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Latest Adam Lambert Picture

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 16, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 16, 2013


Rebecca said...

who is she anyways never seen her before

Anonymous said...

The eyes, the hair, the eyes, the chest, the eyes, the lips, the eyes, the jawline, the eyes, the eyes the eyes. ....


Anonymous said...

Good show!

Anonymous said...

No touching!

Anonymous said...

she really wants him in there doesn't she. hurts so good

Anonymous said...

OMG what a hunk!!

Anonymous said...

Chest puffed, looks like he is ready to go.

Anonymous said...

he looks like he is ready to eat something.

daydreamin said...

He is such a tease! She wishes...

Anonymous said...

We've seen Adam up close & personal with a few (hot) women lately. Hope guys aren't jealous .... ha! ;-)