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Random Sexy Adam Pictures!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 7, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, December 07, 2013


Anonymous said...

We are seeing a lot of random sexy pics of Adam lately. Each one is interesting for a different reason. There is a good closeup of the arm/sleeve tattoo. I hope he doesn't do too much more. I guess it is the thing to do if you are into the music scene and each one seems to have some significance and meaning to the person getting it.

Anonymous said...

Adam's tats looks crazy!!!

Anonymous said...

Tattoos are the thing to do if you like tattoos.

Anonymous said...

I really did like the shaggy head of hair. Maybe it's because it was my old style in my 20's.....I feel nostalgic....maybe it's just because.....he looked so darn purty!!!!......JAK

Anonymous said...

Love pic. #1

Anonymous said...

Adam should hang out with Anderson Brooks and Courtney Stodden now that they're all single.

Anonymous said...

I am liking all of them.

Anonymous said...

Adam's smile is the best.

Anonymous said...

I love the tattoos

Anonymous said...

On trend or not, the latest thing or not, I'm not liking his latest hair cut. JMO

Anonymous said...

The 1st pic is new to my eyes, I'm always happy to see a photo of Adam I have not seen before. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Im so with U!!! Love the shaggy look!!!
Have a great evening I look 4 ur posts all the time bc U put such a smile on my face Ur the best!!

Love and light, Dana

daydreamin said...

Dana I have to agree with you about @JAK! She is the BEST!

anon 1:47 Same here. He looks amazing here. Love the shaggy hair too:) Those jeans....:)

Anonymous said...

The shaggy look? You mean Adam's shaggy hairstyle? If so, I ADORE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not keen on tatts at all.

The gifs are great ..... soooooooooooo close-up!!

Anonymous said...

Let me repeat... Those jeans... :)))
