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Beautiful Fan Art

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 7, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 07, 2013


Anonymous said...

It's good...look like an art work...not a photo.....JAK
Exact copies don't do much for me.
This I like.

Anonymous said...

Lucas is my fave fan artist.

Anonymous said...

wow very good.

Anonymous said...

Very well done!

Anonymous said...

This art work is really good, I get a feeling of determination and of mystery. Makes me look at it for more! Beautiful! MS

Anonymous said...

just beautiful. We have such talented glamberts, whether poetry Lamm- your the best and so many great artworks and fan made videos! I really don't think other artists fan-base have this amazing talent- maybe I'm wrong but I haven't seen it like glaberts have IMO
