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Adam Lambert Raised The Bar on GLEE

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, March 19, 2014


leilani aloha said...

Yup! Yup! Yup!!!
Beautifully written on Adam In Glee!!!
Not just Adam's voice 's Amazing, he's also an Amazing kind sweet soul!!!

Anonymous said...

Read this before a week or so ago, but it's so true! Glee has been very lucky.

Anonymous said...

This is so beautifully said about Adam! And so true! <3

Anonymous said...

Omg . . . that describes our BB!!!!

Anonymous said...

Perfectly worded! I re-tweeted it.

Anonymous said...

Ugh It's so creepy when people refer to adam as our BB. Go get yourself a pet or something.

Anonymous said...

12:12 PM

Not creepy to me; you sound like the complaining creepy one.

Our BB would not like the way you are acting; grow up!!

Anonymous said...

I love all the compliments to Adam; coming from so many Glee personnel and actors and actresses!

Anonymous said...

12 20
He isn't our anything. He is just a singer people come here to talk about.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam is Baby Boy only for Glitterbaby. Adam kissed Tommy and Tommy got a a lifetime job. Adam is practically married.

Anonymous said...


You should really speak for yourself. Why does it bother you what people call Adam; I don't hear him complaining?

For your information; Adam is not just a singer to many of his fans; he is an amazing all around entertainer; and as Brian May and Roger Taylor puts it, the voice of one in a billion.

We don't just come here to talk about Adam; we buy his records visit other Adam sites and his Adam Official site, go to his concerts; vote for him every chance we get; and much, much more.

Not only is he not just a singer; he has a personality; and many of us have been following him since he put those golden vocal and fabulous looks on Idol.

Adam has more than a 200 million twitteer following! You are evidently not a Glambert; or you would understand hard core fans. But, nice that you are a fan even if casual; that is fine; our BB welcomes all!

Anonymous said...

The sicko has arrived at 12:46 PM; if they were not already here.

Anonymous said...

@12:52 But that's how it is. BB is Baby Boy.

Anonymous said...

@12:05 PM

You are so right; it certainly does describe our BB! Everyone who works with Adam says the same thing. He is such a great guy; and we are such lucky fans to have him in our lives!

Anonymous said...

12:58pm #1

Funny; some fans have said that BB just stands for Baby. I guess people can take the meaning anyway they like. No big deal. He is just Adam to me. But, if I want to use that initial of Baby; I will do just that. Don't know why anyone would make such a big deal about it anyway.

Anonymous said...

That is such a beautiful write up about Adam. So true. So proud of him.

Anonymous said...

12 49

Haha. He has two million twitter followers not 200 million. I swear it's dumb and dumber around here

Compare 2 million to 50 million for katy perry and get some sense of reality here

Anonymous said...

This is the same person whose comment was tweeted around a couple of weeks ago. Weird how people think a well written, if a bit flowery, fan comment needs to be tweeted.

Anonymous said...

@1:05 Yea, that was just a random Adommy fact for the newbies.. :)

Anonymous said...

Is it just one person saying our BB? Yuck. He is an adult named Adam.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliments, fellow Glamberts. Maybe there's something to brevity and extemporaneousness, but some posts have been far more eloquent and get no mention. BTW, this avi does not do me justice. Must be the bow tie. atm

Anonymous said...

1:32 ???

Anonymous said...

Lol ,, I hate that cat !

Anonymous said...

this blog has devolved from an Adam Lambert fan site into a snippy, sniping, snarky, altogether unpleasant and rude site for certain people to unleash their unwarranted really is a shame..I mean, I used to enjoy coming here and reading the comments..but now it just depresses me..they need to make posters sign in with their facebook account, or some other form of ID..they would be far less likely to spew out said venom..

Anonymous said...

Another Queen + Adam Lambert show is being added in New Jersey!

According to Izod Center, July 23rd Queen show was just announced this morning. They're waiting for confirmation to add to their events list

Anonymous said...

Hey, lots of people call each other BABY all the time. What's the big deal? Adam is certainly in the "baby" category, cuz he's hot. Total babe.

KP may have more twitters followers, but Adam's number isn't bad either. And I'm not interested in her; I'm interested in him. So glad to hear there is another show added to the tour.

As long as this site allows anon posting, there will be people who mess it up. Period.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Billboard interview with Tove Lo has a very nice mention of Adam recording in Sweden in the last paragraph. Click on the "Lambert's new project" link there to show interest in Adam. (It's just Billboard's old story but good to show continuing interest in Adam.)

Anonymous said...

Glamberts have called Adam BB since the early days of the GNT. In fact, it actually has three meanings - Baby Boy, Beautiful Boy or Beautiful Baby. It means whatever is in you heart when you say it. Adam has been asked at various M&G's what he thought of it. He said he does not mind being called BB - he kinda likes it !!

Anonymous said...

Baby boy term makes me sick -__-

Anonymous said...

3 13
Uh, I have never ever heard of adam being asked about this. I call bullshit. But whatever, it's a stupid and embarrassing for people to act like adam is their grandson.

Anonymous said...

That billboard article said Tove said Adam had been working with all the producer having a great time. Tove the same person said his voice was insane she could not believe it. She as well has been working with Adam in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

@2:59 PM Thanx for the link. ;) .

Anonymous said...

Please, I would never call my grandson BB, I think it's dumb and demeaning. Sort of cutesy. My grandson is in his early 20's but he's a man, not as someone said - a pet.

What I find embarrassing are the uber fans who tack every superlative in the English language onto Adam.
It gets sort of creepy stalker ish.

I'd say "get a life" but apparently they have - Adam's life!

Anonymous said...

People love Adam its a term of endearment. Many young ones call him that so the grandson theory is BS has you put it but more explicitly as usual. He a hell of a lot more than some singer. If you don't like the term don't use it. But mine your own business if people who respect and care want to call him that doubt he cares. It's in no way demeaning to Adam.

Anonymous said...

@2:59 PM

Thanks for the Billboard information. These are the things I like to hear; information about Adam; instead of this silly bickering back and forth about what to call Adam; what not to call Adam. Baby this; baby that; no one is going to change anyone's mind. What a waste of good energy.
Sounds like junior high school!

So happy for Adam; can't wait til the Concerts. Also, April 1st, when he is on Glee again!!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't sure what BB meant, but I do on occasion call my son my baby boy ( he's 26) and he's not a mama's boy. I just think it's endearing.

Anonymous said...

Adam was asked about Glambert, he was even asked about glambulge; and probably every silly thing under the sun; he aways took it with good humor. So might possibly have been asked about that. I think it's find with him as long as things aren't used in a mean and spiteful way.

Anonymous said...

@4:08 PM

I agree with you. That's a nice family story. It can be quite endearing! Just seems like tentions have been running high in the fandom lately; and Adam is far away; and enjoying his happy life. Thank goodness!

Anonymous said...

I doubt adam cares what stupid things fans say or do as long as they throw money at him, but that isn't the point.

Anonymous said...

@1:51 PM

Great news about the additional date. Many of the big stars have had to drop a few days because of lack of interest, wasn't that last year. Don't know exactly who they were; but that is what I read. I think I know a few; would not want to get the names wrong.

But, very good for Queen and Adam to have additions!!

Anonymous said...

I don't like to call Adam BB but I don't mind when others do it. As long as it's not bashing or degrading comments aimed at Adam and his fans I'm fine with it.

Anonymous said...

3 59
I have never, ever heard of a young fan refer to adam as our bb. That's a creepy old lady trick

Anonymous said...

@3:37 PM

With all due respect; I think you are taking this a little to literally. I think people know the difference between Adam and their Grandson.

Nancy Sinatra even mentioned that Adam was like a Grandson to her; or something like that. Just a term of endearment. If it makes people happy; what's the harm.

kitty said...

Nice BB mention on Tove Lo article, great he is working with

HK fan said...

That new show has been taken off the ticketmaster site, so looks like its not least not yet..

Anonymous said...

@4:25 PM

Shame on you; so disrespectful of the older fans. Adam would definitely not approve of your rude and childish behavior!!
Why don't you mind your manners; and also, your OWN business!!

Anonymous said...

@4:32 PM

Maybe they posted it to soon! Or perhaps a change of venue. Or may not have the need now. We shall see soon probably.

Anonymous said...

@4:24 PM exactly. Criticizing terms of endearment? makes no sense

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo,
go see this on Yahoo! homepage

Anonymous said...

4.25 if ever there was a creep is you. Certainly not the older fans that have supported and cared about Ad for five years. What have you done for him besides troll on this site day in day out over and over. It's obvious your same person that's been making nasty remarks here day in day out. I don't call him that but its not hurting Adam or anyone it's just a loving way to refer to him. Mine your own business if you don't like it don't call him that sure you've called him a lot worse thing that nice referral to him. There are many other things to worry about in life than that. By the way I am young you think this is a lecture. Hell yes it is.

Anonymous said...

Thought this was a site about Adam Lambert...???? Must be incorrect!

Anonymous said...

4:32, read the tweet again, the person contacted Izod Center and they are waiting for official confirmation.

Anonymous said...

I am ready for Glee to close down its location at that ridiculous high school and move the whole thing to NYC. I hated last night's show and was also wondering why Paltrow was even invited back. She was a non sequitur, if you ask me. The redundant competitions and other silliness at the high school have met their shelf life. Time for NYC and a new look at music as a career.

Anonymous said...

Adam raised the bar on Glee and for me he also raised the bar on Idol. I just finished watching tonight's show and the performances were completely "underwhelming". No one took command of the stage nor gave new life to the song that was chosen. And Harry and Keith seemed to have their differences of opinion along with JLo, but all of them seemed valid. For me, this group of contestants is one of the weakest and I couldn't even venture a guess as to which one will be the winner. Adam so spoiled Idol for me in such a way that I can't really watch the show this season without just feeling let down and disappointed. I hope they bring Adam back at least to perform since he was a mentor, but I realize he is very busy with recording the new album and preparing for the summer concerts with Queen. Both Glee and Idol were lucky to have had Adam on their shows, but we are even luckier to be his fans enjoying that amazing vocal talent and a mesmerizing stage/screen presence.

Anonymous said...

4:53 PM
His name is Adam, not Ad.

Anonymous said...

Who is the person who wrote this? Is he someone in the TV/music industry?

Anonymous said...

10:25, no, it was written by an Adam fan in the comments section of another site.

Anonymous said...

@atm 1:32
Should have known it was you!!!
Love your writings, always have. So sorry to see you so seldom here and so many others MIA, too!

So sorry for this site/shite nowadays...

Anonymous said...

Think the poster @4:53 is Sue...

Anonymous said...

Don't put BB in a corner :) :)

Anonymous said...

The one reasson why Adam is yet to establish himself as a superstar (that he should be) can be narrowed to his ridiculous fanbase;
1. Grannies who think they are Leila lambert trying to mother Adam.
2.Grannies who will go to other sites and start rolling out how they met Elvis, Bowie and Freddie and are blessed to meet Adam.
3. Fans that have boring life and use Adam's private stuff to excite them(imaginative) so what time do we have to celebrate his MUSIC?
Before you accuse me of being disrespectful, i have a grannie, i adore her, but do not see myself going to concerts with her..*sorry grandma** reason why the Grannies are usually asked (politely) not to sit in front row @ Adam's concert..for image purpose..
Adam did a great job in Glee, so proud of him, but raised the bar? Well, we all have our 'bars'
ps; to the grannies, love you all...

Anonymous said...

@2:17. . . . I don't understand why you don't go and support your favorite singer . . you are wasting your time here...

Anonymous said...

Those who don't get Adam accuse us who extol Adam to high heavens as stretching his virtues so far from our faces we can no longer see straight from its growing length. Well, I'm here to bring some sense into this fray and perhaps temper the edge off the hyperboles and superlatives heaped on Adam that must rankle those who view him and his dazzling attributes with jaundiced eyes.

Allow me this courtesy as I try to break down this conundrum to make sense of it all. I propose to be the voice of reason, and when I'm done, you will agree that we're as sane as any fan.
Part of the problem is that it's so rare to find a celebrity underdog with Adam's tale. To start I have to go back to once, some years back when we came upon our hero, Adam, a brave and noble man whose sound and person were both striking and maddening, as he was not moving forward. A seeker, he decided to engage in the Battle of the Idols, after a sign from the heavens pointed to this as a clue to his destiny. The arena where he battled his rivals had many in the stands clamoring for his victory. Adam displayed a prowess with his unusual instrument and commanding carriage. Were it not for his strange appearance, he would probably have won the battle.
Many took notice of this warrior's assets and proclaimed him victor, anyway. Emboldened by this, our hero becomes embroiled in the Battle of AMA. Here, he would come under attack from all sides of Network TVLand for no other infraction than for committing an act unbecoming a contestant. In proclaiming his innocence against his detractors, our proud warrior soon proved his mettle. For every conservative, fundamentalist arrow shot at him, he deflected each with the fierceness and wit considerably alien for one so young. It was clear from a certain crowd's clamoring for his blood that our hero would not retreat or cower.
It was hard to resist a handsome Adam, resplendent and commanding in his sharp retorts and attire, especially irresistible to a growing legion of his guardians at his back, the Glamberts; but he also earned the ire of the Non-getters for his insolent, unapologetic ways.

When the Battle of the Radioland loomed and vast territories looked to be claimed, our hero prepared for battle gathering a dazzling display of the sweetest sounds to lure the Golden Steed of the Year and all the spoils it promised, for him, his holy grail, the Happy Place. But it was a ruse, a Trojan Horse concocted by the Radioland Suits to confound and confuse our man. His failed bouts with the Suits' minions tired him and threatened his defeat, but the experience only fortified his resolve to forge ahead undeterred. Our hero worked hard to gather his allies, winning over many inhabitants of foreign lands.
In time our hero is rewarded his efforts, and the horizon yielded fertile ground, where beckoned the Three Men of Ancient Lore, they with the Percussive Weapons of Mass Seduction. We're told fortune favors the brave, and our man, brave and true, conquered their hearts and kind souls. With the wise men and many others gathering at his side, our hero's name is now discussed in certain circles as among the brightest star in the Music's firmament and destined to become legend.
Adam is still incredulous at these pronouncements, and plows ahead in "forward motion" as is his wont, his magnetic aura attracting people far and wide and citing his magnificent gifts. Of these they speak of an internal compass as tangible as any they can see from his person, a compass they believe always guides him in the direction of his truth.
If we speak of Adam in lofty terms and contexts, understand, it is because he shows us how we too can trust our internal compasses to point us the way for ourselves. A fairy tale, perhaps, but it goes down better for me than the bitter pill of cynics, which, if I must take it for a dose of reality, will always wash it down with a drink from the Adam koolaid.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Hope you can stand the heat? Don't talk about the granmas! They will break you! Lol

Anonymous said...

@2:29AM---sorry, I dozed off in the middle of paragraph 2. What's the matter honey, did all the agents refuse your manuscripts? I realize we are a captive audience, you can print it but you can't make us read it.
You mistake this site as a fanfic one. And you take up a lot of room.
I hope you got it out of your system and feel better
I just feel slightly nauseated. Drivel affects me that way.

Anonymous said...

2:29. Oy vey!

Anonymous said...

@2:17 am. Grannies are responsible for Adam not being a superstar. Gee, I had no idea we had such power for evil. I am thoroughly ashamed of myself for buying his albums and GlamNation DVD. Do you think the donations I sent to different charities in his name was also the reason he hasn't won a Grammy? I kept my wrinkled face away from all his appearances that should have helped him, do I get credit for making myself invisible to the public?

I'm glad to hear you adore your Grandmother, I suppose that is only if you are safely hidden indoors with her, since you say you wouldn't attend a concert
with her.

Should we apologize to Adam for narrowing his path to success? For being a member of his "ridiculous fan base" ?

You can take your "ps to the grannies, love you all" and shove insufferable twerp!

Anonymous said...

Oops...don't want to be accused of hiding post is
2:28 PM...JAK .....................
Grannie Extraodinaire !

Anonymous said...

2:29 Blah! Blah! Blah!

Anonymous said...

2:17. You are a judgmental F$&K !

Anonymous said...

2:29. Do you recall Will Shakespeare?
"Brevity is the soul of wit?"
Learn to condense.

Anonymous said...

@2:29 your post may have been too long for some, but I took the time to read it and found myself enjoying it. :)

Anonymous said...

The one sentence blog mongers, lol-lers and other creatures uncapable of more than 4 lines of carbage or shit stirring are not the ones stating the rules here or anywhere else!

Wasn't it our master who said: F_ck the Rules! (and he saaang By the Rules I play....)

So pay no attention to carbage, scroll is your friend, but keep on posting short, medium, long, longer posts, too! Diversity is the name of the game. :)