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Adam Lambert Corrects Some People

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, March 16, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, March 16, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam must be stalking, to catch that some people are spelling Freddie wrong. LOL

Anonymous said...

Well, I never! Lol

Anonymous said...

Not only is Adam correcting the spelling; I was pretty taken aback, in a positive way, when he stopped the interviewer at his NY, Queen interview...when the interviewer said, Eddie. And he was really fast! and corrected him even before he finished his sentence with: Eddie? with a rather sharp but usual chuckle so as to lesson the blow. lol! Yea Adam has gained by leaps and bounds in terms of accuracy! Very important and in a way shows his protectiveness of Queen. They have become his inner-circle liaison.


Anonymous said...

Has Adam got sleeping problems? He tweeted at 5 am, ie if he is in Sweden.

And he is not an early bird, is he?

Anonymous said...

Still in Sweden and actually 4:13 am. He seems to be a night owl most of the time unless there is something he needs to be at like Glee or press conferences.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Adam has tweeted this. It's disrespectful to spell someone's name incorrectly.

Anonymous said...

10:56, it's usually an honest mistake not intended to be disrespectful.

Anonymous said...

11:01 PM
It's a no brainer to spell someone's name correctly.

Anonymous said...

I have been on blogs with people acting like huge Freddie fan for 20 years and hating on Adam and then spelling Freddie's name wrong. Not Freddie fans at all just Adam haters. It is actually pretty funny tho.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Adam.

Anonymous said...

In Cantonese, people who can't tell the difference between things, may they be meanings, words, expressions or anything in the grey area, are called, moong-cha-cha! lol! They often misinterpret or twist things to suit their purpose, but some are genuinely moong-cha-cha. lol! It can land one in hot soup; here is my Moong-cha-cha poem lol! related to another incident.

Loose cannons flying left, right, centre
Be careful, sometimes they backfire
If one can't differentiate sarcasm from trash
Take heed in case of a moong-cha-cha tumbling crash lol!

January 12, 2014 at 9:58 PM


Anonymous said...

lwl Lam-my

Anonymous said...

OT don't forget to dl the Trio episode of Glee from iTunes in case ya forgot about it.

Anonymous said...

11:08, so you have never spelled anybody's name wrong?

Anonymous said...

11:16.....Thank you! lwl!


Anonymous said...

There are some names that are tricky and often are not spelled correctly. If you take the time to write a comment, you should probably make sure you spell the names correctly. Freddie is one of those that you don't even have to say the last name for people to know who you're talking about. Like Sher , Madona , Whittney etc.........

Anonymous said...

1:43 very funny how you spelled them all wrong.

Anonymous said...

Nobody's perfect though!!:) Just try and try until you get it right!!:)

Even Adam get it wrong sometimes and he correct himself he!he!

No harm done as long as you are honest and not pretending to be!!:)


HK fan said...

Maybe he's been reading twitter oe comments on blogs.....most of the more hateful comments come from 'die hard' Freddie fans....who can't even spell his name right. i.e not really Freddie or Queen fans, just using his name to help spread hate towards Adam.

HK fan said...

oops...should be or

Anonymous said...

Can't be any worst then Twitter getting Adam Levine/Maroon Five and Queen trending a few days back

Anonymous said...

JAK here....waaaay back in the dark ages when I was in college I was student assistant to the Old Testament
history professor....he was writing a new textbook and it was my job to get a corrected copy to the publisher. He, the prof, was a sweet man, who couldn't spell.

I spent a long hot summer learning to spell Nebuchadnezzar, Meshach, Methusaleh, Abednego,
Midianites, Melchizedek, Shadrach, Chaldeans, Merodachbaladan and my personal favorite
Chushanrishathaim......when, at last, I delivered the finished copy to him and commented on the spelling corrections I had made, he patted my shoulder and said, "oh,you needn't worry about spelling, few texts agree about Biblical spelling." ......ARRGhHHHH!

Freddie is a snap compared to some of the doozies that still inhabit my brain! Like a Mel Brooks comedy, I occasionally dream of a chorus line of dancing Abednegos! \o/...\o/... \o/...\o/

Anonymous said...

he should correct that one instead

Anonymous said...

and some people said Adam doesn't read comments or stalking .lol
he's curious too .

Anonymous said...

Adam is spot on!

It's not about correct spelling of words or terms, it's about being respectful and getting a person's name right! In this case a person known and respected throughout the world!

Don't care about spelling or grammar mistakes, but do care about getting people's names right!

And if someone corrects you on this (getting the names right), say thank you and learn from it. Everybody makes mistakes, no reason to make the same mistakes over and over again - or attack the one correcting the mistake! So it's all live & learn, ain't it.

Anonymous said...

I guess Adam is bored, just like me.

Anonymous said...

@10:56 PM
@4:55 AM

Yes and Yes

Anonymous said...

Some people just innocently get a wrong spelling in their heads and can't get it out. My real first name has two common spelling variations. A few of my co-workers, who have seen my name written and typed correctly for years, still spell it the wrong way. My sister Marcia also has a few co-workers (and long ago, even our dear aunt) who spell her name Marsha. She has never spelled it that way, but they have it ingrained incorrectly in their own minds. Don't know how that happens, but it does. It is always respectful to spell a person's name correctly. Thanks, Adam, for the heads up to many people.


Anonymous said...

I have no idea how Adam could ask and have told people more nicely how to spell Freddie. Talk about over sensitivity. Some people just insist on embracing their ignorance. Yes it is a person's right to do so.

Anonymous said...

12:18 AM

Anonymous said...

@2:40AM .... I find that hard to believe. Freddie fans would know how to spell his name correctly.

Anonymous said...

Moong-cha-cha twists, turns and misinterprets
Meanings, expressions, words
To suit their own purpose
That is dangerous because
You can land yourself in hot soup or worse lol!


Anonymous said...

Consideration, respect & courtesy .....

How would we like it if some people spelt Adam's name Adem, Addam, Adum or any other way they can think of?

Anonymous said...

@6:29 AM

Not all of Freddie's fans know how to spell his name. In fact,the staunch purists,from what I have seen,are the biggest culprits. Could be they're too much in a frenzy to vent to pay attention. Could be they're just a bunch of careless windbags. could be that they're just not interested in the facts. You would think that a group of people so intent on correcting Roger and Brian on the 'mishandling of THEIR affairs',would take better care with their own mishandling of Freddie's name.

HK fan said...

You can believe it or not "shrug"...I just know I have read enough comments on Adam/Queen articles, and especially youtubes to know its true. Its also why I said I didn't think they were true fans, just people posing as fans as a true fan would know how to spell his name.

Anonymous said...

We could go round and round in circles discussing this and get absolutely nowhere. There's no point going on and on about it. Let it be yesterday's news already.

Anonymous said...

Ignorance isn't bliss.

Anonymous said...

Whether you're a fan of Freddie or not, it's common decency to spell his name correctly.

Anonymous said...

What about that guy on GMA who stated 'Eddie Mercury'!!!! That
WAS the pits!

Anonymous said...

How can it be yesterday's news, Adam tweeted it 2day...He he hee!

Note also
- it's Adam; not Ad or Addy (those are reserved for close relatives and friends)
- it's Brian, not Bryan, Bri...
- it's Nile, not Niles...
- it's Avicii, not Avicci, Avici...
- it's Terrance, not Terrence...
- it's Markus M, not Marcus...


Anonymous said...

Some people can't get names of band members rights. Some think that Adam Lambert is front man of Maroon 5. Usually casual fans do that. Invested fans know how to spell names correctly.

Anonymous said...

So someone made a spelling mistake with Freddie's name. Actually, his real name is Farrokh Bulsara. Let's see you all try to remember the spelling of that every single time you write it. It's not as if spelling and grammar mistakes aren't made all the time, even by Adam himself. If anyone should be incensed, it would be me. I'm an English teacher. Somehow the fact that some, probably not from the original Queen generation, don't know whether to use a "y" or an "ie" doesn't bother me. At least they got the name itself right.

Anonymous said...

who cares about those people ..

Anonymous said...

@11:06am Freddie's real name is like this فرخ بولسار in Persian written in English as Farrokh Bulsara. Jivah جيوه or in English Mercury is a popular last name Among Zoroastrians. Like a lot of Jewish folks have last name of Cohen. When he moved to England at age of 17 he changed his name to Freddie Mercury.

Anonymous said...

11:26 Yes, I am well aware that he changed his name when he took residence in England. I was trying to put things in perspective to those who are all cheesed off about a "y" instead of an "ie." That's all.

Anonymous said...

Like DRG and her sister my name is also commonly misspelled by coworkers. Unlike DRG I don't think it is disrespectful. I know they don't mean anything bad so there is no point in me throwing a fit and making people feel bad. Its really no big deal.

choons said...

Let's just agree to make an effort when we write someone's name - it's an important part of who we are!

Anonymous said...

It cracks me up when people who are pretending to be Queen fans know nothing about them. One guy actually said Adam was to dramatic when he sings Queen songs. Freddie was the real "drama" King!!

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with Adam and his tweet!
We are not talking about just anyone's sister or co-worker - we are talking about one of most charismatic, greatest frontmen of classic rock music of all times and his artist name should be spelled correctly!

To get the names right is important also, because the age of social media (twitter, facebook etc) makes people think they have the right to approach any artist, performer, celebrity like they'd know them up close & personal...js

Anonymous said...

3:32, so Freddie deserves more than someone's sister? And that second paragraph makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

11:30 AM
Adam was bothered about it. Otherwise, he wouldn't have tweeted about it.

Anonymous said...

@5:17 PM...3:32's
Second paragraph makes perfect sense. There is a particular poster on this site, I'm not going to mention any name, who constantly refers to Adam as Ad and Dr. Brian as Dr. Bri (as if she is a friend/family member). Also, don't know how many posts have been written by @Rose Petal, and this poster always refers to her as Rose Pedal...sorry, but it's annoying. Not to mention her constantly using incorrect grammer, ie. "he SALED his records"; "he has a good MINE"; "He can't FINE his way home"!! I think most of you know to whom I'm referring.
I'm not an English teacher, nor am I a college graduate. However, I often wonder about the education received from other high school graduates here in the States! Perhaps these individuals just failed to study their English lessons. And, please, why is it so difficult for some to know the difference between the words: their, there and they're. Also: to, too and two. I'm not perfect by any means, and I don't want to "come off" that way but, sorry it just bothers me!!

Anonymous said...

@9:48, Like you, I'm meticulous as well about spelling and grammar and English is my second language.
If it were a love letter, I would not find myself attracted at all no matter if he's the best looking person.
But in cyberspace and since it's anonymous, it doesn't really bother me.
I know who you are referring to, but I find myself giggling over it instead.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:48
hmmm, English Language isnt my first language, it isn't my mother tongue ( an African), believe me, some of these examples you are writing, might be the case of ( second language user) or terrible spellings.
If you understand what a poster is saying regardless of spelling or syntactical arrangement, just move on or better still, ask for a re-explanation!
And yes, the dr.Bri's and ad stuff makes me cringe too...but its all for fun!
South Africa loves Adam