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Inquirer's Sunday paper: 'Adam Lambert fronts Queen never mind haters'

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, March 9, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, March 09, 2014


Anonymous said...

No one can make everybody happy. Personally this tour makes me very happy. :)
Rock On!, Brian and Roger. And take Adam with you. YAY!

Anonymous said...

Enlarge enlarge enlarge

Anonymous said...

Jealousy is a destructed emotion. I really do believe that Queen's fans are just as delighted as we are about the collaboration. It's the regular hateful jealous fans of others (won't call any names) that are posting and saying awful things about Queen and Adam. I'm with Adam...just keep on trucking baby.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

9:33, incorrect. There is a large contingent of Queen fans who think Queen should have died with Freddie. They have been very vocal about that for decades now. Brian and Roger are very aware of this opinion.

Anonymous said...

We had the best of Freddie and now we have Adam . . so glad Brian and Roger decided to come to USA

There will always be purist . . they can stay home . .

As for Adam singing with Queen
Who would not . . and not just anyone could . .

Anonymous said...

From what I noticed haters are somewhere between 5 to 8 percent. Half are Freddie/Queen fans. The other half are rude fans of others.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to stay relevant. I want Adam to make as much money as he can but I also want him to be current. I can't see that happening when he aligns himself with Queen. He needs to attract younger audience, they are the ones buying the music these days. Queen is just trying to stay relevant, while Adam needs to stay current. I cant imagine a 12 year old wanting to go to a Queen concert and wanting to invite 5 of her friends to go with her plus they would need chaperones. These are the people going to concerts, buying the music out there. I just think this does nothing for his career except getting him money. But wait that not so bad now that I think about it.......

Anonymous said...

Getting all this publicity, selling out tickets and making lots of money is not such a bad thing for Adam, is it? His name will be out there and when he releases that third album and its first single, it might bring in some new fans. It is true that younger people go to the concerts and buy the new music today, but there are also others interested in the music of different performers. Adam may not be the mega successful artist that so many of us wanted for him to be, but he willhave longevity in the music/entertainment business because he is so talented, creative and personable. And have you looked at him lately...he is classy, stylish and so gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Did Freddie have haters?
We have known all along that Adam does. Life is too short to hate anyone, especially people we have never met. I know this tour will be successful in spite of the haters. Wish I could go to one of the concerts.

Anonymous said...

@9:54 AM Don't let thinking get in the way of you telling the internet what Adam needs.

Anonymous said...

I have to laugh at these obvious passive aggressive comments on here. The fun and games are just beginning.

Anonymous said...

Adam came out from the get go..

Freddie never did . .don't ask don't tell . . so the gay haters just never acknowledge it . . .

Anonymous said...

Happy ! Happy! Happy!

Concert coming my way

Anonymous said...

Like Adam says, "Screw the haters." Performers put up with haters all the time, esp. the higher profile ones. Adam has a lot of guts to get out there, take the risk and do his best. It will be part of his legacy. Brian and Roger have such faith in him. Haters are stuck in the past and won't move on.

Anonymous said...

@10:25 . . .fun for the Glamberts

Anonymous said...

I wish you Glamberts could see my little grandaughter dancing and singing to Adam's music in the car and in her home with her little friends when I visit her in Washington, DC. She has loved him since she was 2 years old. I pray that Adam will win over the young crowd with a new hit single or CD. Madonna is the age of a grandmother but the young kids love her. Let's give Adam that chance when his new music is revealed. He will get big bucks for this tour with Queen and I could not be more happy for him. I have already talked to many young people on the college campus and a good number have told me that they want to see this new concert if they can somehow get the bucks. I cannot wait to rock with QUEEN + ADAM in Las Vegas, NV, on July 5TH. I include Roger, Bri, and Adam in my prayers that G-d and the Universe will keep them safe and sound so that they can deliver incredible happiness to a tired and crazy world which needs a big facelift with a lot of fillers. They are going to ROCK the US and CANADA!!!! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

@10:25 and the only game in Glamity is Queen and Adam

Anonymous said...

I went to the Glam Nation Tour and my co-workers granddaughter who was 16 wanted to go when she heard about it . . .but it was already sold out . . .
so Adam has quite a mixed audience...

Anonymous said...

Do the fan club members usually get good seats? I have never bought this way before. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I actually met a couple people bad mouthing Queen for using that gay guy to sing Freddies songs. Are you oblivious to the fact that Adam is more like Freddie than you apparently know. Look it up. Left them in silence with there mounths hanging open. I know it was don't ask don't tell. But it always suprises me that some people can only see what fits into the neat little mold.

Anonymous said...

If people didn't know Freddie was gay was because they were total idiots.

Anonymous said...

It was a different time when Freddie was so popular. His career would be ruined if he did a public 'coming out.' Adam has fought prejudice for many years and things are changing. Especially in the last five years. It seems everyone is coming out! These hateful fans are old and grumpy clinging to old ideas. Hey I'm old but I have never hated gays. I'm proud of Brian and Roger for sticking with Adam! What a wonderful time they will all have together and we'll get to watch!

Anonymous said...

11:15, depends on which seats they release for the presale. I've got good seats through presales and I've got good seats through regular sales.

Anonymous said...

What venues are Glamberts choosing??????

Anonymous said...

@9:37 AM, I'll give you that, but how come they didn't complained when Queen + Paul Rogers toured? Why did they express their desire for George Michael to join Queen? This one takes the cake, how come they didn't know that Queen + Adam already had a mini European Tour? Just like me, a lot of Adam's fans were Queen fans first. I can understand reasonable intelligent comments and discussion as to why Queen shouldn't tour with Adam or anyone, but the pure hate for Adam shows that they aren't true Queen's fans. Freddie never denied that he was gay, but he wanted his race kept secret. He always wanted the focus to be on the music. Freddie asked Brian and Roger if he could join their band. One last thing, when Freddie tried a solo career he failed miserably. People need to live and let live.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

2:39, that certain segment was also against Paul Rogers. As with any fandom there are a variety of opinions. Some have been ok with a different frontman. There are many Queen fans who have said they would like Mark Martel despite Brian and Roger saying they don't want replica of their dear deceased friend on stage with them.

Once again there is a very vocal contingent of Queen/Freddie fans who do not think Queen should continue as Queen without Freddie. I don't agree with them, I think Brian and Roger should do what they want but no one is ever going to change that contingents opinion.

Anonymous said...

@2:52 PM, Okay, but it just makes me so sad that some people would want to silent great music. Your comment was insightful...great discussion. Have a wonderful Sunday!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Most of the haters are Marc M. Fans that think he should be doing it. If they wanted a Freddy impersonator they got one. They want a brilliant singer to interpret the songs beautifully and a killer vocalist with a ridiculously crazy range that spells Adam Lambert. Of course their are the fans of idols that have not done that well and just plain Internet trolls that job is to bad mouth celebrities they love to hang out here we know that. I did not know anything about Freddy until Adam the little I saw of him and his performing it was obvious he was gay he did not need to come out.adam is the type of person that could never live that way criticize him for being honest and living is life as the person he is never. I very proud of him it takes courage to be and live who you are. I think your totally wrong about the young people going to see these concerts. I saw them having a wonderful time enjoying the music at I Heart Brian said people went crazy after seeing Adam plus Queen at I Heart. Adam has brought them a younger audience being in Glee ext. has helped Adam fan base and these concerts definitely will help build them seems people are wanting the tickets badly enough to me. My kid wants to go bad she's 33. I think these concerts are going to be a great success and get Adam a larger amount of fans in awe of his talent. Also remember its not a bad thing to have all ages they can afford the pricey tickets. Of course we want lots of young ones for Adam as well. I notice the really young ones like 9 to 12 loving him as well as teens and above. I really feel great stuff coming next couple years for Adam we need to be supportive he got a great management he does not need us for that job. Ill leave that to the professionals. I will just love and support Adam best I can.

Anonymous said...

Haters will always be haters. What have they done with their lives most likely very little. Because productive people do not have time for that stuff.
Just like Adam who is a very productive person has absolutely no time for these losers.

Anonymous said...

3:30 PM, no, they are not mostly Marc Martel fans. They existed long before Marc Martel and Queen Extravaganza even existed. They've been saying Roger and Brian should stop being Queen since Freddie died in 1991.

Anonymous said...

my stomach tightens into a knot when I read all the moronic, negative comments about Adam...everyone is entitled to their opinion..I just wish when that opinion is so snarky they would keep it to themselves...Adam's fan base will prob never be pre-pubescent girls..he appeals to an older audience..he is so damned talented and has the "IT" factor like no one else in the business today..Brian May stated that Adam is the "only" man suited for the job of fronting the band..other singers can sing (not like Adam), but none of them possess the stage presence, showmanship, beauty, personality, etc., than Adam Lambert! it remains to be seen how A3 will be received..but..I will be buying my copy..I love Adam and will support him any way I can..

Anonymous said...

A lot are MM fans and they are mean I heard them directly . Yes they have said that stuff since Freddy died. Like Brian said they did not want to be for a long time after his death. But, realized many still wanted to hear the music the songs. It is really selfish for people to think that these men should give up what they love they are still here they love music. They certainly should be able to do what they love for as long as they want. They found Adam they love working with him and he brilliant with Queen. Selfishness is a ugly trait. These wonderful men will put on a wonderful show this summer thousands will love it and be wanting more! This is 3.30

Anonymous said...

SOOOO glad Brian M & Roger T have one more thing in common with Adam L - they ignore the haters, complainers and especially 'entitled and controlling fans', who try to tell them what to do or not to do!

Those Queen fans who think they should have stopped 'being Queen' after Freddie died are (mostly) men of >50 years old...So predictable! And so sad!!!

Anonymous said...

@9:54 AM

I just came from another thread; didn't you post the exact same thing over there; just curious, if you were just copying and pasting to get your message of trying to manage Adam's career on every site.
Fortunately, he has a management team that he is evidently satisfied with. They seem to be doing a darned good job so far!!

Anonymous said...

@3:30 PM

I agree with so much you said in your post. Very informative. As far as the hater's we will never know who he, she or them is. I don't think there are too many. Most of Queen's die heart fans from back in the day; are mature grown people, many with children and Grandchildren Adam's age. They probably don't waste their time posting stupid hate messages.

@10:16 AM asked did Freddy have haters? I think that every celebrity has haters; especially those that are different and dare to march to their on drummer, like Adam as well as Freddy!

Anonymous said...

Let the excitement begin; Adam is such an exciting celebrity to follow. Beautiful, generous, popular, talented and very, very intelligent. Needs his own talk show one day!

Anonymous said...

@9:37 AM

They will change their mind after seeing Adam and Queen together! They may not say it, but they will know it. Resistance to Adam Mitchel Lambert is futile!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's support Adam and not worry about the haters, whether they are Adam haters and/or haters of Queen plus Adam. Trying to convince haters that Adam is the best thing since sliced bread is a total waste of time. It's not worth the stress. Just live with the fact that not everyone is going to like Queen plus Adam.

Anonymous said...

Just my 1 cent; I get this feeling some quarters/fans are feeling very jittery. They too sense these 19 AdamQueen concerts are going to be overwhelming and might snare a large number of new fans from their camp; and so pre-launch a fan attack to try stem the flow. lol! Like applying a tourniquet to stop bleeding. lol!

Hey Margarita Lady!
Way to sure start your Adam recruitment from as young as two years old, your lovely granddaughter. And also at your actually make a feisty campaigner; any political aspirations...perhaps for your daughter. lwl! My astrological prowess says your concert date is wonderful, 5th and total date 10! By the way, I've been to Las Vegas, the downtown area is completely bathed in neon lights; watched the Mirage pirate show outside the hotel; also pulled a couple jackpot machines. I still recall the lady next to me, had an avalanche of coins gushing out. lol! Enjoy your AdamQueen concert!


Anonymous said...

@3:30 do you happen to be Sue? If yes, I want to say I've missed you girl! Know you were having some health isses and am eager to hear how you're doing.

If 3:30 isn't Sue, sorry for the case of mistaken identity. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lam-my-well I sure wish you could attend the Las Vegas concert with me as I know your love for Adam is really above and beyond! My daughter lives in Washington, DC, and the last Queen + Adam concert will be held very close to her, but it will be outside in open air, and the weather could be absolutely stifling hot in July-also very humid. Therefore, my daughter felt it was best that I would go to Las Vegas for the concert. With three children, she could have never afforded the scalpers' ticket price that I had to pay so she will just watch the you tube videos when they appear. It is so much fun to have something so incredible to which to look forward. My birthday is in July, so this is my birthday present to myself, since I believe that we need to treat ourselves as precious jewels. Because I give to charity for the less fortunate, I don't feel so badly to indulge in this earth shattering concert-A ONCE IN A LIFETIME EVENT FOR ROCK!! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

So there!

Anonymous said...

@3:30, @4:37, @7:07

The learn to write the name correctly, it is FREDDIE!

@Those who use the expression "fans of others" - please give some examples whose fans do you mean (except for some Queen purists)??!! (not a troll question)

Anonymous said...

Sloppy headlining by Admin and this tweeter. The newspaper 'saves it' by a comma...........

Anonymous said...

@1:46AM Actually his real name is like this فرخ بلسار . But his stage or artist name is Freddie Mercury.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I know all that, just wish people would get the first name or the artist name right. I'm after his life story or birth name etc.
The same with Avicii (not Avicci or some such like).

Anonymous said...

The thing with Freddie and Adam is

It's their talent that I watch and listen to . . .I watched AI and I didn't know Adam was gay . . .I don't go looking for these things . . . what does it have to do with his talent . .

Anonymous said...

oooops, @12:57
Sorry for mistake.... meant to say "I'm NOT after his life story..."