be selfless,you will chill a little, i think a regular once wrote here, how she was (politely) asked to sit in another place @ adam's concert..its all about branding!
I really laughed at, when i saw comments thinking i defended myself in another post, that is another nonsense that MUSt stop here, you think a lot of peeps (old and young) dont understand what i am writing? If i had written another comment, i'm sure no one would accuse me of that.
It easy to insult and call names, y'all know the truth.

Anonymous said...

@anon 1:37,anon 6:02 guess you are same person since you both agreed on same thing...hahahahahaha.
@anon 1:37, you are what u write, calling me names because of what i wrote, shows how smart, intelligent and matured you are, people like you rush to name calling when they run out of viable ammunitions.

Anonymous said...

9.04 You know this because? Realistic people should be able to back up their statements with proof. It is not being very realistic when an opinion is stated as fact.

Anonymous said...

Oh for heaven's sake, chill everyone. Just because someone doesn't like what someone else says doesn't mean people have the right to be downright nasty about it.

Anonymous said...

Gotta get outta here . .

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the ethnic origin of the name Shoshanna? I've never heard it before......I am eternally curious....JAK

glitzylady said...

Not sure you'll be back to see this @JAK, but here's a little info on the name Shoshanna:

"Hebrew name (Shoshannah). This was derived from the Hebrew word (shoshan) meaning "lily" (in modern Hebrew this also means "rose"), perhaps ultimately from Egyptian sšn "lotus".

In the Apocrypha this is the name of a woman falsely accused of adultery. The prophet Daniel clears her name by tricking her accusers, who end up being condemned themselves. It also occurs in the belonging to a woman who ministered to Christ.

As an English name, it was occasionally used during the Middle Ages in honour of the Old Testament heroine. It did not become common until after the protestant_reformation, at which time it was often spelled Susan."

Anonymous said...

@ and ye shall receive!
Quite interesting and I probably should have known that.
I was the student assistant to the Old Testament History professor.....I typed up the textbook he wrote for class that year. His spelling was atrocious and I finally gave up on Nebuchadnezzar....he spelled it differently each time.
He said "no matter, it's spelled differently in the ancient texts too!".......I think Shoshannah is a pretty name.....I had suspected possibly Native American.....wrong continent!......JAK : )