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Adam Lambert Very Active on Instagram! More LIKES

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 16, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, January 16, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam is liking his marijuana. And it's legal in Colorado. Hope we get some more stoned videos that the glamberts can examine for clues. Ha!

Anonymous said...

11:59 AM

Anonymous said...

Adam loves to smoke weed :)

Anonymous said...

Here we go. I imagine this thread will get very long. Hope not.

Anonymous said...

he wants a little grrrreeeen in his blunt.

Anonymous said...

madonna havin' the big O. and it isn't oprah.

Anonymous said...

madonna havin' the big O. and it isn't oprah.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so funny; likes all kind of pictures; loves to get people talking. Then I guess he just sits back and perhaps laughs at the responses. Just likes on instagrams, that's. Not a clue about his like. Just something for the trolls to jump on; and I sit back and laugh. It is not a picture of him holding it. So let the crazies go crazier!

Anonymous said...

OT: Heard about Adam and Queen possible concerts. Yay! Hope to hear more soon.

Anonymous said...

Both pictures very artistic; Adam does have a keen eye for Art. Love this man, he like all kind of pictures. I bet he is so interesting to talk to.

Anonymous said...

he doesn't have to be holding anything to like it;))) delusional trolls would think otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I can see the art of photography. Great artists use great subjects. glorifying drug use is wrong in my opinion, but you can see the art in the photograph.

Anonymous said...

@11:59 AM

Ha, ha; calm down! Just a picture, not Adam. Better luck next time.

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't glorifying anything; he saw a picture and posted on instagram. It just happens to be posted here. He likes all kind of pictures.

Anonymous said...

@12:15 PM & 12:35 PM

Did you say something; I thought I heard someone who was pretending they even knew a little bit about Adam's life. Oh, I guess I was mistaken; of course you don't know him personally. Nice try though.

Anonymous said...

It's not an artistic photo it's a pic of 24K gold rolling papers.

Anonymous said...

Just to be clear as some people don't seem to get it, Adam didn't post these on IG, he just clicked on like.

Some people seem to be obsessed with seeing and discussing everything he clicks on.

Anonymous said...

@11:59 PM

You are so smart; Should we come to you for any other drug related questions; you seem to be an expert on who is using; and what states it is legal in. Sounds as though you have been going to each eligible state indulging; from the information coming from your brain; why don't you examine yourself?

Anonymous said...

1 10
Oh you seem real smart

Anonymous said...

@1:05 PM

Wow, 24 caret gold rolling paper!
Now that is artistic no wonder Adam instagramed it! Thanks for this important information.

Anonymous said...

1:10, pretty common knowledge in the US that it is legal in Colorado and Washington. Calm down.

Anonymous said...

@1:12 PM

Not really; just sensitive to folks that are casually throwing out insinuations about Adam without facts; even in jest. But, I realize we are all entitled to our opinions; so carry on.

Anonymous said...

Adam has been very clear he smokes weed, has said so in a million different ways. If you still think that's up for debate you are nuts. And I don't think there is anything wrong with it, it's amusing to me as with many fans who frequently joke about it, you are obviously just real uptight

Anonymous said...

@1:13 PM Adam did NOT instagram this pic.

Anonymous said...

@1:18 PM

I was not commenting about where it was legal. I was commenting on the use of Adam's name interjected because of an instagram. I, my fellow poster am very calm; believe me. I have just as much right to express my opinion as you. So I think you should take your own advise.

It's been nice chatting. I a Off to vote for Adam in the Out contest.

Anonymous said...

All the mother hens trying to convince themselves that Adam doesn't smoke weed. Lol

Adamluv said...

In a decade or so, IMO people are going to look back at us and say how ridiculous the drug war was, just as we say about prohibition (when liquor was outlawed). My parents had lots of stories to tell about going to parties and the bathtubs were full of gin. The fight against alcohol back then was as unwinnable as the fight against drugs is today. BTW - I dont use either now that I'm older. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Whaaat...sauli deleted the pic with Ade..and yeah I know that doesn't belong in this website,sorryyy! I'm just confused right now

Anonymous said...

So confused you had to start shit on another thread?

Anonymous said...

1:28 your earlier comment sure didn't come across as calm or sane.

Anonymous said...

@1:42 PM :( I hear there was some rude comments but not have seen. Just the good ones in the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Adam enjoyed a picture of weed, and liked it, of course he does, he uses it himself for pleasure, it's no worse than drinking, that he does plenty of for pleasure, also. I don't know his life personally, but the pictures are there to prove it.
I think every event he goes to, someone shoves a glass of booze in his hand. When I was younger, where ever I went to visit people or go to an event, after the people say hi, the next thing they say is what would you like to drink, and are totally affronted if you don't want one. It's just how people at events and parties are, and have been for eons. Besides that Adam likes to have a glass of something and a little puff or two. Both things make you feel relaxed, the only trouble is when you over indulge. Adam has always played it smart, and always has a ride going to and from any event or club. I am not saying I condone this life style, but this is Adam's world where this is the way it is done.

Anonymous said...

I was under the impression Glee did random drug screens and that is what sent up red flags about Cory's situation.

Anonymous said...

Glad this thread is pretty sane.

Anonymous said...

Lol no one would pass if glee screened out people taking weed.

Anonymous said...

opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.

Anonymous said...

1:34 PM

Yeah, they're so pathetic. ;D

Anonymous said...

1:47 PM Calm down, Sue!

Anonymous said...

Ladies, please, stop! We love Adam and who cares which photo in IG he likes. However, I want to ask admin do not publish LAMBERTLUST'S threads on this blog. We had fights about these threads few times already.

Anonymous said...

I'm really not interested in the Likes threads.

Anonymous said...

Will you please stop blaming @Lambertlust, what Admin posts here and if you can't deal with Adam's life and his 'likes'!

Dream on all you want, but don't for one second think all Adam fans here are like you or share your opinions!