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LATEST PICTURE: Friday Night Shade

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 6, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

WOW! - Adam you take my breath away!
Mr. Handsome, gorgeous, sexy man!

Anonymous said...

wow going somewhere fancy dancy I see. Bow tie and all.

Anonymous said...

I wonder where Adam is tonight dressed up so handsomely? Yum....he's got the most kissable, full lips, does he not??

Anonymous said...

I wish it'll be Saturday Night Light sooner or later! With or without shades.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Adam, what is the occasion ?
You are celebrating, but what... :) Looking so oo good in that suit and a bow tie.
Hmm... 6th is the Finland's independence day. .. or has a certain Finn come home ? ;)

Anonymous said...

I bet you he'll attend Grammy Nomination events around Hollywood, his hometown.

Anonymous said...

Must be a black tie event he is attending tonight. Hope we get pics tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Ok do tell.....where are you going looking so damn feeling gorgeous!,!??

Anonymous said...

Grammy nomination party?

Anonymous said...

ok pictures start rolling in.

Anne Marie said...

My guess is the Grammy nominations. He is probably there to support friends, and may be go to some after parties. This is called net working, with
A listers.

Anonymous said...

My guess new door tavern glamination party:)

Anne Marie said...

I am certainly not going to watch the show, in case of a glimpse of Adam. I will wait for pics of him at any parties, assuming that is where he went, LOL

Anonymous said...

Lol I don't think it has anything to do with Grammy nominations. You don't know who is going to be nominated ahead of time. There are no big party's.

Anonymous said...

No one as any idea if there are no parties for Grammy nominations or not. This is Hollywood parties for every occasion. But it is obviously some fancy party.
Trevor project red carpet event is Sunday I believe. Hope to see vids and pictures from that Glee people and some Adam old friend like MH from theatre days.
He looks very handsome yes probably some networking. Should find out tomorrow or soon what this was I guess.

Anonymous said...

From the hair I'd say he was caught in a heavy northeast wind.

Anonymous said...

1:11 good one!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure we get some pictures where ever he goes.

Anonymous said...

Very hairy.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see this pic can someone help? Thanks


Anonymous said...

The always super cool Mr Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture. By the way Nile's in Australia. Adam should join him.

Anonymous said...

I just finished watching Nile's performance at the Sydney Opera House, he is truly amazing, he was having an absolute ball and so was the crowd they were all going wild. I'm so glad this wonderful man thinks so much of Adam and hope they both work on new music together. Love this pic of Adam, always love seeing him in a suit, so classy.

Anonymous said...

Bring the sexy hair back like in the picture below this one.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

I'll take Adam anyway!! Although I must admit the picture below the first one is stunning and gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

SERIOUSLY HATE the hair right now and too much brows but why people love it is their choice not mine

Anonymous said...

@4:15 AM That and a couple bucks will get Adam a cup of coffee

Anonymous said...

Seriously hate the complaining comments.

Anonymous said...

@9:29 PM I'm sure they will see each other when Sauli is in L.A. cause they have been in touch all the time. Most likely they meet in privacy if they don't want to start rumours. I count on Ade to have some pictures from Sauli with his friends in L.A.

Anonymous said...

Please people, this is a fan site
Please stop using the word hate here and stop using it so lightly alltogether if possible. Enough hate in this world as it is!
Plus totally silly to say you hate somebody's hair... especially on a beautiful person like Adam, who keeps changing it all the time and who is so out of your 'control group', lol. Just take care of your own hair!

Anonymous said...

beautiful man....sigh

Anonymous said...

Adam you are gorgeous. Stop making faces and be your beautiful self.

Anonymous said...

Can't see the insta pic. Any way to post it some other way? Sounds like he's gorgeous! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

@adam_events: Adam Lambert Events. Next event Dec 8th at Trevor Live in LA. Details and more events:

Anonymous said...

@December 7, 2013 at 6:03 AM

Maybe he just simply has FUN making faces

Anonymous said...

Calm down people! His hair will grow back.:)

Anonymous said...

I get the feeling some of you are really annoying mothers and grandmothers with all the complaining about hairstyles and making faces. Can we give it a rest?

Anonymous said...

Adam, you are a living doll!!! Wish I could play with you!!

Anonymous said...

@7:11 AM-Only negative hostile post thus far is yours. Every fan has a right to express his/her opinion about Adam. Let the people speak and stop trying to sanitize the site because it's quite boring when fans become parrots. I will be the first in line to defend Adam if need be, but this is harmless likes and dislikes about a hairstyle and facial expressions. In your post you show a distain for mothers and grandmothers, I bet you yourself is old enough to be a mother or grandmother. Stop with the ageism attack because all people and their opinions are important.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Just because you have an opinion that is not totally tuned into to Adam's latest "look"that is ok by me. Frankly the sickenly adoring comments all the time are a little boring. Yes I am a fan . I don't like every style he does/ every outfit/ the tats are gross,but I still love the ride.

Anonymous said...

Marry the Night has over 3 million hits because that the glam is what fans love to see.

Anonymous said...

@8:42 AM, It's not the glam, he sang and performed the hell out of that song! It was the delivery. Even Freddie Mercury knew when to stop the glam.

Anonymous said...

So, Adam is moving again. I wonder where and why?

Anonymous said...

Adam is moving?

Anonymous said...

Where did you read that Adam is moving again?

Anonymous said...

8:32, I don't expect everybody to like every look of Adam's or for every comment to be a parrot of Adam is gorgeous but the I hate Adam's hair or I hate the face he is making is just as annoying and frankly insulting to Adam.

Anonymous said...

His condo is for rent.

Anonymous said...

It will interesting to read where Adam is moving and when. If it's for rent, I guess it means he is coming back to it. Maybe he will be trying out another city, state or even the east coast for a while? I don'tknow, just guessing. Nancy Sinatra won't be able to call him her neighbor anymore.

Anonymous said...

8:32, you need to learn the definition of ageism. That wasn't a slam against certain age groups it was against annoying and controlling parenting.

Anonymous said...

@9:47 AM The ninjas of fandom :)

Anonymous said...

As far as I know he didn't buy the condo.

Anonymous said...

Adam could love to live in N.Y.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he is renting a house again. That sunset picture was from a house on HH.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with hating a hairstyle? It's not like hating a person. I live in hope every day I check in here that I see he's tired of current look.......but, sigh, it seems not yet!
I'll be patient......JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK, hate is a strong word. But the point is that is tiring reading over and over and over that somebody hates his hair in whatever pic is shown. Even three year old pics we need to hear the I hate his hair comments again. It's tedious and disrespectful to Adam to state it in such a way.

Anonymous said...

How about this. If you wouldn't say to Adam's face "I hate your hairstyle" then don't say it here.

Anonymous said...

I would definitely voice any opinion to Adam's face. Adam voices his opinions all the time. No problem.

Anonymous said...

Might be Adam is moving again, because , even though that was a gated community too many people knew where he lived. I am sure he is looking for a place with more privacy. OR, whoever owns the apt, rented it for only a year. We will probably never know, LOL

Anonymous said...

Hope we never find out where his next dwelling will be. No intrusion!

Anonymous said...

Hah hah hah... Would love to be able to put you to test...His presence would be too much for you, I'm totally & utterly sure of that! :))))
And after facing him you wouldn't even remember what you said, let alone what you wanted to say... lmao!!!

Anonymous said...

11:14 AM, did you ever notice how nicely Adam expresses his opinions? He has never just said he hates something about somebody personally.

Anonymous said...

We have no idea if Adam says he hates things or not. We don't know him and every thing he utters is not reported. Thank goodness. Hate is a strong word depending on how its used. I hate tomatoes, mosquitos, hypocrits and grammar rules. Nobody much minds you hating them so why not hate moustaches or beards or big fake boobs? I don't recall anyone hating Adam.

That would be rude.

Anonymous said...

Once again everybody says what an admirable person Adam is, what a nice guy he is to everybody, etc, but then when it comes tine to to live up to that just in regards to comments about Adam... all talk and no action.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam but don't like everything he does or some looks or fashion of his.
But I love, love, love the man.

Anonymous said...

None of us know the man. It doesn't matter how many concerts you have been to, how many meet and greets, how many hugs or autographs you have stashed away or if your walls are covered with photos of you posing with Adam. You don't know him. He is talented, he is handsome, he appears to be friendly and witty, but we don't know him.

The word love is tossed around as easily as the word hate.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the people here saying they hate Adam's hair would think if they had to post their own photos and we got to critique their hairstyles every day for months.

Anonymous said...

1:11 am. Dec. 7

JAK right?

Anonymous said...

Just FYI: The above post @12:47 is not me, your regular benign 'stalker' (jk)... The plot thickens... :)