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New Adam Lambert Album Coming Out Next Year!!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, December 03, 2013


Anonymous said...

Easy to say

Anonymous said...

I'll believe it when it's in my hands.

Anonymous said...

That news makes my heart happy!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful news. Looking forward to first single dropping; can't wait. 2014 is going to be a very good year.

Negative Nicks, and Nellies can just form a line to the right and talk among yourselves!

Great, great new; I feel very positive vibes about this.

Anonymous said...

Excellent! Nice that current Hollywood promo is so up to date with Adam news. The more exposure the better. Love it!

xo laura

leilani aloha said...

Great News!!!
Yay! For Adam!!!
Look forward to Album 3!!!

Anonymous said...

I think album #3 is going to knock our socks off! It's getting mentioned more and more often.


Anonymous said...

This link includes Adam and Sauli.

Anonymous said...

I have all the faith in the world and Adam. I have beyond a good feeling about next year the new album. No one deserves good things more than Adam. Just think in general it's gonna be a good year.
I absolutely believe their will be a new album next year and things are turning will find out about in time.
Maybe a brick has to fall on the NN but not me.
Adam has already said there will be an album next year that was enough for me. Now more have said it quite sure that info came from Adam.
Yes in general think next year gonna be a good one really good feelings about that.
If people don't want to believe something they won't. Who care about them.
I believe it and have every confidence in Adam he my man. Sue

Anonymous said...

Too many signs point that album #3 will be huge next year. Can't wait to support it.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to new music and hopefully a tour to my area.

Anonymous said...

Uhmm source of this new fantastic news?

Anonymous said...

I. Believe Adam...always have and always will. I can't wait to see what album #3 will be like.....I'm ready to support Adam with purchases, tix to concerts and whatever else comes along.


Anonymous said...

@5:50 &@5:55
Would it be so hard for you NOT to post as the first posts on a thread with uplifting & positive news, if you have nothing constructive to say??? Does it REALLY give you satisfaction to annoy people and put a bad vibe on a thread?!
If you are so dissatisfied with Adam that you don't trust him or wish him the best, please go find someone that gives you more. RUN!!!

Anonymous said...

What do we expect for non believers!!!:) Always negative attitude of course he!he!

For the real fans, we always be patience and truthfully supportive of Adam's music indeed!!!:)

Another year to celebrate for 2014!!!


Anonymous said...

No one is taking notice of Adam except his publicist Shoshanna. He's already had his moment in the sun. This new album will just bring another round of moaning and complaining fans who think he doesn't get enough. Its been far too long since he's been on the radio for him to have any chance of breaking through now. It would really take a miracle.

Anonymous said...

Excited for new music 2014!.Hopefully adam gets new musicians for his band.He really need a competent musicians and music director to up his game.

Anonymous said...

10:11, the source is this video which has a brief interview with Adam.

Anonymous said...

5:29, while I'm sure the whining and complaining will always continue with some people in this fandom because nothing is ever good enough for them, I do think it is very possible for Adam's third album to be huge. Countless other stars have had sophomore albums not do well and go on to have later albums be very successful. Adam continues to gain recognition within the industry and I am sure he will be successful. It's only a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

Oh what are those countless other stars who lost their record deal at 31 (which is different than someone just starting out losing their deal)and then went on to success? Please list them. No one from Idol ever lost their record deal and then went on to success.

Please tell me how you think Adam continues to gain recognition. I see no evidence of this at all outside of those silly blogs who cater to Adam fans for the hits.

The fact is it takes big money to get on radio. No one is going to invest 5 million on someone who they think can only earn 2 million. And Adam's last record sales will influence anyone interesting in investing in him. Here is an interesting article

Anonymous said...

Adam is more than capable of producing a great 3rd album and there is no reason why it couldn't be a huge success. At the same time he still needs to sign up with a record label, he did say he was having talks with some big names so I just hope they recognise his potential and his worth and sign him up asap, without a label to launch his 3rd album there could be a very long wait, so once I hear news of this I'll be jumping for joy but until then I'm willing to wait patiently, hopefully these things will fall into place for him sooner rather than later.

Anonymous said...

Alison from AI Season 8, lost her record deal but has now gone on and been signed to another label. Anything is possible and while I agree there are reasons for concern, I choose to remain optimistic for Adam's sake. Adam has had many obstacles to overcome in the past and this is just another one for him to climb over but if anyone can do it Adam can, one thing I know for sure is that Adam is fully aware of his situation and I've no doubt he is working hard to get back on track as far as another album goes.

Anonymous said...

Getting signed isn't the same as being a success. I have no doubt Adam will be signed by some label. Alison was signed to a small indie label and certainly has not had any radio play, just like a long list of other idols. Indie labels don't have the money it takes to do a radio push. Alison was also very young and has plenty of time to rebuild her career.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 03:35
please stop! Your comment irritates me, seriously, did you write this same comment you post in every thread on your wall @ home?
People WILL talk, naysayers and the rest, when the album comes out, they will eat their words.
On a more serious note, lets wait and hope for the best, i know a 3rd album is coming out, but when? No one really knows.

Anonymous said...

Alison is very young but Adam is not exactly old either. Adam is insanely talented so there should be no reason why he can't continue his career for many years to come. If anyone of us starts to see ourselves as being too old then we're doomed and that's exactly what we will be, it's so important to think positively. Adam is young at heart and I've no doubt he always will be, plus he's not the type to give up, there are so many wonderful things he could turn to, the guy is multi-talented.

Anonymous said...

Not sure I'm digging the "Tom of Finland" style, but I love Adam as always. Nice new 'do on his bassist.

Just speaking my thoughts.

All hall monitors can form a line to the right.

Anonymous said...

This is unlike you admin, you usually quote your source!
Erm..............did adam mitchel lambert , Ms. Shosh stone or edge publicity confirm this? Don't get me wrong, it is a good news, if true, but a little unfair to spread 'rumours' around.

Anonymous said...

so tired of bickerings. . .

Anonymous said...

I'f rather wait for news from Adam himself, he'll soon let us know when anything new develops. In the mean time I'm just enjoying seeing him on Glee and greatful he has this opportunity to try his hand with acting, I think he's doing a great job, a real natural.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:14; your comment about supporting adam ( buying albums, concerts etc) is a valid one, a lot of these fans dont do anything to support adam financially, they wait for freebies, talk about how handsome he is ( all that irrelevancies).
If glamberts, really bought copies of tresspassing, i am so sure that things we have been a lot easier for adam, yes there is a place for publicity,but without fans support, an album will flop ( eg Artpop).
A third album will come out, definitely, but even with a record label support, if Glambert don't buy, download his music, well we know the answer.
PS; this site is filled with self righteous folks, insanely negative people and i hope few genuine fans.

Anonymous said...

Dear lord,
how do we solve this? I am so tired of these murmuring and complaints! I rarely go to other fan site, but i must say, this is tiring.
10-03. I bought several copies of tresspassing, gone to a lot of concerts, do all i can to support adam, but you must realise that, some people cant afford all that, so i think that line 'waiting for freebies' isn't cool to fans that really really love adam, but must face reality, totally understand your point though, the saying ' men and women lie, numbers do not' is true, but we should not generalize. Every form of support is good for adam's brand.
Now, to the thread topic, i won't worry my pretty little head, i will enjoy the present ( Glee) and hope for a better future! Adam cannot fail, a lot of us have invested in his career can't wait to see him listedamongst the A list artistes, his talent can't go away like that
south africa loves adam

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and have followed him from day one, On the other hand I do not spend all my time posting on here or tracking his every move, I only try to catch up on the latest occasionally. After reading some of these statements I guess I'm not missing much except for a bunch of negative people {who seem to obviously like Adam or they wouldn't be on this site} posting things that should not matter to them if they are truly a fan, Id rather hear Adams voice anyday rather than some of you. To all you true fans..we all know what Adam is capable of and I for one cant wait to see his shining moment.

Anonymous said...

Coming next year? What will be will be

Anonymous said...

Why are people so negative about Adam's possibility of future success or so doubtful about a third album still hanging out on a fan site? Rather odd waste of time for them.