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Adam Lambert and Chris Colfer Ice Challenge reaction!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, August 20, 2014


CT said...

OMG! I wondered if Adam would hear that Chris Golfer nominated him for the Ice Challenge since he's "down under" but here he is!!!! So Cute! Love the audio and I really wonder if Dr. Bri and Roger will take the challenge. I'm sure Rufus will :)))

Lam-My said...

Yea I like Chris Colfer and Adam on about more of their intrigue. Chris recommending Adam for this Ice Challenge, shows the first person that came to his mind was Adam; perhaps to signal a return to Glee.
If Brian and Roger take the challenge, they had better wrap themselves and warm up quickly. But these two loaded celebrities can fill a bucketful of $$ instead of ice. But they are very sporting and might do both. lwl!

Anonymous said...

George W Bush did it. Or actually Laura Bush poured the icy water on him. I'm sure Rock 'N Roll icons, Dr. May and Roger, can handle ice water much better than W.

Lam-My said...

Actually, a fairly healthy person will have no problem pouring a bucket of ice water over their's just a minute. This is more for bringing attention / awareness to the neuron disease and the ongoing research that requires huge funding.