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"Producers are eyeing Adam Lambert up for other roles"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 6, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 06, 2013


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is this the same article that was in the London paper about two weeks ago. Guess it picking up steam from across the Pond!

glitzylady said...


It was just a matter of time before someone realized the possibilities.......

Anonymous said...

It is NOT in the current magazine with Angelina and Brad on it.

Anonymous said...

no eyeing just signing please. I never heard anymore about the voice over work has anyone else. Rumors rumors rumors.

glitzylady said...

Nothing wrong with rumors..because they often turn out to be true... And the ones that don't: oh well....

Anonymous said...

I just like the fact that he is on the media radar. And even if the rumor isn't all true, I do believe that the MTN performance on Glee DID turn some heads. It certainly didn't do Adam any harm. If his Glee profile stays high, things may happen as a result. He got their attention, for sure.


Anonymous said...

I've become such a skeptic that I need to move to Missouri, The Show Me! state.

Anonymous said...

Gullible glamberts

glitzylady said...



glitzylady said...

We're fans..We hope for the best for Adam. Deal with it :)

Anonymous said...

NBC should have another live musical with Adam. Great voice and he knows how to act as well. Maybe Wicked or Fiddler on The Roof or Hair or other musicals that Adam has done in the past.

Anonymous said...

I vote for kind of music!!.........JAK

glitzylady said...

Well, and there IS that scene in Hair.... :))

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady. 12:11pm


Yes! I vote for Hair too!!!


Anonymous said...

11 53
You can't tell when the same article is just being recirculated and doesn't have any real info? You can't figure out that the original article was a silly pr plant by shoshanna ?

Anonymous said...

i'd rather Adam just focus on his solo music career and put out another album and do a world tour

Anonymous said...

Yes, the new album in '14 is just a rumour too..

Anonymous said...

12:20 you are far superior to everyone here but you still haven't figured out this is an Adam Lambert site. lol

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:53 AM
Yes, I can see that it"s a rumor that's been picked up and recirculated but it's a rumor I like to see being passed around. Its good PR for Adam. It gets his name out there. And may..or may not..have a certain element of truth to it.

Unless you have some inside info that clearly points to the contrary that you would like to share, then please let those of us who wish Adam to have every opportunity to shine in the many possibilities that might come his way in the imagine and enjoy some positive thoughts. I believe that the sky's the limit for him and I'm excited for him. In the meantime, I'm just taking it one day, and one rumor, at a time :)))

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I just don't think you have to be a fool to be a fan. You can enjoy his performances and legitimate good news without being taken in by every silly thing. You can know that the entertainment business is tough and competitive and someone saying a couple of lines on a notoriously awful tv show isn't going to have producers lining up to get you in their movies. Most adam fans were laughing at that story

Anonymous said...

my God the trolls are even jealous of rumors now?

glitzylady said...

Hi! How are you? Long time no see :)) (Since iHeart & Queenbert and SD before that :))

And agree with you for sure: Need. New. MUSIC !!!! But I wouldn't mind seeing him doing some other things on the side as well.

As the Queen song says "I want it all..and I want it now.."


Anonymous said...

Then hair it is!!!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope Adam never gives up singing to act.
Singing is his GIFT

Anonymous said...

@1:02 If you mean Adam's gigs with his own band I dare to disagree. The band and cover songs are so boring it kills the mood. Adam performing on VH1 Divas was superb though, especially Let's Dance.

Anonymous said...

@12:20 PM

Your concern about Glamberts getting their dreams crushed; it is so touching. Can't they see you are just concerned with their well being. What is wrong with them; you have tried so hard to make them see the light; time after time; post after post, and they still don't see that you are trying to save them from themselves.

I don't blame you for being angry. Don't they see that although, Adam did say in interviews in his own voice; it is still a rumor. He is a rumor monger; spreading rumors about himself. I know you are not going to give up, until you make them see the light.

They are even still getting excited about him being on Glee; I know that probably bugs the hell out of you. Not to worry; one day they will see that is not really Adam on Glee; it is just another vicious rumor!

Anonymous said...

Hair! Yes! Wow, Wow, Wow!

Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

Oh sheesh! I seriously can"t imagine Adam giving up singing..EVAHHH!!! A whole lotta singing, a little acting here and there... And really, whatever makes him feel happy and fulfilled makes ME happy for HIM!

And yes, it does make me feel pretty awesome too, to listen to his incredible voice either recorded or better yet, live, in front of me :)) Pretty much #Nirvana right there.... And it seems to be what Adam loves too, singing live for those who love him, or WILL love him once they hear him sing :))

Anonymous said...

@1:02 PM

Show us a list that you have of all the Adam fans that you say were laughing at the reports that producers were interested in Adam's acting and singing abilities. Put your information where your jealous mouth is. Thanks.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:22 PM
**wink wink*** :)))))

Anonymous said...

11:52 AM So name calling is ok if it's you

Anonymous said...

Some jealous freaks are coming here again he!he!

Real fans are good freaks!!!!:)

The bad ones???? Oh! Dear where are you heading???:)
Just quit it!!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

With The success of Sound of Music Live last night on NBC with almost 20 million viewers, a new prospect of live theatre performance on TV got established. NBC opened up new doors for theatre world. Broadway world is jumping up and down right now because of positive outcome of last night's SOM. I'm sure producers are thinking to jump on the bandwagon and create more live theatre shows on TV. I hope this translates to roles for Adam on TV. Jesus Christ Superstar for Easter with Adam.

We are fans of Adam and we love to dream big for our Idol.

Anonymous said...

Pressparty ‏@Pressparty
GLEE producer says it's a "privilege" to work with Adam Lambert.


Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:46 PM
It was a word play on the previous poster's remark. Sometimes even THIS "voice of patience" or "simple-minded deluded fan" has had enough of the cynicism and skepticism that often brings down the mood of this site, all in the name of being "realistic" and all that ...stuff.....

Excitement and the ***dreaded*** "positivity" is met with remarks about being "deluded", "fools", "stupid", "living in the Adam Lambert bubble (which isn't a bad place to be be honest ;) " which are apparently ALL perfectly valid and compelling reasons in some peoples minds to be rude to those here, for instance me, who are merely hoping that some of these rumors are true, particularly when it could be of great benefit to Adam and his career.

So okay, I apologize, but I expect the same from those who can't just well enough alone and let us just ENJOY the moment..and the fun rumors that may or may not be true. I seriously doubt that anyone here believe's everything they hear. But why not imagine the future possibilities....

Thanks... By the way, my name is @glitzylady. What's yours? Anonymity is so convenient, isn't it??


Anonymous said...

There are a lot of rumors and speculation as to what else Adam will do since his role on GLEE. I won't believe any of it unless it comes directly from Adam or his management people and he has signed on the dotted line. It's great that there is such interest in him, but let's wait to see what actually is offered to him. I am most interested in his third album and what is happening with that. He needs this one to be much more succesful than Trespassing with a single that gets radio play. I hope that 2014 will be the best year yet for Adam in his career and also his personal life.

Anonymous said...

Since this live production of The Sound of Music cost millions of dollars to put on the air, I doubt that producers will be racing to do another show even if it is Hair or JCSS. And as far as Adam being in it, I don't know if he is at that point in his career to give up time on his album work or even touring. I would love to see him in either show, but eventually I want it to be on the Broadway stage which obviously takes up a big chunk of your life on a daily basis. Maybe someday, when there is a new musical written for him in the lead or in one of the revivals that has been mentioned. I guess we will just have to wait and see what the future holds for Adam and us.

Anonymous said...

@2:21pm Since TSOML drew in close to 20 million viewers between ages of 18-49 (doesn't include DVR and other age brackets), they are fool if they don't make other musicals. They are re-airing it again during holidays and I'm sure it will be broadcast all over the world. This was something new NBC tapped into and they were successful making it in six weeks period and brought them tons of dough.

Anonymous said...

Magnificent! in accordance with Hair! HH

Hair 2003 European Tou

Anonymous said...


Agree with you 120%!!!

Anonymous said...

This is good PR for adam.wonder why this news not circulated over the net.

Anonymous said...

1:04 I know, just when you think they can't stoop any lower or get anymore foolish. Bam!!

Anonymous said...

Why do you keep answering this same lol troll?! The same sorry tune over and over again.

Anonymous said...

Even voices of reason lose their cool sometimes. O_O Whoda thunk.

Anonymous said...

ET TV entertainment magazine said today that NBC is already in process of making other musical live TV shows and other networks might do the same because of last night's TSOML great viewership rating.

Adam's management: look out for any opportunities!

Anonymous said...

I read Carrie Underwood and Sounds of Music got bad reviews.

Anonymous said...

Yes, of course, the jump from one TV special to Adam doing Broadway on TV.

Anonymous said...

You constantly say the stupidest things it's hard not to call you out on them. And then you defend yourself by saying its all fine because it just means you are a big fan,

What happened to betting your house that avicii would release LMD as a single at the same time he released his album? Avicii has already announced a fourth single and not LMD yet. I remember you believing the obviously mistaken report that adam would be a judge on the voice Australia. You lectured everyone about adam and sauli having true, eternal love during the time it was obvious they had broken up. You believed he was hard at work recording a record with rca when he clearly wasnt. You just aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Adam has had a couple of throw away lines on glee. Thinking this makes him in demand as an actor is foolish.

daydreamin said...

Anon 11:11 I was optomistic about all those same things as @Glitzylady as well as a bunch of others on this site. So we don't have ESP. DUH. You don't need to rain on anyone's parade, including Glitzylady's. You are being rude and offensive and a downright downer. I guess I just don't understand why some are being called out on their optimism. If you prefer to be a pessimist that's your call and I guess you must have your reasons, but I think most people prefer to be positive. It just gets you further in life. Positivity attracts positivity. Try it. You might like it.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:11 PM
To be honest, I don't even really know what the hell you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, it doesn't take much to ruffle feathers 'round here.

Anonymous said...

11:11 isn't the only one tired of the lectures.

Anonymous said...

My logical side is Fighting hard ! Seriously, if true, it is a good news.
But will adam focus on his musical career? That's all he needs now

Anonymous said...

The know-it-all lecturers are annoying.

daydreamin said...

As are you.

Anonymous said...

As are some of the tagged commenters.

Anonymous said...

Just remember the Golden Rule. . .

Anonymous said...


Especially Lam-my! And you among the untagged.