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Adam Lambert Kissing Girls

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 26, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, December 26, 2013


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This is just going to stir up another long bickering thread.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said clearly and plainly that he is gay. This is a really stupid post.

Anonymous said...

I think this thread is ill-chosen and insensitive.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This is NOT news to us, in fact it's old news but not something we need to hash over again. Not a good idea for a thread or useless supposition. Lambertlust can contact Adam if he wants to discuss his own travels in bisexuality with him, leave us out.

Anonymous said...

The whole idea is stupid. Yes he has looked at females who are dressed in a risqué way, or not dressed at all. He is much more curious when its a male. Adam is gay, so what. He has kissed men, and it has gone a lot further. Leave him alone. He does love beauty whether male or female, picture on a wall or a beautiful sunset.

Anonymous said...

This is totally ridiculous. I see no point to this post. Worst of all it's all old old old meaningless encounters.

Anonymous said...

This is strictly over the top obsession with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Only a man would put together this stuff.

Anonymous said...

Who appointed you to speak for 'us'?!
Speak only for yourself or for those that have given you their power of attorney!

Anonymous said...

Lambertlust, that is a very old interview and you know in several more recent interviews Adam has unequivocally stated he is gay.

Lambertlust can have his fantasies but whose judgment and who I blame is Admin for posting this. Surely she knows this will bring out the trolls and the arguing. Apparently hits are more important to her.

Anonymous said...

2:50, I totally agree with 2:33 and most of the comments here that the tweet and then posting it here is just going to make trouble.

Anonymous said...

Adam's loyal fans DON'T need him to be bi-curious or bi-sexual to fulfill their fantasies. We love him just the way he is. Never change, Adam.

Anonymous said...

By now I think it should be clear that most of us don't care if Adam is gay, straight, bi-sexual or celibate. We just love him and don't speculate or judge him. Leave it be.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Some of you are really's a few friggin pictures. What's the big deal !!!!!!!

Prf said...

Lol, why the hate on it? If nobody cares why this all. What I know is that this site is all about Adam, and it is adam lol, there's no recent news at the moment, so the admin post some old Stuff, there is adam, that's what the website is about.
What is the problem? It is part of his life guys.

Prf said...

Lol, why the hate on it? If nobody cares why this all. What I know is that this site is all about Adam, and it is adam lol, there's no recent news at the moment, so the admin post some old Stuff, there is adam, that's what the website is about.
What is the problem? It is part of his life guys.

Anonymous said...

he wants his tongue in a cheek. it doesn't matter who it is.:)

Anonymous said...

And cue the troll.

Anonymous said...

he likes a nice spongey tongue and any gender could apply. Slurp Slurp

Anonymous said...

3:07/Lambertlust, you didn't post your stupid tweet here but you did post the old interview.

Anonymous said...
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m said...

Haters? Seems like most are defending Adam. If you can't take the reaction to your tweet, go away.

Anonymous said...

On this site only mature women are allowed to lust after Adam, and preferably the Adam as presented in Glee as Elliott, i.e. the perfect straight looking guy.

It's okay for Adam to be gay, as long as he is 'mainstream kind of gay', does not flaunt it or act/look too gay...

The Detail mag pics have been drooled on here... why are they suddenly out of boundaries?!

There's so much to love, adore and fantasize about Adam - let everyone have their pick!

Anonymous said...

Adam appreciates all beautiful things. He did the Details photo shoot because he said it was something different. I thought it was sexy as hell.

Anonymous said...

The Fandom is getting restless; I guess we miss our beautiful BB!

Prf said...

Defending adam from what? Lol, he did it because he wanted, what the fuck?
If you guys are really fans, you wouldnt care at all and just support him.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Admin. for posting the older posts for the newer fans. Some whom have been mooning over Glee characters for years can now moon over Adam. I Love this site!!!

Anonymous said...

4:22, you totally missed the point. Most of the comments do support Adam. The problem is with Lambertlust's post being here.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who missed them, Lambertlust was the author of the "Comment(s) deleted"

Anonymous said...

he should do a photoshoot putting his tongue on ladies in different poses.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:33 u the troll u are cuin'?????

choons said...

well, I see Brooke Wendle and they are dancing as part of the Glamnation tour, and I see Kesha - drunken party fun, I see the photo shoot with the model ... all old pics, certainly not news, and certainly not worth discussing. It's a non-issue. Glamberts know that.

Anonymous said...

When Adam was doing that photo shoot for the cover and inside pictures of Detail Magazine; it was called acting; he did not know the model. They are instructed how to pose. Adam had an interview about it; I think it was on Entertainment tonight; or one of those shows; he said it was kind of nervous at first; but it all worked out. Great Magazine Cover and beautiful pictures inside. Adam was so cute when he was talking about it.

I have my copy! Detail Magazine with Adam on the cover was flying off the shelves. Heard it was one of their bigger selling covers!

Anonymous said...

@4:58 PM Here:

Should be, "he said that he was kind of nervous"-thanks.

Anonymous said...

We all know that Adam is bi curious. He knows the beauty in woman as well as men, he prefers men.
But and there is always a big but.
Adam Lambert could have a chance to find a great connection in a female. Never say Never !!!

100% gay men do not make out with the females. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Anonymous said...

Adam where are you? come out come out where ever you are...well I guess coming out once is Adam exactly how he as hell is right

Anonymous said...

How do you delete your own posts- and, can anyone see them before you delete them; and how long after you post them can you delete them? I have never seen that many deletions at one time.
Would like to know the answer, thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

I found the Detail photo hotter than hell.
Do another Adam.

Anonymous said...

@5:04 PM Have and sign in here to comment with a Google Account.

HK fan said...

Why is sveryone getting so stressed out about a few photos (love the pics btw).
Adam has said in quite a few interviews that he loves women, finds them beautiful, has made out with many girls, has even had sex at least once with a woman....but we all know he is gay.

Anonymous said...

@5:02 PM

I donot know where to start; I will give you the opportunity to lead us to your research data.
That statement makes no sense what so ever; Adam and any other Gay person would be the authority on whether they are gay or not; and Adam says that he is 100% Gay if you want to talk in percentages; I believe Adam about his own sexuality. Not that it is any of our business anyway.

If you want to go by your theory; you would also have to say the same about females; So with all the girl and girl kissing each other in celebrity village, and elsewhere; that there are a lot of gay people out there that thought they were straight; and all because they just kissed the same sex person, with no thought of going any further or had no other physical attraction for them.

No thank you, I don't want to smoke the pipe of misinformation and downright lies.

Anonymous said...

@HK Fan

Could you post the interview webb site where he said that he has had sex with a woman; I know that he has said that he has made out with women earlier on when he said it always involved drinks.

He said his first kiss was when he was 14 I think, and this older girl, 18 years old from his theater days taught him how to kiss and make out. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Oh for heaven's sake. Adam has already admitted that he used to go to clubs and make out with all kinds of young women. he said it was fun. He admitted to having oral sex with a woman when he was a teen. He has admitted since Glamnation that he finally tried sex with a woman, and that's ALL he said about it. Of those pictures above, I think the only one that happened in a real situation is the one with Ke$ha. The others are Brooke Wendle in a Glamnation sequence, a drag queen, and a photoshoot. Whatever he does with males or females is kind of private, if you ask me. That's the trouble with social much nosiness into very private things that are nobody's business.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So does anyone know where a person can see that interview where Adam admitted to having tried sex with a woman. Should not be hard to locate, for heaven's sake!

Anonymous said...

Before continually living Adam's life over and over and over, how about those wanting to chew on this again and again, tell about their every second of their life. Assuming you've ever had one.

Anonymous said...

So many stories; so little time!

Anonymous said...

"Everybody wants to talk about a freak, nobody want's to dig that deep; Red River of Screams underneath, Tears in my eyes Underneath". Now do you see?

Anonymous said...

It was after Idol. Someone asked him a question about being a virgin, and I think he said of course not or something like that....before that he said something about wanting to try something ( I took it to mean aging sex with a woman. That's what I kinda remember.

Anonymous said...

@5:46 PM
Amen to that.

@5:54 PM
What a beautiful reminder, just love that song; brings tears to my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert has the tools to deliver and he will screw the nail in anything he desires or holds his brief interest.

Anonymous said...

Wow ...this site has really gone downhill recently...won't name names.... Agree with 2:42 2:41 2:52

Anonymous said...

Fans got their heads into the gutter again. You guys need to have your own relationship instead of speculating and making things up about Adam's private life.

BTW Adam has two concerts, one for NYE and another one before NYE. If you can ask him about his private life right in front him then talk about it. Otherwise keep it quiet.

Anonymous said...

Well as Michael Jackson, one of Adams favorite entertainers once sung, "Wanna Be startin' somethin'".

Anonymous said...

@6:19 PM

A perfect example of real class.

Anonymous said...

It's a slow news day

Anonymous said...

@6:32 PM

They wouldn't have the nerve to ask Adam to his face; they would rather lurk in the shadows and speculate about Adam's private life.

My cousin and her friend said that they were going to get tickets for Adam's New year's eve gig. She lives not to far from the area; she is besides herself with joy. I wish I could go; but just too far away. But, if Queen and Adam happen; I will do my best to make that happen for me! Just hope they will be in the States. Happy New Year to All!

Anonymous said...

Please vote for Queen and Adam on Q104's site.

Anonymous said...

@7:19 PM You're right they wouldn't have the nerve to ask Adam the same questions they bring up on the internet. And they know why just as well as anyone else.

I hope your cousin and friend make it to Adam's NYE concert. Tell them I'm excited for them if they do.

Anonymous said...

"And when Out Magazine presents him with question if he is ever attracted to females, he has this to say, "I will make out with a girl at a bar. I mean, after a couple of drinks." But, when pressed with if has had sex with girls, he simply answers "oral", before then elaborating "It was a little gross because I don't think she was as clean as she could've been. It wasn't the act of it that really turned me off. I don't really remember. I was 18 and I was drunk. Or maybe I was 17... The point of the matter is that I would not rule it out. The idea is intriguing."

Anonymous said...

From Rolling Stone, 2012: "He reveals that he had sex with a woman for the first time. So how did he like straight sex? “I’m open, but it’s personal, so I’m not going to go into that,” he says. “I’m just a person that likes to try everything, so I’ve tried everything.”

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ha! This what happens when we get a little bored and haven't heard from Adam in a while. We get antsy and feisty and drag out old info. Most of us have seen the interview where Adam discusses his past sex experiences with girls. I would impagine lots of young gay men have had sex with females. Kind of the process of figuring out who you are. Adam says he's gay and he oughta know.

Can't wait for the two concerts coming up. The Winstar one will probably sell more in these last few days. Adam's sales seem to be better than the other acts booked there. It's kind of in an out of the way place for people to get to from a distance. I'm sure it will be a great show!


Anonymous said...

And then more recently on "Watch What Happens Live" Andy Cohen asked Adam if he had ever had sex with a woman and Adam said no.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said multiple times that he is gay. I'm not going to question his judgment and speculate on his orientation. That ridiculous tweet never should have been posted here.

HK fan said...

I can't remember which one it was, it was a written interview, although I seem to remember him saying it in a spoken one too. And time wise according to many fans it was fairly recent, not long before he started dating Sauli.....and many fans beleieve they know who it was with too!!!!
How I don't know...maybe just wishful thinking and speculation.

Anonymous said...

Why everybody make such a big deal about these photos?

Anonymous said...

8:49, it's not the photos, it is the comment Lambertlust made about the photos and posting the tweet here that is the big deal.

Anonymous said...

The photos are from the time when he wasn´t open gay.
Sexuality is not a game, it depends to whom you fall really in love, gays to the same sex and heteros to opposite sex, very simple. Then there is many countries in this world still, where it should be better to be hetero, but I hope US is not that kind of country.

Anonymous said...

Adam is in Vegas now and watching Rock of Ages. His good friend Terrance is part of the cast.

Anonymous said...

Adam was seen at Rock of Ages hotel in Las Vegas today. Probably will see Terrence perform tonight.. Then Britney 's show tomorrow. Hope he hits the red carpet.

Anonymous said...

Adam attending the show Rock of ages at the Venetion. Terrence is in it.

Anonymous said...

Adam mention as one of the most successful Idols. Watch it here:

Anonymous said...

Britney's concert is in Balley's. Right?

Anonymous said...

I think Brit's residence is at Planet Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

I think the posters name says it all. Lusting for a Lambert you can't have no matter how you want to twist it in your mind.

Anonymous said...

Britney Spears concert is in Planet Hollywood. Venitian is right next to it. I just came back from LV. That place gets crazier every time I go there. I had a blast.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing Adam kissing women. He appreciates women. There is nothing wrong with these pics. He has said he is bi curious. Also, many of us find him to be the sexiest man alive so it just fulfills a wonderful fantasy.

Anonymous said...

@TVZNews :
#JaredRemember 13° Jared Leto & Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

Kristen Paulicelli @paulismelli
Adam Lambert is at Rock of Ages tonight! Def need to contour my cheekbones a lil extra for him...

Anonymous said...

becca kotte ‏@beccakotte
So pumped to perform for @adamlambert tonight at #rockofagesvegas!!!

iBr8k4Hallucinations ‏@RespectTheGB
Blow him a kiss > RT @beccakotte So pumped to perform for @adamlambert tonight at #RockOfAgesVegas!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks 2 folks who gave me a great year: @adamlambert @disclosure @Pharrell @jotaquest all of my E-family & many more to come!

Anonymous said...

. @MileyCyrus, @katyperry & @adamlambert are all expected to attend the opening of @britneyspears' Vegas show.

Anonymous said...

10:19, Adam has repeatedly and consistently stated he is gay. You and Lambertlust have some need to twist things to fit your fantasies.

Anonymous said...

Norm_Clarke 25:
Red carpet celebs for Britney Spears' opening night Friday: Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Sia, Serena Williams, Adam Lambert Mario Lopez #vegas

Which act would you love to see next year? #2014ConcertWish

Il regalo migliore di Natale sono stai gli auguri di Adam via dm. Una fan non può chiedere di meglio.

omg awwwwwww <333 RT @Lolly_zzz: Does that translate that he DM'ed her for Xmas? That's sweet of him!

Anonymous said...

Obviously there are people who want Adam to have had sex with a woman & be bio curious. I recall Adam saying he hadn't had sex with a woman but so what if he has. Adam is gay. Accept it or move on.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that the most popular threads here are about Adam's sex life, his love life & his private life in general.

Anonymous said...

11:17, very sad.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert has said many times; in no uncertain terms; that he has been out publicly since he was 18 years old. So why is this even a discussion now, on this wonderful man's fanbase? His fan's should always have his back; If you don't know him by now; you will never know him.

Moving on to 2014; the year of Adam Lambert; our International Superstar. Just continue to entertain us Adam, with all your wonderful talents; and continue to dazzle us with your physical and inner beauty, and I will follow you to the moon Adam; because you are the brightest star of all!

Anonymous said...

Adam M. Lambert, "Shines Bright Like A Diamond"!

Anonymous said...

I heard Glee will be returning in February; and our BB will be returning also, can hardly wait.
I am so proud of what Adam has, and is continuing to accomplish. What makes me feel extra good about Adam; is that he seems so happy lately and; might I add; looking so damn good!

Anonymous said...

How it is different or more 'acceptable' for straight women to have all kinds of lusting & fantasies about Adam?!? That happens here and on every fan site every day!!!

Being a fan should be fun! And having fun as a fan includes having IMPOSSIBLE dreams and fantasies re the 'Superstar' in question...and this particular Superstar, Adam F. Lambert oozes SEX & sensuality, no matter what gender you are or what are your own sexual preferences - and THAT is so MESMERIZING about Adam....So just let people have their fantasies!!!

And please don't say that you only care about his voice!!! This VOICE - as totally fabulous & unique as it is - comes with this TOTAL PACKAGE, the forever changing and evolving, most lovable Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

In the picture, left down the blond is a man name Anderson. Lamberlust already knew it before they send this picture, look thei side. What is it sense in this kind of sendings. Hope we get new music etc.

Anonymous said...

1:10 AM
@Have you fantasies .... somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Go eff... yourself!!!
That is your answer to everybody not agreeing with you and your narrowminded world!
Are you satisfied only when you've driven away most of the posters from this site??!!
It looks pretty empty around here already - look at the number of posts on other threads!

Anonymous said...

Topics about Adam's personal life ALWAYS attract more comments than topics about his career which leads one to think that's what most of his fans are interested in. It's as though they don't have an interesting personal life of their own so live vicariously through Adam's personal life. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Fantasy land.

Anonymous said...

6.11 AM
If there's a decrease in the number of posters on this site (and note - there are plenty of posts on this thread about Adam's private life), it's because there's so much nastiness that's rampant here. It's enough to turn people off.

Anonymous said...

For pete's sake can someone please tell me and some of the others what Lambertlust said..tweeted?
Why would he delete what he posted? Was it that bad? Now I'm curious? I do know that Adam said the following: He's not a 10 on the gay scale, he did have sex with a female because it was on his bucket list, and he said that he could do the deed himself if he wanted a child. No big deal about loving both men and women. Though, some people act as though it's a crime for Adam to look cross eyed at a female. Adam is the only gay male on the planet that is treated this way....go figure. All the gay people in the world can go back and forth with their sexual orientation, but, oh no! not Adam Lambert.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

@ Tall Tree

Lambertlust set us up for just such a thread, argumentative and foolish. The first few responses were accurate. It was an attempt to infer that Adam is bisexual and the photos were suppose to prove that. Since we know the circumstances of 3 of the photos and since the 4th is Adam with a man dressed as a woman it was a futile attempt. Plus the fact that most have accepted Adam's sexuality as being his business. It was a mistake to even introduce the thread title and photos.

The thread should have gone nowhere but into the
dumpster. I don't like being led by Lambertlust. We have enough dissension, discord and infighting on this site to purposefully introduce more.

Anonymous said...

Are you for real?!!

Anonymous said...

11:20 am, I totally agree.

Anonymous said...

@11:20 A.M. Thank you, and I like your comment about Adam!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Lambertlust set us up... I don't like being led by Lambertlust... Are you guys in kindergarden!?! What utter total nonsense and lack of sense of reality.

Anonymous said...

@Tall Tree
Why do you want to know what Lambertlust posted because what he/she posted must've been inappropriate for he/she to delete it. This obsession with Adam's sex life is beyond the pale. It's his business and his business only.

Anonymous said...

Obviously you did not see or read L's posts. I did and there was nothing inappropriate. In the last one he basically told you (who bash him here shamelessly) Anon xyz's to get a life! And I agree.

Anonymous said...
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