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Adam Lambert with Chris Crocker

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

Is Chris Crocker a celebrity?

Anonymous said...

Who is Chris Crocker?

Anonymous said...

He is a Youtube celebrity.

Anonymous said...

Youtube of course. I was wondering why he has almost 200k twitter followers. Not many artists have that much.

Anonymous said...

I will be so glad when mustaches fall out of favor.

Anonymous said...

Remember the kid crying "leave Brittany alone"? That kid was Chris Crocker and he turned it into being a YouTube celebrity.

Anonymous said...

What a nice picture of Adam; he is so kind to all of his fans. They seem so happy to get a picture with Adam; certainly don't blame them.

Anonymous said...

Was everybody wearing a leopard print shirt that day?

HK fan said...

I wore a leopard print top last night too:)))
And a friend did too, I told her were wearing the in thing!

Anonymous said...

The leopard print phase was short-lived in the '80s & now it won't go away. It's very popular!!

Unknown said...

Is Chris Crocker and Adam Lambert together