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More pics of Adam and friends in Vegas

Filed Under () by Admin on Friday, December 27, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 27, 2013


Anonymous said...

He looks like a star in that group picture.

I love the top featured picture on this website too. 24/7 keep it for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Terrance found himself a nice niche of friends with the ROA gig.

Anonymous said...

that must be the brit brit posse. planet hollywood show will be a spectacle of sorts. Her dancers are incredible.

Anonymous said...

All very nice picture. Picture #4
from the top is a gaggle of handsome men!

Anonymous said...

What does ROA stand for?

Anonymous said...

Repeating what someone said on another post; "Adam does shine bright like a diamond".

Cute picture with Terrance hugging Adam's leg in jest. Adam has such long time loyal friends who love him very much. Terrance and Adam or definitely that kind of real friends to each other!

Anonymous said...

@ 9:42 AM.......I assume ROA is Rock of Ages the play Terrance is in.......JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK - @10:19 AM

Of course, where is my mind? I remember now that he is in that play. Just didn't connect it at that moment. Thanks so much. Have a happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Sweet dreams are made of this!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam - our shining star!


Anonymous said...

Aam would only put up with Terrance holding him like that. That's what friends are for. HNY

Anonymous said...

@ 10:45 AM....You are entirely welcome and I wish U a Happy New Year 2 !

Anonymous said...

Adam is in the center; and seems to be the center of everyone's affection!