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Young Adam = ADORABLE!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 7, 2014

Posted at : Friday, February 07, 2014


Anonymous said...

Don't we just love Adam.

Anonymous said...

Dawww!! Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, a little angel:))))


Anonymous said...

The boy's a pro!

Anonymous said...

What's that one in the middle of the bottom row? Never saw that one before.

Anonymous said...

Some one's trying to make up for every one getting mad at him/her for yesterdays flub.
Sweet pictures of Adam as a youngster. Won't get any flak with this post.

Anonymous said...

Omg Adam the cutest kid ever

Anonymous said...

2:46, can't decide if the posting of his tweets and him being the first to comment on so many posts is to appease us or annoy us.

Anonymous said...

2:46 and 3:09
Will you cut it out.
Fuckin childish!

Anonymous said...

@ 2:01 PM.......JAK here.....the middle, bottom row is a new one to me, but perhaps it's a Merlin the Wizard (stories of King Arthur) costume. When my g'son was young he was cuckoo for magic and he loved Merlin so my Mom made him a cape with moons and stars and I made him a tall pointy Wizard's hat with stars! No beard tho.....he was a young Merlin!
P.S. He's still cuckoo, only now he's a Transformer....
Megatron at Universal!

Anonymous said...

Didn't ask for your opinion or language, which is totally inappropriate on this site.

Anonymous said...

For goodness sakes-will some of you mean, crotchety supposedly Glamberts please cut your snarky remarks to or about Lambertlust. None of you have any right to single out Lambertlust just to be mean to him. We already went through this a couple of weeks ago with cruel treatment of him. Please respect him as a devoted Glambert.

Anonymous said...

We jump all over anybody we disagree with. Lambertlust isn't being singled out he is being treated just like anybody else we are mean to.

Anonymous said...

Adam certainly has some nasty fans on this site. STFU.

Anonymous said...

Your 'language', comment, whether you are 2:46 or 3:09 (or one and the same) does not deserve 'better language'!


Anonymous said...

JAK, Love your post. I'm 2:01 who asked about the bottom row picture. Forgot to sign. Your family sounds so creative. Love the Merlin costume thing. I got so involved way back when with Mary Stewart's trilogy, The Hollow Hills, The Crystal Cave and the Last Enchantment. They begin with Merlin's conception and his whole life, including his foretelling of the coming of Arthur. Gives me chills.

Anyway, that pic of Adam could be Merlin. Your g'son must be having a blast as a Transformer. Quite a cool spot on his resume!


Anonymous said...

Hi DRG!......I started with Mary Stewart's first book in the mid 50's and have never stopped. I call her style of writing...'gentle stories'...they can be exciting, informative, mysterious, charming and just generally a good read. Since they were never vulgar I started my daughters on them before they could read.
......Arthurian legend stories I passed on to my g'son.....Merlin was his favorite character. (I still think Brian May looks like I imagined the older Merlin would).
.......My children were blessed or cursed by having a teacher and voracious reader as a Mom. : )

Anonymous said...

Very OT....JAK ref to above. When my girls were young we were traveling to visit relatives and going thru the mountains in Virginia, we were passing a rushing stream and a giant mill wheel turning. I asked my husband to stop and I started"..."look girls....I explained how the wheel, grindstone, grain, etc. was milled into flour or cornmeal, etc. I ended "isn't that amazing?"

They looked at each other, rolled their eyes and gave me a very bored, "yeah Mom." I turned to my husband and angrily said "I am NEVER telling them another thing!" He started up the car and patted me on the leg and said, "just tell me honey, I found it quite interesting.".............. He has been a very satisfactory husband for a born to be teacher.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I've been through the eye-roll phase with my kids, too. Thank God they grew up and find everything interesting now. Patience.


Anonymous said...

At least they now thank me, they are whizzes playing Jeopardy.......^o^

Anonymous said...

I find little Adam's Merlin costume the cutest! Just when you think you've seen everything "Adam", a new one pops up! I truly appreciate any and all things Adam! Keep them coming! As a mother of two boys, I really treasure the pictures I have of them all dressed up in costumes when they were little tykes. Although they are big and grown men now, they will always be the cute tiny tots in my heart........

Anonymous said...

@nancdruuu2.....that's so true.....when I look up at my g'son....way up......I still see the little guy paddling around in the pool like a baby duckling. All those moments will always be tucked away in your heart...isn't that wonderful?