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New picture of Adam Lambert posted by sjobergtowe!!

Filed Under ( ) by Adam Lambert on Monday, April 7, 2014

Posted at : Monday, April 07, 2014


Anonymous said...

That gorgeous face! Oh and I'm also loving the nose ring!

Anonymous said...

Already seen this pic all over the net. Nice.

Anonymous said...

Adam with his Swedish friends. So this is the young Jonathan (is it just me but he looks a bit older than 19?).

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pic. But hate the nose ring. Ruins it.

Anonymous said...

9:40 PM He really is 18 or 19, but looks like over 30...

Anonymous said...

I think that boy might be a little bit attention whore, cause he has posted Adam`s pic also to his IG. So he got his 15 minutes of fame.

Anonymous said...

This photo has been posted over and over again on the net.

Anonymous said...

I love how some people seem to glean such concrete information over a little bit of exposure for someone or something just through social media. Wow, wish I was that intuitive and perceptive and all-knowing. (cough cough)

Anonymous said...

That pic has not been shown on this site. Many people here don't dwell on the net all the time or stan all twitter accounts remotely related to Adam or check every link posted in the comments - thanks to obnoxious posters like you and all the other misfits here many regulars have stopped reading comments altogether.

So scram, take the easiest way out, stay on the net and don't come here where nothing is news to you!

And take you misfit friends with you!

Anonymous said...

I think the guy on the right needs to make an appointment with a doctor asap.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally agree with you. Personally, I think I´m not interested in Adam's life and her new boyfriends. A bit of a vomiting feeling. I appreciate your continued Sauli and I think that Adam did not find anymore the same kind of people as the golden Sauli. Sorry

Anonymous said...

Why so mean to the young man in the photo with Adam? It reminded me of the expression- "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." i hope everyone has a beautiful day!

Anonymous said...

Is this young man planning to visit Adam in the near future. If not nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

@8:53 AM
Who knows. Maybe he does not have to visit him in LA yet. Isn't Adam going to London to rehearsals with the Queen? Or do they rehearse in USA?

Anonymous said...

the twigs and their 15 min. nuff already

Anonymous said...

I think society in general needs an appt. with a doc. ASAPP

Anonymous said...

8 13 am

In your post; you called Adam a "her",
was that just a language barrier? From your post, apparently you are a sauli fan since you said hearing about about Adam and some one else gives you a vomiting feeling.

You said Adam will not find anyone like the golden Sauli; well, the golden Adam and the golden Sauli will be just fine and will find other golden people in their lives if that is what they want.

There are many other wonderful people in the world. These two are still wonderful friends, and you should respect that.

Anonymous said...

There is always speculation where Adam is concerned. We have followed him for several years now, and almost feel like we know him. But actually we know nothing about him unless he shares. He has to put a nice face on everything he does, in public. In private we know nothing about him. Only his closest family members know the real Adam, and his last partner, since he actually lived with him for over 2 years. We take him at face value, who appears to be a nice guy, and will always want the best for him. It's his life and he has to live it, mistakes and all.

Anonymous said...


I know; and they are aways wrong. Some people put so much faith in a random picture. Or a picture some guy post because they want to be seen with the fabulous Adam. Sometimes for 15 minutes of fame. Can't blame them; Adam is so gorgeous and nice.

Nobody in their right mind takes all these different random pictures of romantic encounters even seriously any more. When Adam tells his fans something; that is the only true story. People that enjoy the guessing, will just carry on; no big deal.

Anonymous said...

The fabulous Adam is a magnet for controversey and he is so interesting. Many sites print crap just to get hits; rather it is true or not. That's what Adam gets for being so darn smart and talented and mysterious and daring; people just can't get enough of him!!!

Anonymous said...

at 9:52 AM

Exactly, we know shit about the way Adam is in private. There is very little footage of him chattering about anything else but his own career or doing anything that's not career-related. The situations we get to see him in are always very contolled and the element of suprise seems to be reduced to a minimum in his interviews.

Not criticizing - just stating the obvious.

Anonymous said...

Can someone help so I may see the picture, thanks

Anonymous said...

@9:52 AM and 10:06 AM

Thank you both! Wise words from both of you. We only see a tip of on iceberg, so to say. The near ones, people who live with him everyday life, only know the real Adam.

Anonymous said...

If you really think about it, the guy has done nothing wrong. Typical over-reaction from fans.

Anonymous said...

so many assorted fruits in the bowl these days.

Vicki in Ohio said...

Its just nice to see a fairly recent picture of Adam. Seems like he was gone forever.So much to look forward to this year as an Adam Lambert fan.

Anonymous said...

This is dead thread already but I want to ask if someone noticed the same thing or am I just imagining. There is other photo from this club of Adam and Jonatan. Adam's hand is on Jonatan's shoulder. I don't see any OOFTA-tattoo. I think the hand is in such a position that it would be seen. Did Adam remove it? Now someone does not see him following Sauli anymore on IG. If that is true, there friendship seems to be on a vague basis now. I might be totally wrong though, sorry! But I remember I wondered the OOFTA-thing when I saw the photo from Sweden of A & J.

Anonymous said...

I meant "their friendship",not "there".

Anonymous said...

The IG-follow thing is solved. It has something to do with #. He is still following his ex.

I know nothing about the OOFTA.

Anonymous said...

Is there a link to this other pic?
Care to share it (or it does not exist)?

Anonymous said...

@2:05 PM
Here you go:

Anonymous said...

Oops, that was wrong link. Sorry. I'll try again.

Anonymous said...

I can't get the link here (the IG-link does not work) but it is in jxnatan Profile Instagram

Or google: Jxnatan and Adam Lambert