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Adam Lambert liked 2 of sarahhudsonxx pics on Instagram!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, May 22, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, May 22, 2014

via Lambertlust 


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. Adam has great taste.

Anonymous said...

Adam you shine like a Diamond:

Precious live gem!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....if you squint a little, the starkly colored one on the right looks like a 19th century advertising poster for The Moulin Rouge in Paris by Toulouse Lautrec.

I've been there...I think I would have preferred it in his days.

Anonymous said...

@JAK .... period dramas you watch "Mr Selfridge"? The latest season is being screened in Oz .... love it.

Anonymous said...

Awesome photos! xoxo

Anonymous said...

@ 9:19....JAK here...... Of course! My tv life is BBC productions and Masterpiece Theatre. And a good part of my computor life is finding productions of the numerous wonderful stories I missed from years ago. Wuthering Heights with Tom Hardy...woof!....all the old classics. Done and re-done.

When I think how long I fought against getting a computor
I could kick myself. I was 73 before I laid my hands on one....seems impossible, right? I am still slightly scared of Dell-a, my computor, but my iPad Applette, seems more friendly. I seldom have to call on g'son or son in law for help. I am a happy woman wallowing in music from all decades, all genres and BBC.

Anonymous said...

Ps...I know I spell computer is just stuck in my brain 'tor' and I can't shake it! I like it better that way! :-)

Anonymous said...

@JAK .... 9:19PM again ....

2 of my favourite period dramas are Upstairs Downstairs (the original series) and The Duchess of Duke Street. Adore them both. Also love the original Forsyte Saga. The newer series of it was good too.

Anonymous said...

@5:25......yessssss, my husband bought me the set of Upstairs Downstairs a couple years ago because I had never seen it. I did see the other two. So good!