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New (old) Adam Lambert pic posted to hanshaveron's Instagram "these guys keep me inspired"!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, June 04, 2014


Anonymous said...

Nice picture; Adam meeting people all over the place. Cute picture!

Anonymous said...

Lovely old picture....Adam had hair and I spy eyeliner!....JAK

Anonymous said...

I miss that look, so hawt and sexy!!!

Anonymous said...

wish I knew what it was about the "shaved" look that Adam likes..cause it is NOT a flattering look for him, or anyone else for that matter...he looks so damned HOT in this pic!!

HK fan said...

look at that beautiful clean face, and eyeliner...miss it 'sigh'....

Anonymous said...

All three boys lookin good!!

Anonymous said...

I also loved the clean shaven Adam,and his hair in this pic( yes,I will say that again about his hair)It's just not flattering to him when it's buzzed on the sides.nice pic.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:44 I agree 100%

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so Adam here. I mean, so familiar. I too miss this look.

Anonymous said...

Why does Adam give us the *sexy eye* look and expect us not to melt?

Anonymous said...

I once paid my g'son to let his hair grow.....I doubt it would work with Adam....sigh....JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam so cute; trying to look all sexy. Suceeding!!

Anonymous said...

He will probably have it all shaved except the top; like when he was at the very first award show when they were honoring Queen; when a lot of fans did not like it. Probably easier for upkeep during all those shows. I think he was going for the extreme rock look then; and may surprise and go for some look like that again; knowing all the while that fans have their opinions!!

Anonymous said...

Adam evidently likes it buzzed that way. Some fans have said they like it to; so I guess it is just a matter of taste. Like tatoos, some people like them some don't. Maybe age of fans might have something to do with it; I know some much younger people like a lot of tatoos and buzzed hairstyles. Where some people a little older don't. But, no set rule; lots of older people have tatoos, and have had them for years. Adam will never please everyone. We will just have to accept what ever he does fashion wise. I don't really care; as long as our guy is happy.
I am here for the music; the rest is just icing on the fabulous Adam as a person!

Anonymous said...

I ADORE the clean-shaven look but shaved sides don't bother me. People just keep whining on about his shaved sides on nearly every thread. Adam will do what he likes with his hair. He may even shave it all off one day! Baldbert. lol

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong or peculiar in liking and longing for some looks Adam has had throughout these 5+ past years.

That's why people take photos, save the moment and then you can look back and enjoy or not (lol!) and something in between. And with our BB there sure is a galore of looks to choose from!

Has Adam anywhere commented or replied to fans on his current look (meaning facial hair and the shaved sides)? He must have seen/heard the constant flow of not so happy comments, too?

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I personally would like him to go without a haircut thru the whole tour. Just think how deliciously shaggy he would be when he hits Australia! Hubba Hubba.......I can't help it I'm from the 'hair band' days......sleek straight silken hair flying or riotous curls tumbling over shoulders.

Excuse me , I need a quiet moment of reflection. -_-
Ah yes, I remember it well!

funbunn40 said...

I was hoping Adam would get bored with the facial hair that seems to be the trend now and buzzed side hair and go back to this look, but "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and Adam obviously likes it, less maintenance. I'm just surprised that he's following the pack. He's usually the one that's the trend setter. He's drop dead handsome no matter what he does, but it's like drawing a mustache on a beautiful work of art. Just something to talk about until exciting news comes in..