NEW PIC of Adam Lambert with Chris Daughtry!
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Posted at : Wednesday, January 29, 2014
VIA chrisdaughtry
46 minutes ago
Hanging with @Adamlambert at the #idol workshop. Glad to be back! Stay tuned...
46 minutes ago
Hanging with @Adamlambert at the #idol workshop. Glad to be back! Stay tuned...

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One of the comments on instagram suggested adding David Cook to that picture. I agree, Idols 3 Powerhouse Men.
Idol workshop what is that all about? Does that mean he will be on American Idol, and also Chris?
Hope so.
Great picture. Of two teriffic men. I have always liked Daughtry. He is very talented also. He has always spoke kindly of Adam. Wonder what this is all about? Inquiring fans want to know, before we start gussing our heads off; ha, ha.
This article in TV Guide mentions Randy Jackson's Idol Workshop: Adam will be on an episode it seems!! Yay!!!!
"Current Songs, a Randy Jackson Workshop and More Changes for American Idol Season 13"
"Camp Dawg? Randy Jackson may have left the judges' table, but the producers are building up a whole different part of the show for him to highlight his mentoring. Between Hollywood Week and the live shows, "Randy is going to be hosting a two-day workshop," Kinane explained. During that time, the singers will go through extra education to work on song selection, their images and styles as artists, how to deal with emotional pressure and more aspects of performance. "Randy is very much putting this together, and that will carry through to the live shows," Kinane said."
Sorry: "Excerpt" above...
@IDOL_Insider: Overheard at #idol workshop: contestants asking @adamlambert advice on fame and having fans. They're starting to get noticed in their towns.
Nice to see Adam and Daughtry together; he is one of the good guys. Adam's looks are to die for; He is so beautiful. Jus good looking.
@14gelly: Professor Lambert teaching the idol contestants :)
So that's what rock stars look like.
I always thought Daughtry was scared of the vocal chops that Lambert can put on display:) Daughtry never hesitated that he liked ALLEN better. that is Karma for ya.
Adam Lambert and Chris Daughtry at 'Idol Workshop'
Today might be vocal powerhouse Adam Lambert's 32nd birthday, but that doesn't mean he has the day off.
Earlier this afternoon, former 'American Idol' finalist Chris Daughtry shared a photograph of himself posing with the 'Trespassing' star via his official Instagram page (shown left) and told his followers that they're currently together an an 'Idol Workshop'.
The caption reads: "Hanging with @Adamlambert at the #idol workshop. Glad to be back! Stay tuned..."
Pictures & Video & Read more about it here:
Glad to see that Randy picked two of the best "non winners" but such vocal powerhouses to participate in his Idol Workshop program. Great pic of these two. Hope Adam is enjoying his day.
Great picture of the two! Adam looks especially yummy. I can barely take his hotness anymore. Lol. Fingers crossed to see him on Idol...
Idol Workshop sounds like a great idea and Randy got the powerhouse vocalists lining up. YAY! We're gonna see Adam back on AI. CAN't wait to see how this plays out...Good Luck Adam and again, Happy Birthday Handsome:)))
Will be nice to see Adam on TV, guessing they will be paid for this. But not singing, giving advice for this years contestants.
Check out Ryan Seacrest Happy BD shout out with 32 great gif pictures of Adam:
@OnAirWithRyan: Happy birthday @AdamLambert! 32 reasons why he's glamorous ... in GIFs!
@YellowsistaBert: ‘American Idol XIII’ spoilers: Adam Lambert, Chris Daughtry to work with Randy Jackson
Non winners always finished the race he!he!
I just love my rock god!!!!:)
Happy B-day!!!
CD is giving weird eye gestures while AL doesn't look impressed. could this be a rival of the Idol rock Gods????
3:07, they are both just mugging for the camera :)
Saw Daughtry and Adam perform on the same day at the same event in S'pore a few years ago... it was so great ! Axel
I think this is going to be great.......will watch them on Idlol
I think this is going to be great.......will watch them on Idlol
Really nice picture. I wonder if Idol will use it for the promos.
I wonder how much of this workshop will be seen on Idol. Maybe clips of Adam and Daughtry working with contestants will be used as an introduction for background as the show progresses in Hollywood. Both men probably have lots of advice and firsthand knowledge for the contestants since their time on Idol and their subsequent music careers. It would be great also to have both Adam and Chris perform during this season. Good Luck to everyone.
It seems to me that in watching Idol this season, we are not seeing too many of the "crazies"and outrageously embarassing performances we have seen in the past. And it looks like so many of the contestants are being sent to Hollywood. But those numbers will be cut quickly once they perform again in groups, etc. There are a few very young, talented people there. But for me, no one can compare To Adam Lambert. He had me at that first note and I could not wait to see him perform each week, esp. when it got down to the top group of contestants. He just set the bar so high that in my opinion no one has come close to his vocal talent and amazing stage presence. So let's see what this season brings.
Idol is wisely using some of their best alumni as bait to draw in viewers. They can hook me with Adam. <3
Anon 2:34 - thanks for the Ryan Seacrest GIFs! They were terrific! Loved each and every one and what they said about each one. It's a keeper.
Daughtry has been kind to Allen, not Adam.
Preferring Allen and helping him out.
Have not heard Daughtry's nice words or being good to Adam.
11:39, have any links to actual facts to back up your insult? No? Didn't think so.
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