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Rachel (Lea Michele) and Elliott (Adam Lambert) Will Perform "Heart" on Episode 10 of GLEE (Airing Early Next Year)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 14, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 14, 2013


Anonymous said...

Barracude is my least favorite song from Heart! Best sung by a woman. So Adam will end up singing background to Rachel. I hate this!

Anonymous said...

This isn't one of my faves, either, but I'll bet they do something really great with it. I'm not worried.


Anonymous said...

I don't know this song; I like the rhythm of the accompaniment. Adam will be poised to wail his high notes but there is a part where he can showcase his low tenor. It'll be a good contrast to the mostly high soprano/leggiero of Lea and Adam respectively. Will get many hits. Perhaps, Glee could use one of Adam's songs, somewhere down the line on the show.


Anonymous said...

Lam-my-I have the same hope as you-that Glee might even use one of Adam's songs before it is all over. They love him so much that it could possibly happen for us.
Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

love this song and I can't wait to hear Rachel and Elliot do their thing.

Anonymous said...

Hey Margarita Lady
I not only hope it'll happen, I feel it should happen. Basing on the two songs, that Adam will be singing as duet/trio, the songs are not of any higher order or simply put, better than Adam's own songs. For instance, WWFM has been given several different treatments and all sound beautiful; but probably use a fresher one. Example, Underneath...isn't it in the same vibe as the Hold On song and to my mind a lot more melody and less repetitive. Runnin, a song about struggle but with encouragement, pretty similar to Hold On thematically. Fever, one of my favourites and composed by Gaga whose songs they use so much on the show. Perhaps they need to do one, some time down the give respect to Adam's works. Perhaps Glee being a worldwide franchise, wants to use more renown singers' names to sell Glee more effectively. But I've not heard of the artists of the two given songs. Adam is not exactly unknown worldwide.


Anonymous said...

Anytime I can hear Adam sing it is good news. He seems to have found a good role for himself with Glee and the cast members and production staff all have such nice things to say about working with him. And wouldn't that be great if they did use one of Adam's songs before it is all over.

Anonymous said...

This song isn't one of my faves either but it'll be interesting to hear Lea and Adam's version of it.

Anonymous said...

Margarita Lady...You know that sexy poem of yours in first person personification is pretty daring, lol! I'll have to admit, not as daring as you in this context. lol! The last 2 lines: I'll unfurl my flag...Finally, disclose all mystery! x-rated. lol!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my-my greatest dream would be for Adam to perform Runnin' on Glee! This song is a masterpiece of lyrics and music-it would just be majestic to see him blast the audience with this incredible song. I wonder if Ryan Murphy chooses the songs or maybe it could be Lea Michelle who gets that honor? I do truly love the song Barracuda sung by Heart, but I hope Adam gets a verse of it on his own to sing and not to be just a backup artist. Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Lam-my-I blame that poem on you. I was being so good that entire thread until you got to posting and your poems got me all inspired. Therefore, I blame all that naughtiness on you, but, actually, the poem was really funny, wasn't it? In fact, I bet if Adam read it, he would laugh (especially with a few glasses of wine to go along with it). Do you know I forgot on which thread I posted that poem, and I didn't keep a copy, but I do remember those last words, "I'll unfurl my flag, Disclose all mystery"! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

I'm not crazy about this song, but then again, I wasn't crazy about MTN and that turned out GREAT!!! Then again, he sang it alone!! I'm excited no matter what though. I'll definitely be watching!!

Anonymous said...

Margarita Lady...Perhaps you got a bit high with your excessive consumption of margarita. lol! There, not entirely my fault. Hey another line pretty x-rated...I'll just stay down in my stifling cage...Should I break down the door? And cause a rage? Perhaps replace rage with, hot spring? You would need to continue with ing-sounding words. lol! Mmm let's, zing, ting-a-ling, sing? lol! Okay, enough. lol!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my, I am sure in the near future that more poetry will flow from you and me on this topic. We just need the correct thread on which to get it started. Plus, it helps when all the posting Glamberts are in a fun happy mood and letting down their hair a little on the wild side.....I will say goodnight now as I must get up early in the morning. More fun to come! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

I love this song by Heart . Love the instrumental part of it, the melody, and it like the way it builds up to those high note wails. I can see Rachel going for those high notes but so can Adam. I can't wait to see the musical arrangement they work out as a duet ( I hope Adam is not just used as a background voice on this though).


Anonymous said...

I have a feeling Adam will be pushed into the back ground with this song, and I too would hate this, it would be such a waste of his talent, so if it's a duet I just hope it's in equal portions where they compliment each other. I'm not mad about this song either but Adam can make any song sound good so here's hoping it works out in Adam's favour.

Anonymous said...

oml I just plan on enjoying the effing song when it's on. No need to showboat his voice each song people know he can sing.

Anonymous said...

what is juicy storyline between lea n elliot and the rest NYC.Lea said her fav is frenemies and trio.are they going to focus more on NYC in frenemies and Trio?hopefully yes.

Anonymous said...

Hes wasting his talent and time on Glee at this point in his career. People less familiar w his career since Idol only see him singing others songs w no reference to his own music. I think this role takes away from him to be honest. But I do love Heart and Barricuda.

Anonymous said...

Very ordinary song but I'm ready to be wow-ed by the Glee performance of it.

Anonymous said...

3:51, Not a waste of Adam's time and talent at all. So many more people have seen his talents and he definitely has picked up many young fans.

Anonymous said...

Repeat exposure on TV is the best thing that can happen to an entertainer. At least Glee allows him to sing and those actors get a lot of red carpet treatment. The show's hype still exceeds it's ratings. Lots of good buzz.

I understand preferring a new cd and Queen to Glee but this exposure is very good for Adam's cd. It will increase the sales potential for his cd.

Queen = older; Glee = younger; New music = 20-30's. He's ticking all of the boxes.

Anonymous said...

Barracuda sounds right for the storyline.

Anonymous said...

His own music went nowhere. Not everyone is cut out to be an artist. Adam is best singing other people's music. May be a hard pill for him to swallow but he needs to fork on his acting and pursue tv and theater type work

Anonymous said...

Focus not fork

Anonymous said...

@3:51 AM, I never thought that I would ever say this to anyone, but you need to crawl back under the rock you came from. Adam is not only a singer but an Actor too. He's working for an award winning producer of several successful television shows. Adam working for Ryan Murphy is a win-win career move for him. Be a loyal fan and support Adam by watching Glee. Furthermore, Adam is not the first and he won't be the last to do cover songs!!! It surely didn't hurt The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Jay-z, and a long list of other artists.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

It's so funny and irritating to read this pony complaints about Adam's music and being in the back ground all the time he!he!...
If Adam's career is going nowhere, do u think producers and media will be interested to follow him!!???

Don't think so!!! So chill out and suck it up!!!:)


Anonymous said...

@5:36 AM - #1

Read what Canadian @7:21 said so eloquently. Applies to you too, that is if you are not also 3:51. If you are; then, you need to hear it twice!

Anonymous said...

Canadian, it's obvious from your many posts that you aren't too bright. Saying he isn't an artist who is able to produce original music is not saying he doesn't have a good voice or a career. We all have limitations.

Anonymous said...

@8:00, you sound like a mean-spirited, insecure person. I'm guessing the trollish post @5:36 is also from you. Please do yourself, and the rest of us, a favor: close your laptop and focus on being a better human being....


Anonymous said...

Why is everybody so rude and mean? And it usually doesn't make much sense either.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to focus on what music is favored today in pop instead of what makes him happy if he wants true stardom in the music bizz . Then maybe more stations would play him on the radio. At first I thought it had to do with him being gay and that choice he made at the AMA s . But now I think its just a matter of music choice. I hope.his career will improve because he has so much talent to offer the world.

Anonymous said...

The artists on Glee are super talented so the very fact that Ryan Murphy wanted Adam to join them speaks volumes about Adam's talent. Performing on Glee helps to showcase Adam's ability and helps to keep his name out there in the public arena. I do agree that it's important for Adam to work hard to produce his 3rd album and that his real success will come through his own music but creating awareness and public interest in Adam must come first and Glee plus performing with Queen are excellent ways to do this. Coming of a reality tv show such as AI can carry a stigma, whereas Adam is now earning his rightful place in the music industry, Glee and Queen allow him to prove to the public that he is not just a flash in the pan but a real force to be reckoned with. Rodger Taylor and Brian May would never consider Adam as their front man unless they thought he was worthy. It's reassuring to see that these legends believe in Adam along with Ryan Murphy and let's not forget Nile Rodgers, 2014 could be shaping up to be a very big year for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to remind that Trespassing album went to number 1. Mission accomplished, imo. Of course, some glamberts like Adam only singing rock. Maybe that is why Tommy was yawning..

Anonymous said...

@8:35 AM Exactly,
and then the poster after you does rude and mean. sigh

Anonymous said...

@9:05 AM and it's forever in history books of music. ;)

Anonymous said...

continued from anon. 9:01 AM... I have a good feeling about Adam's next album, there's no reason why it shouldn't be a huge success for him.

Anonymous said...

No, not mission accomplished when you can't even sell 200k of your album in the us and you lose your record deal. And it will be much worse for him the next time around.

Anonymous said...

He had the advantage of a major label and working with huge hitmakers last time. His budget will be far less this time around because of his sales.

Anonymous said...

@9:14 What do you think he should do or have done then? I think the US radio promo tour was not a good idea.

donnaw said...

I Love this song and think it's perfect for Adam and Lea....lots of high notes they both can do and i love the beat.....

Anonymous said...

9:14 AM / 9:17 AM...
Adam had good reasons for walking away from is record label, yes he has taken a risk in doing so but it was his choice to make and I support his decision 100%. I love watching and supporting his journey from AI through to this current moment, we all suffer set backs along the way and Adam has had a few but he's not the type to give up on his goals and dreams, it's important that he stays true to himself while taking another turn in the road to get to the top of his game. I admire his courage it takes guts to change direction and try new things, he deserves your full support, he doesn't deserve your criticism.

Anonymous said...

9 30

As I said I think he needs to work on opportunities where he is singing other people's music like broadway. Animated voice work. Or queen obviously is a great opportunity for him to make a bundle of money. Maybe he should have worked harder to come up with a good idea for a cover album with RCA, like a winter holiday album even tho he is Jewish. Classical music even.

Anonymous said...

@9:14 AM

Hey there, you with the hate daggers in your eyes; so glad to see that Adam has such a wonderful supporter as you; one who really respects and believes in him; one, who is also very positive about Adam's future.

Don't let anyone tell you, that you are just a troll trying to tear down the reputation of this beautiful, talented International Star.

Don't let anyone tell you; that Adam didn't lose his record deal, and that the reason ADAM CHOSE NOT TO RENEW HIS CONTRACT WITH RCA, was because they wanted him to do a cover for his next album (even though that is the fact). This has been verified by RCA executives and and Adam Lambert's Management.

But, don't let anyone tell you those truth; because it might interfere with your lies. So just hold on; his Album #3 is coming and it will knock the socks off your non-supporting hateful self. But, don't let anyone tell you that!

Anonymous said...

It really gets to me the way these so called fans (or more likely trolls) love to criticise as if they somehow have all the answers. One very important thing they forget, it's not their career it's Adam's and you either support him or you don't. I don't know how he manages to stay so focused with all the crap he has to put up with, thank god the majority of his fans remain loyal and that he has a great support network with his family and friends.

Anonymous said...

9:01 Many artists from Idol have had no problem with the stigma from a reality music program. He has far passed that stigma. His choices have hindered his career. Something is his problem. Not sure what it is.

Anonymous said...

9 54
Well adam isn't my family member so I don't owe him anything. I support what I like and I don't support what I don't like, just as I do for any other performer. Some of you seem real, real confused about that. And I don't contact him so my opinion doesn't affect him in any way.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the same old ladies showing up at the radio promos and saying the only current music they listen to is Adam's didn't help. Maybe some fans have a role in the failure of the radio promo tour.

Anonymous said...

10:39 AM..From 9:01..
There is a certain stigma that goes with AI I agree that Adam has managed to shake off this stigma however fronting Queen and performing on Glee only stand to help further his career placing him on a higher platform. You refer to choices he has made, I can only say we all make choices good and bad, none of us is perfect, Adam has already been highly successful as an international artist, even if TP did not do so well on radio, it has been successful in Asia and parts of Europe, no so great in the US. Many famous artists have had a run of success but occasionally have had an album that hasn't worked so well, it's bound to happen, that does not take away their talent or ability to go on and produce an amazing album that strikes a cord in peoples hearts. Don't underestimate Adam's ability, he loves a challenge, I personally believe his playing it smart and his next album will be a killer.

Anonymous said...

@10:39 PM

So called fans like you, always trying to tear him down; not support him might be some of your preceived problems. Adam is doing quite well; so I wouldn't worry too much about him if I were you. Also, the future looks very bright for our shining star. As long as he continues to work hard and enjoy his life.

Anonymous said...

@10:47 AM & 11:01 AM/ Same person

Why are you even here? I don't think you are a fan at all. I think you are just here to try to tear down all the happiness and joy that is happening to Adam right now.

His fans are enjoying every bit of it; we don't need negative Nick's and Debbie downers like you hanging around trying to pretend you are some kind of concerned fan.

You are the confused one, so why don't you take that confusion somewhere else, where people care about your negative thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Aww, don't worry girls. Adam had a very bad couple of years but hopefully he can pull himself out of this slump.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that Adam considers himself in a slump. Why gloom and doom? He's working, he's socializing, he's probably pretty happy and excited about his current projects. Give it up. His fans are are aggravating as his detractors. I don't think Adam has had a couple of bad years. Why do you? Because he hasn't reached the goals you have set for him? Leave him alone, he's an adult. IF you are a fan let him handle his career and future, he's not asking for advice.

Let go!

Anonymous said...

I'm very excited to hear Adam and Lea sing this. Great song for great vocalists!


Anonymous said...

@11:07AM- I absolutely agree with your comments. Maybe those of us who are fans hoped he would be more successful with his album sales and radio play, but that is not to say that he has been a failure. There seem to be opportunities opening for him recently and probably some in the works that we do not even know about now. Hopefully his next album with produce singles for radio play and bring him the recognition and success he so deserves in the music industry.