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NEW PICS of Adam Lambert at W Hotel Hollywood

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 16, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam, do you have enough rings on your hand? And I do like that vest or sweater that he is wearing under his jacket. It looks shiny, maybe it's silver metallic threads. Was this a holiday party? He certainly does get around doesn't he and everyone wants to be in a picture with him.

Anonymous said...

with rings on his fingers and bells on his toes, he will have music wherever he goes...

Anonymous said...

I think he always look fantabulous ...but I find myself missing the nail polish...,not sure why but I've always loved men in nail polish and fact if Adam and Johnny Depp made a movie together and they were both wearing eyeliner...,I'm pretty sure they would have to haul me out if the theater on a stretcher ...don't get me wrong though I'll take me some Adam any why I can get him..rose petal

Anonymous said...

@Admin, why a new thread for every pic from the same event?!

Anonymous said...

Are you agree, that when Sauli came back to LA, Adam has been out lots more than before. Sauli just has been in LA 1 week and almoust every night Adam has been out of different events. I just wonder why just now?

Anonymous said...

We have no idea if Sauli was there or not, I am sure if he was, he would at this time refuse any pictures.

Anonymous said...

The first picture is nice.

Anonymous said...

I don't keep track of how often Adam goes out.
Why would I?

Anonymous said...

Many posts for pics from same night. Very confusing. Guess the visuals are what matters. He's looking good.

Anonymous said...

Picture #1

Fainting time! So gorgeous is our Adam.

Anonymous said...

No complaints from me; Adam looks absolutely drop dead gorgeous.

There will probably be many holiday parties that Adam will be invited to. Lots of gorgeous pictures.

Lots of perfect fans here to critize every step he takes, every move he makes. Too many rings; not enough nail polish. What about eyeliner?

Adam do whatever you want, wear whatever you like, be with whoever you wantto be with. Just be safe darling, and continue to entertain us; because that is what you said you were here for. Peace!

Anonymous said...

Adam is perfection as always. He makes me smile!.........nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

It is someone's goal to bring Sauli into every post about Adam; why? What is the point? Adam and Sauli are friends; they have seperate lives, when they are together, fine. When they are not, fine. Leave them the hell alone.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so happy and handsome there. Such a beautiful young man; so many wonderful things are happening for him right now. So many new adventures this year.

Next year, I have a feeling is going to be the most fantastic year yet for our man. Hold on people; it's going to be an exciting ride. I am so excited. This beautiful man deserves every bit of good things heading his way.

Anonymous said...

Sauli probably dumped adam again and he is drowning his sorrows.

Anonymous said...

@2:25 PM I certainly hope so so we no longer have to hear about Sauli.

Anonymous said...

@1:11 PM - #1

If you want to know anything about Adam's personal life; why don't you tweet him and ask him?
You won't find the answer here. Only stupid guesses.

When and if you find out, you can tweet Sauli and let him know. I am pretty sure they will be thrilled. Then you will be satisfied and able to sleep at night.

Anonymous said...

@2:25 PM/Troll alert

Oh no, not you again; we all know that you are not an Adam or Sauli fan. I think you are the troll that was terrorizing the other thread this morning by interjecting Sauli.

Everyone was saying over there that you were nuts and a trouble maker. That you, /wanted Adam and Sauli's fans to go at each other negatively. People, don't fall for this trolls dirty tricks.

Anonymous said...

that goes for you, too!

you're no better than the trolls!
shame on you!

People, please stop reacting and noticing these stupid posts!
Can't you see from the post when it's total BS and utter troll nonsense?!?!

Anonymous said...

booze head.

Anonymous said...

Agree 110%!!

Anonymous said...

That would mean Sauli is very stupid!

HK fan said...

Haven't read any of the threads so not sure if its been posted,
but this event was
End Of Year Party at the W Hotel Hollywood
Royalty Rope Management & Production

Anonymous said...

@2:52 PM

It also goes for you too; you sound like a troll yourself and, it bothers you because someone is calling them out. Adam's fans have a right to defend him when and any time they feel like it. do not need reprimanding from you; unless you have suddenly taken on the role of site administrator. We are free to speak our mind just as you are!
Shame on you for trying to dictate your views on others.

Anonymous said...

I guess grammer school is out.

Anonymous said...

Yes 2.54 I heard that about you.

Anonymous said...

agree 100 and Fifty percent! Trolls are bad news. Bring out the vaccums.

Anonymous said...

Get off the site; no booze allowed; especially if you are under 21.

Anonymous said...


Mind your own business.

Anonymous said...

It's the end of the year holiday parties all over LA. Bunch I went to myself. Having one myself tomorrow night and bunch other ones go to again this coming weekend. Another one I am attending tonight. BTW I don't drink at all. Never have and never will. Parties and seeing friends are way more fun without it.

I'm happy to look at all these glorious pictures of our rock star enjoying the end of the year with friends and having two the end of the year concerts to share his enjoyment with his fans and celebrate best things coming his way in 2014.

Love & Peace

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so handsome on all these pictures. So very happy. Love him so much!

Anonymous said...

Happy days are here again; looks at Adam's gorgeous smile. Damn he is a handsome man.

Anonymous said...

@3:26 PM

What a beautiful post. The kind of post that brings a smile. Sounds as though you are going to have a wonderful holiday season. Hope mine will be as much fun. Will be enjoying as much of Adams videos as possible. Hope all the fans will have a wonderful holiday season. Be safe.

Anonymous said...

Someone's having FUN!!!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't critizing Adam .... I would never critics him I love him... Just saying what I enjoyed ....hell I don't care if he colors his hair green and pierces his nose ....just miss the nail polish ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Hey, the 110% comment was in reply to 2:12 pm, not to booze head comment! On my phone comment comes under reply, not in order. I love Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Bring on the party pictures! I love a holiday party. Going to a few myself and hosting one, too. 'Tis the season!


Anonymous said...

Picture #1;

Now that is a face!

Anonymous said...

It looks like he is going to need a liver transplant someday soon. Hope he can afford it.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:20 go chuck your change in a vending machine somewhere. cracker cracker

Anonymous said...

I'm so good I could woof down a whole pack of Oscar Meyer's in one serving.

Anonymous said...

***Admin, how much more offensive than comments about needing a new liver does it need to get before you delete??

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:19
beats me, so much for negative comments will be deleted.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam does party a lot more power to him just so he takes good care of his self.

Anonymous said...

Rose petal please don't mention nose pierce I hope he does not do that.

Anonymous said...

Lol ... I kinda hope not either .... my point I love no matter what :) ....rose petal