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AVICII Fans Love Adam Lambert's Performance of LAY ME DOWN!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 30, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 30, 2013


Anonymous said...

Wow! wow! Wow! The man brought the house down. Terrific. Trying to bring this up all night. So good! Sue

Anonymous said...

Fan double tastic!

Anonymous said...

Oh my Dear Lord; this is just out of this world, Adam is so, so good. This would be great if it became a single. Hope it's not to late. I don't know much about when singles can be released.

Anonymous said...

Adam did an amazing job on this song even though he seemed to be having some problems with the sound system as he kept giving hand singles to the band members and the sound technician to the side. It should be released as a single and I wonder why it hasn't been. It's a great number to dance to also. Adam seemed to have fun while performing the song.

Anonymous said...

It wou
It would ,be a great dance song to play on,top 40 radio. I wish it would released as a single.