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Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, January 16, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, January 16, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam I hope the club fills up and you guys stay busy all night long. Have fun hosts and patrons!! I think that picture will bring in the business. Js lol

Anonymous said...

Have fun Adam! Hope we get some pics tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy! Adam

Anonymous said...

A very inappropriate picture, but I guess that is what being gay is all about. I am sorry that Adam's name is linked to this, it certainly won't help his career. Yes I am clutching my pearls. Why do gays think it's all right to flaunt their bodies, clear down to almost their private parts. I guess all the parties will be like this at the Aspen affair.
OK have at me for my opinion, I can take it.

Anonymous said...

Well if he is the party host maybe he can get them to play some of his music. Haha

Actually I bet adam and markus are in the bar business together in the years to come.

Anonymous said...

3:35, right, because the straight community never does anything like this and all gay people are one dimensional caricatures. Roll eyes.

Anonymous said...

Hope he plays some of his own tracks for folks at BB club opening night. Give yourself tons of exposures, Adam. I'm sure we get media coverage about it tomorrow. Srategising! Initial ground work to make yourself visible. His own community support is one important key. Media coverage. Fanbase. Then possible announcement of label. Finalize making album 3. Release album. Promo tour. Then world tour.

Anonymous said...

3:35 yes I am thoroughly appalled like you. Never in my life have I seen pictures of straight women with their boobs hanging out and pictures of them in a bikini a with their snatches barely covered.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Miley and Katey exposed their almost naked bodies on cover of mainstream magazine? Wasn't Bieber almost naked on cover of a magazine? Have you heard of Sport Illustrated magazine almost nothing there bikini issue? How about Victoria Secrets shows on CBS.

Anonymous said...

since Adam don't discriminate, he will probably let whoever strip down to their skivvies.

Anonymous said...

women will show up with their snatches exposed.

Anonymous said...

I used to be very compassionate toward the gay community, and believed what they all said, that they were born this way. I accepted that. I now have a different opinion of a lot of gays. They ARE choosing this life style. They say they cannot help liking the same sex, OK. But why do they have to act this way in public. I would have thought this would be about their private lives, not to be displayed in the public eye. I am aware that a lot of gays, have more respect about themselves, and do keep it for their private lives. I have lost all respect for Adam and his friends. He is sponsoring this gay week in Aspen, as he has sponsored other events, and participated in many, since he left home. All this for a so called charity event. Bull. I am done with him and his kind, not all gays are his kind, but he has chosen to flaunt this behavior, and it is not decent.

Anonymous said...

3:53 oh no please don't go!!

Anonymous said...

wow another pearl clutter thread. nice. *grabs popcorn

Anonymous said...

Bootsy bellows is not a charity event. The whole week is just to drum up business after the holidays. Gays have a lot of disposable income.

Anonymous said...

3:53, won't miss you. Bye!

Anonymous said...

3:58, add stereotyping.

Anonymous said...

all the idiots that judge every single thing Adam does thru the lens of ther own limited world view can you please go away. go be judgemental of Adam somewhere else. Or better yet go follow another singer that is more G rated.

Anonymous said...

I don't approve of straight people acting in a disgusting way either. I don't support them, but that is another topic. I was talking about Adam and his friends. I have supported him, and bought his music. But I have had my eyes opened about him and his friends. I guess I was just blinded by his great voice and his appearances on Idol. He acts one way if it suits his purpose, and another to impress his friends. He won't be acting this way with Queen, that's when he puts on his good boy charm. Just as he does for meet and greet. That is all false, it's not how he really is, as he proved at the AMA's. That's how he really is.

Anonymous said...

I'm really sick and tired of the negativity. It's too bad the haters and trolls ruin things. Not worth checking this site. Another fan lost.

Anonymous said...

4:10 back already?

Anonymous said...

That pic on the poster seems to be a few yrs old( that guy looks older and balding now)still nice looking,if he's the one I think he is;he may be just another model.I was google-ing Jared Leto cause he's in the news so much, and after winning the Golden Globe,he's now nominated for best supporting actor for an Oscar.BUT guess who I saw w/even fewer"clothes"on??Levine!!not that I WANTED to see him,but there he was w/a women's hands around his privates,and that's ALL!I know that's OT,but all this stuff seems to go together-lol!I hope BB DOESN'T have any hidden pix like the Levine one.I DON'T think so,but Sauli could;not my business,tho...maybe Adam will even sing live w/or w/o a backing track;bet they certainly will play some of Adam's songs or videos @ the very least.

Anonymous said...

A lot of us suspect that Adam has an investment in Bootsy Bellows, so by promoting BB, he is adding to his income. The poster was an ad to draw in the crowds. Doesn't mean everyone is going to come dressed (or undressed) like that. Lighten up! After all, everyone loves a "bad boy".

Anonymous said...

@3:53 PM

In my strong opinion, you were never accepting of Adam anyway; so stop pretending, you are not fooling anyone.

You just wanted to have your homophobic rant, trying to turn people against Adam and the Gay community. Your stench can be smelled a mile away.

Hope you are gone for good. You are so pathetic. Adam certainly does not need low life scum like you, anywhere near him or his fandom.

Anonymous said...

Well I don't think he has an investment in bootsy bellows. That is fan fantasy. The h wood group seems to be very successful and the investors names are known.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for some sexy pictures from tonight. So excited for Adam and his friends!! I LOVE my gay guy just the way he is!! I wouldn't change a thing about him. Just wish I could be a fly on his wall!!

Anonymous said...

@4:10 PM

Back so soon; seems you just can't stay away from Adam. Hope they never let you near him in person.

You probably can't come anywhere near humans anyway; since you are an angel dropped from heaven.

Anonymous said...

i swear i'd bet some of the pearl clutchers on here have never said the word fuck in there entire lives. They only want sanitized family friendly Adam.

Anonymous said...

OK I am low life, who stinks, because I don't like indecent pictures or behavior. So be it, I hope I don't corrupt your ideals.

Anonymous said...

4:21 indecent?? lol. clutch those pearls tightly!

Anonymous said...

Lol did you ever watch him perform during gnt?

Anonymous said...

@4:10 PM

What's the matter did Adam break your little old heart. Heartbreak can be a killer. But, you should never live so much through another human being; especially an international superstar like Adam; who you will never be able to control. You either accept him or not, you have said that you have chosen not to; so why keep coming back; just let go, it's OK!

We don't need to hear all about your unhealthly fixation on this beautiful man's life. See a therapist; I think you are in serious need of a reality check.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Oy Vey.......

3:35 Your kind keep claiming this-or-that is bad for his career...HES STILL HERE! AND HES STILL QUEER!

His career is NOT hurting ONE BIT because of any of his shenanigans. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

4:31 i think the only thing they ever saw was Mad World on idol. JS

Anonymous said...

@4:31 PM

Did I see him during GNT? Oh my God yes; I was there. Wasn't he just fabulous. So beautiful! can't wait to see him again.

Anonymous said...

@4:35 PM

Is that you @4:31? I think
it is. JS

Loved Mad World too. But, you are kidding arn't you? You think that is all fans have ever seen of Adam. Please get help.

Anonymous said...

I think these posts are getting a little confusing. I think we are getting the crazed ones mixed up with Adam's sane fans. I am out of here. Have a good evening all of Adam's true fans!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a picture with Sauli and Marcus in it. Do they not like each other? Have never seen Sauli in many pictures with Adam's friends except the band and dancers.

Anonymous said...

Ok i've gotta see this pic. Someonne please post it. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Unrealistic fans and now trolls. Barf.

Anonymous said...

There are pictures with sauli and markus. Who cares

Anonymous said...

I wonder what would have been the comments if Adam posed like that!? Hmmmm....I would have drooled all over my ipad. I don't know about you all!?

BTW, why this person who likes Adam like a geek with plaid shirt on doesn't leave us alone? Go away already! Will you? Why are you hanging around his fansites with your hateful comments?

Anonymous said...

As long as we're giving opinions, I think Adam doesn't cause near enough controversy. He's almost milk toast compared to the really big stars.

I don't know why anyone thinks this pic is a big deal. Unless you never turn on your TV or maybe you don't even own one. Actually this guy is gorgeous.

I might as well add, I hate long goodbyes. Stay and support Adam or leave, I don't care, just make the jump one way or the other.

Anonymous said...

Markus is one of Adam's many bot toys

Anonymous said...

4:56, sorry, can't do it from my phone. It's just a good looking guy with a sweater tied strategicly around his waist while holding a fur coat. It is an ad for tonight's event designed to look like a magazine cover. It's no worse than what you would see on a Cosmo or Sports Illustrated cover.

Anonymous said...

I like Sauli, but that guy he is pictured with is UUUGLY!! He can do better than that I'm sure. Sauli is so cute. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam is using protection. Be safe Adam.

Anonymous said...

Seriously wish Admin would require people to register to comment. That would cut down on the complaining comments, the troll comments and the bickering. But maybe Admin is paid by the number of hits and she doesn't want to lose money to have a respectful fan site.

Anonymous said...

Adam performed in Hair and he said it made him feel okay about his body. It made him feel free. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. By the way the cast was naked in Hair. Models half or completely naked is nothing new. I don't thank Adam is about to start performing naked anytime soon. Anyway, it would not make him a bad person. Nudity is not bad. Violence is bad. Am I used to seeing a poster of a near naked man - no, but I'm not going to stop being a fan of Adam. Get it together please. It's nothing to cry about. Adam is still Adam and the best singer and performer in the industry. Have fun Adam!

Anonymous said...

Someone should photoshop Adam's face on that body. YUMMY!

Anonymous said...

We got homophobic comments and racist comments. I doubt these are from Adam's fans.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 5:04 for your efforts :)

Anonymous said...

5:09, by the way the nudity in that musical is a brief scene. Not the focus of the show.

Anonymous said...

"ewww nudity" pearl clutchers

Anonymous said...

5:18 - I realize that, but my point was nudity is nothing new. Adam is very comfortable with his sexuality and himself. I believe this is one of the reasons Adam is accepting and inclusive of everyone. He would probably say - it's not that deep at this entire conversation. JMO.........nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

making users log in wouldn't help cut down on the trolling. People will just set up troll accounts. I can see it now. AdamsButtPlug, BallsOnAdamsChin, Ect

Anonymous said...

I have been a fan of Adam since Idol. I love his voice. He is amazingly talented. But something is holding him back from real stardom. Can't put my finger on it. It upsets me that I have to defend him instead of just enjoying his talent. I think I might have to take a break.

Anonymous said...

One sane, rational & sensible comment and everyone pounces. The rest of you are the pathetic ones. Just silly, immature ass kissin followers. I've managed to remove the blinders also, but most of you never will. I really should stay away but you all are like a terrible car crash. You just can't help but look.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:53 PM,

Oops!:) I feel you!!:)

You can't really accept what is going on around you eh???

My advice to you is just don't watch television, read and listen to anything:(

Especially don't use your dirty fingers to use the computer ok!:)

For your own sake to have a peace and quiet moment don't leave the house indeed!!:) Everything will be ok dear!!:)


Anonymous said...

JAK here...........There is a nightclub in Vegas in one of the biggest hotels, my g'son was a guest of the hotel.....concierges in swanky hotels 'treat' each other to free special evenings. When he was there last time they had dinner in a members only private dining room. He sat there practically elbow to elbow with Will Smith and wife, etc. etc. a room filled with celebrities in every walk of, politicians and "stars".
......."straight" people who have chosen their lifestyles...a public persona and a private one.

The waiters cleared the table of floral decorations and a lovely naked young woman came in, laid down on the table and the servers proceeded to cover her body with sushi and other finger foods. My g'son and his date were was a long dinner with several guests trying to get a smile or laugh out of the girl (she is not supposed to respond in anyway). The bill for the 6 people in his party, drinks included was just under $6,oooo.oo dollars. Fortunately for him he was a guest!

Gay people are not the only people who have "entertainment" that many or most people would consider lascivious and, pardon the pun, "distasteful"....

I find that behavior of straight people and much of the behavior that gays
enjoy not to my liking......
So I don't participate. But it wouldn't cause me to not see a movie they were in or read a book they wrote or listen to a song not vote for them. . I grew up in a very prudish society and it was some years before I came to believe that everyone has their own idea of decency and I'm only responsible for my actions and I have learned that the same is true for everyone.
I like the 78 year old me much better than the 28 year old me.

Anonymous said...

Negative people on this site are only upset that in spite of all their negativity, Adam Lambert managed to make over $5,000,000 last year. It hurts them so much that Adam IS successful despite all their attempts to put him down. Love Adam! He IS living HIS life the way he wants to live it. He is really LIVING life, not just going through it scared.

Anonymous said...

Thanks JAK for saying what you did.
I know I stumbled through my comments but you came across very brilliantly...........nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

JAK, much of the behavior that gays enjoy not to your liking? Much? Please explain because that is coming across as homophobic.

Anonymous said...

5:29, I see you are planning your troll accounts already. Hope it happens so your IP can be blocked.

Anonymous said...

I guess you don't know much about the internet and that it incredible easy to use a web proxy and block anyone from detecting your IP address

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

6:10, trolls like you would be practiced at that and at creating multiple accounts. You must be very psychologically disturbed to put effort into doing that.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:03 PM......Cool your jets......I'm talking about "entertainment".........and if you read correctly you will see that I headed that sentence with "behavior of straight and..." I have no problem with the sexual behavior of consenting adults.

Don't go hunting for homophobia in any of my comments, you won't find it. It's a cliche I know....but .......some of my best friends are gay! And a couple relatives!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK has been an Adam Lambert fan for a long time and does not need defending by anyone.

Being a fan means you support your favorite straight or gay. What they do or do not do in their private life is their business. I feel Adam is a loving role model for anyone who feels alone or bullied. I totally support him as a human being and a gifted singer and performer.

Please let's not start picking people apart, especially when you obviously don't know them. Peace.

glitzylady said...

Good grief!!!

This guy is GORGEOUS and is wearing more than some guys do on a beach, wearing a speedo, in Miami, LA, Hawaii, Rio de Janeiro, or any of a number of hot weather places.. I've seen a few, and I appreciate the view :)) I mean REALLY! Hot damn!!

As for Adam being gay..and enjoying gay themed events: Surprise surprise... He's been a member of the out and proud gay community in West Hollywood for years, and he hasn't done anything to hide that. And he's still gay. And no doubt will continue to be gay...

I won't argue with anyone here about what Adam "should" and "shouldn't" do. Everyone has the right to an opinion (although I may not necessarily share the same opinion).. He is who he is, and if that's not okay with some, then that's the way it is.

I suspect Adam doesn't wish to live his life based on what others think he should be or do. I've been fascinated by Adam since Idol. And I continue to be.

Adam's tweeting of this picture of a minimally dressed...but sexy-looking (and in VERY good shape as near as I can tell ;) .. guy advertising Bootsy Bellows in Aspen tonight is pretty darn mild, in fact inconsequential, in reality, considering what we hear about some other notoriously bad-mannered celebrities behavior. No names here but you can probably think of a few....who pop up on the news and gossip websites on a fairly regular basis..due to their obnoxious, and sometimes downright dangerous to themselves and others, behavior.

He's at Aspen Gay Ski Week. Who do you expect him to tweet a picture of, Mary Poppins? Well, maybe some other "Mary" 's but nothing from Walt Disney...if you catch my drift.

All I can say is "Adam, have a great time, stay safe, and ENJOY!!..."....

By the way, don't tell me I'm naive, stupid, or any of that crap.. And to the person who invariably has something negative to say, about whatever I post, this isn't a lecture, it's my opinion. And that's all. Take it or leave it :)))))))))))

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

JAK, you said behavior.
"I find that behavior of straight people and much of the behavior that gays
enjoy not to my liking......"
Now you say entertainment. Do you mean you don't like the same entertainment you assume much of the gay community likes? You singled gays out more than straights with the "much."

Anonymous said...

Haha I love you glitzylady ❤️

Anonymous said...

I have to admit JAK's comment read awkward and odd to me. I was surprised as I read it because it seemed rather disapproving and judgmental. I can see how it reads more disapproving of gays than straights.

Anonymous said...

OT@glitzylady You reminded me when my son was 6 years old I put him in competitive swimming. The first time I went to a competition that included all age groups (think seniors in HS) it was all I could do to act nonchalant about the guys Speedos. By the 3rd competition I was totally comfortable. lol

A few months later I was shopping in a mall and 3 nice looking young men passed me smiling and say my name and saying 'Hi, how are you.' I didn't recognized them immediately, then when I did I almost said "I didn't recognize you with your clothes on." but caught myself in time.

Anonymous said...

Those of you tagging your comments with name, I love you. Hope the trouble maker doesn't manipulate what you said by taking things out on context.

Anonymous said...

@3:35 pm
same goes to women/straight guy who proudly flaunt their asset to viewers.Sexy is sexy no matter who u are and be proud to flaunt to anybody if u hv good body.u think gaga,miley,levine,beckham..all of them and many more flaunt their body on your face.u think gay does that is typical gay what about straight people?double standard eh?
U cant dissociate adam from gay community.he alwys been out.he is not a person who is stay in the closet try to fool people in hope that can recruit a legion of straight fanbase(especially woman) for his own benefit.
I guess if he wants easier success,he definately will do it post idol but he dont.

Anonymous said...

What these particular gays are not understanding is that , it doesn't matter if you are gay or not, but keep your sex and nudity in your bedroom. Other people may not enjoy seeing it as much as you. Adam does all these ways of having sex with other men, and he likes it, doesn't matter how disgusting it is to other people , he likes it. BUT, he usually keeps it in the bedroom, where it belongs. We are not comparing him to other gays or straights, we are talking about Adam only. He will not change in any way, you have to accept him knowing how he lives or not. Your own decision. Being gay is nothing to be proud of , it's just the way a person is. I get tired of people saying they are proud of being gay, they are no better than anyone else. It's not considered an accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:48 and 6:54. .... Read the sentence before " I find that behavior".....I clearly state I am talking about entertainment.

Now think what you like, I said what I meant and you can interpret it however you will............much as I love a debate, this subject doesn't warrant any more "explaining" .............JAK

Anonymous said...

Proud of being gay means not being ashamed. No one should live in shame - thus, being proud of being gay. No one talks about being ashamed to be straight. So, no need to say proud of being straight. Does not mean gay or straight is better. Get it? sigh

Anonymous said...

My opinion to u,if u love adam voice plse support his music that all but dont waste your precious time investing into his life style coz it is not suitable for u to know.

Anonymous said...

@7:17pm. You have problem knowing the picture of the guy almost half naked covering himself with sweater around his waist and a long coat being gay but not this picture of Levine almost naked posted on tons of magazines around the world cause he is straight. See his picture below:

Anonymous said...

Um, what?

Anonymous said...


If you object to posted picture you should object to these pictures:

Anonymous said...

@7:33 PM I've seen those before. Yet he gets named Sexiest Man Alive. It all REEKS! Admin should post those here.

glitzylady said...

I understand what you meant. No apologies necessary. We all have our limits.... I probably would have been more than a little **amazed** at the party your grandson was at. As in OMG! Whoa!

glitzylady said...

@nancdruuu2 7:28 PM
Well said....

glitzylady said...


Anonymous said...

It's natural to be ashamed of being gay, because it's not the way nature intended. We are made with parts of our body to com-pliment the other sex. Women are created one way man another. Trying to have sex with the same sex as yourself is not natural. I am not interested in what you think of me, I am just stating facts. I personally believe that gays have a slight mix-up in their wiring in the brain. Adam made that statement himself. I honestly don't think there is any way to change it, or if anyone is studying the subject, in order to correct it. They are still working on Alzheimers brain disfunction, and have not had any results to cure it, although they know that there is a calcium build up, but they don't know what causes that . So for now there will still be some people born gay, with this disfunction.

Anonymous said...

I get the logic in your well-worded comment. My thought is...perhaps in the context you've pointed out, the word "proud" may be taken to mean...not ashamed/afraid/be open about it, rather than the usual meaning of proud as perceived in an "achievement". But I think your line of thought is valid. I prefer this kind of open argument, instead of those that throw it off course and query, based on their own spun/irrelevant line of argument. Not referring to anyone in particular.


Anonymous said...

Now I'm curious what entertainment JAK knows gays have that straights don't have.

I thought the naked sushi girl thing was over. Isn't that Sex And The City circa 2005?

Anonymous said...

7:50, just wow.

Anonymous said...

My point is no matter staright or gay u are free to be flaunt your body without discrimination .why need to remark like oh..why gays always flaunt this...everydody has freedom to do what they wanted to do.not all gays love to flaunt their body,same goes to straight.Not that i cant reconize who is gay/ straight posing in the magazine.i dont care really.

Anonymous said...

Yes if anyone can send picture it would be good I can't get it either.I have not even seen it but it still can not be as bad as women showing every thing except a band aid over their private parts.

Anonymous said...

@7:50 #1

There have been done tons of studies about it and it can be detected as early as seven months old. It's just that people are ignorant to search and open up their minds about it.

Anonymous said...

Please, leave JAK alone. She is one of the biggest Adam's fans on this blog.
By the way, this photo is gross.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture!

Anonymous said...

Whoever this person is, is punching everything and everyone below the belt with her posted comments at every single one of this fansite's thread subjects.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:11....The photo is of a very attractive young man with what appears to be nothing on....he has a sweater tied around himself at the point of no return....and as @ glitzylady stated he is no more bare than many men at public beaches. If he were a "waxer" there would be no reason for discussion.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Well, since everyone is pretty excited about this picture, positively or negatively...I'd just drop a few lines. It's beautiful from an artistic point of view and perhaps with a fair amount of sexual perception. lwl! I actually find the details/looks especially all the different muscles/sinews of this handsome man's body sexciting enough to paint. lol! If it were Adam, I would be able to come up with a tantalising verse or two or perhaps a long poem even, lwl!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe what 7:50 wrote. So ignorant. They must have a mis-wiring in their own brain.

Anonymous said...

For the people who can't see instagram, here are two links to see the "shocking" pic. Looks like a cover of Men's Health magazine to me.

Anonymous said...

7:17 PM
Well said.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing hot about Adam Levine.

Anonymous said...

I don't go around saying "I'm straight and I'm proud". That's ridiculous, and someone saying "I'm gay and I'm proud" isn't necessary either.

HK fan said...

seriously.....your line 'why do gays think its all right to flaunt their bodies, clear down to almost their private parts' is just the most ridiculous thing I've you not read newspapers, magazines, watch film, tv programmes etc you honestly think straight people never pose naked or semi naked?????????
Why should a gay person not be allowed to do what straight people do all over the media.
Plus, one do you know this guy is gay anyway?????? You can't tell just from looking at his picture, you're just ASSUMING he's gay because of what the poster is promoting, maybe he's a straight model who's being paid for a modelling job???? would that make the picture OK to you if he's straight?

and @3.53pm and 4.10pm
act what way in public....what behaviour has Adam been flaunting, or most other gay people come to that??? he goes to work, he goes to bars, he goes to parties, he goes to the cinema, he visits his parents, he goes out for dinner with friends, he goes food and clothes shopping with his (then) partner, he goes jogging, he uses a treadmill.....nope sorry still not seeing what you're getting at? So far nothing I can see is any different to what 90% of the population do....note I didn't say 100%, because obviously you and people like you don't associate with friends....

Anonymous said...

11:30, you are twisting the meaning of out and proud. Obviously you have never been part of a persecuted group.

Anonymous said...

4:49 PM

Sauli doesn't use drugs, that is why he doesn't hang with them.

Anonymous said...

Could it be they are cornered, say by taunters and so they say, I'm gay and I'm proud as a kind of self preservation. Like in the case of Adam, I didn't even know he is gay...on Idol, until photographs of him as a gay man, surfaced; followed with lots of derogatory slurs. And so at interviews, he has to clarify he's proud / comfortable with his sexuality. Likewise other gay people who need to stand up for themselves and who otherwise would not go round proclaiming their sexuality proudly. On the other hand, the straight / 'normal' guys wont't need to say they are straight and proud because their sexuality will never be questioned / taunted.


Anonymous said...


How do you know they use drug? Are you with them right now? I've seen a picture of Sauli with pack of cigarette in one hand and carrying a pack of beers in the other. I saw a pap video where Sauli was hugging and kissing one of Adam's friend. There was a picture of Sauli in Marcus' house holding a puppy. Why you always drag Adam into the mud on this fansite that uses his name? If you don't like Adam why do you follow his every single move?

Anonymous said...

@ 7:50 PM - if you are fond of facts and what and isn't natural. Living things are plant and animal. We are of the species homo-sapiens. Scientists have observed and listed over 1500 species of animals who exhibit and show sexual attraction, sexual activity, to their same sex. So nature accepts this activity in many species.

I don't think our species should be as you say - naturally ashamed of being gay. Should a four year old child or a 12 year old be told they should be ashamed if they are destined to be gay by nature?

Thank God for all the parents like Eber and Leila who recognized Adam's future and raised him with love and acceptance. Society made him have some fearful years as a teen, but acceptance of his nature and discovering he was not alone once he was grown made him realize he had done nothing wrong and he could be accepting and proud of himself as we all should be.

Anonymous said...

Before I get off my soapbox - a word about lifestyle!
The gay community has as many different lifestyles as the straight community. Some people rise to the top of their society, some people live in the gutter. I personally could name more straight gutter residents than gay ones.

But that would only be my opinion not fact.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:17. I really wish straight people would keep their sex and nudity in the bedroom too. Sick of it in videos, movies, magazines and it's gotten to where you haven't ARRIVED in the halls of celebrity till you have your sex tape available. Set up your camera and get to it and you can be the newest STAR in town!

Anonymous said...

@5:04 AM Well said.
Straight people continually shove their nudity on the public.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember the days when women would say 'My eyes are up here'. Now they say 'My breasts are out and down here.'

Anonymous said...

I'm in the way down here age. : (

Anonymous said...

@JAK, I'm hopin @7:10 is your post, cause it's hilarious like you!

Wish I'd know you for real! So many so much younger people are so so much 'older' than you... Live long and be merry, Signora JAK!

Anonymous said...

Si, molte grazie......Just tellin it like it is! Gravity can be cruel.........JAK

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, that's why I don't have whole body mirrors, enough scare every morning from the bathroom mirror... Porca miseria!

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