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Adam Lambert play the Ice Bucket Challenge!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Dee R Gee said...

So, will Adam actually do it?

JAK said...

I have a very funny, very naughty comment shrieking to pass my lips.......but since I can no longer hide behind anonymity to drop my little zingers I will shut my mouth and tear my fingers from the keyboard!

sigh......being nice all the time is an effort!

BetsyWas said...

Yay for Adam. I laughed out loud watching the video. ALS took the life of my best friends Mom. And MS took the life of my best friend. May some cure be found for these dreaded diseases.

nancdruuu2 said...

You did very well Adam - I'm so proud of you! I hate being cold - brrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

This craze was full on here in our part of the world(NZ) a couple of months ago. It really took off, for a different cause though.
Good of Adam to contribute, bit worried for Brian and Roger though, don't think I could do it at the same age they are.

Yay, this time next week will be in Oz for my concert on 29th. So excited.

Allysa Mentor said...

Of course Adam will do it. Our family did it last week on vacation at the beach. The lifeguard dropped the icy water from a cooler from her stand. ALS is a heartbreaking disease, that shows no mercy. Don't forget to donate !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam should've challenged all Glamberts! Thad have been hysterical! lol. Love Adam's vid so adorkable

yada said...

JAK... Go ahead with the naughty!
We're down with it! hehehehehe

yada said...

I think Rufus will likely do it. :) :). No way Bri and Roger, but Rufus can be a nut. lol

Anne Marie said...

I did not see any witnesses there, he did it privately, not fair. It was probably warm water.

BetsyWas said...

@ Anne Mariie I have no reason to believe Adam would be deceitful, do you?

blu said...

It was cold . . . . I could feel it!

Anne Marie said...

Common sense would make it deceitful, LOL. Adam has a great sense of humor, and why did he do it privately? Maybe it was icy, how would we know, he did not say it was cold or warm. Others I have seen doing it, used ice cubes and had people watching.

Dee R Gee said...

Glad he did it! It's all the rage. Some of my relatives have done it. We'll see if any of Adam's "nominees" do it. Adam is a great sport. My guess is that the water was cold!

JAK, would your "naughty" thought have anything to do with "shrinkage" by any chance? I know it did occur to me! Maybe you and I think alike.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like Adam's own fan assuming he is lying. That is so sad.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't have to have actual ice cubes in it to be cold...maybe he waited till the ice had melted, so he didn't get big lumps falling on him...
I know from feeling the water in the eski when the ice has melted its still blooming freezing...
I think the video is great, he looks so cute, love the noise at the end...

Anonymous said...

talking of Adam and water....this is rather hot...(photo shopped but sexy)

Magiclady said...

It is a sexy pic, too bad it is not his body. Sexy body, but would love to see his real body. Somehow I think he would look better than this and the bottom half, I suspect would be a lot big,,I mean better...

Anne Marie said...

Let's stop arguing, he did it with ice cold water, OK. I never said he lied, or was deceitful. I did say there were no witnesses.
Donating money to the cause, is great, this water idea, is just plain stupid. BTW the co-person who thought this up, just died at age 27, in a drowning accident.It is very sad.

CT said...

just posted on the previous thread when I saw the collage pics. Love this video and Adam's noise at the end. I'm not sure if Bri and Roger will take the challenge but likely donate. Rufus for sure will take the challenge....he can be a bit crazy sometimes.

Anne Marie said...

Corey Griffin original pioneer of the ice bucket thing, dove off of the top of a building at 2:00 am and drowned, He was 27.

Dee R Gee said...

Magiclady, I'm sorry but I'm don't understand your post. Explain? Thanks.

Magiclady said...

@Dee R Gee
@adamfaninhk posted a
twitter pic of what I think is Adam's head but not his body drenched in water. It is a very sexy pic, but wish it was Adam's bod. Of course I had to make reference to the lower half of the pic, because I find Adam to be one of the sexiest men I have ever seen!

PRS said...

I'll never understand how alleged fans still question his behavior, motives, decisions etc.

Dee R Gee said...

Magiclady, Thanks! I have now seen the pic you were referring to. I hadn't seen it when I asked you what you meant. Yes, it's a very sexy picture even though it's not his own body. I love Adam's real body. He's so tall and lean, and he uses his body so well onstage. Rose Marie, I kind of agree with you about the whole water thing. I frankly think some people feel a little railroaded into it, knowing that will not look cool if they decline. I'm sure some think it's just good fun and that's fine, too. I'm glad that Adam took part in it. How could he NOT?

Rosepetal said...

A little poem for a JAK and all ... sorry I'm still naughty

Adam doused himself with ice
Gave u know who quite a fright,
I hope he's fine and will rise above
When Adam dons those pants we love,

Anne Marie said...

If you were nominated to do it, and you did not do it, you had to donate, if you did do it you did not have to donate, but you did have to nominate dome others anyway. It also had to be videoed and put on the media.
It is being stopped now, I think because of Corey Griffin's death. He was at a fund raiser for the charity, must have been drinking to even go up on top of a building and dive off, at 2 AM.
The donations are still being encouraged however.

Dee R Gee said...

Anne Marie, So sorry I called you Rose Marie is my post. I have a friend Rose Marie, and I just slipped. Anyway, So sorry about Corey Griffin's death. Sometimes the best of intentions can just get out of hand and lose the original intended purpose. Giving money to the ALS cause is wonderful and necessary, but I won't be sorry when the ice water thing is over.

Dee R Gee said...

Oh, and Anne Marie, I love your poem! Just what I was thinking.

Vagrant said...

@Rose Petal
YUHUU, I wish you the same
as I wish Adam each & every day,
please, please always stay 'naughty',
true to yourself in your own special way...

LOVE your poem/poems!!!

@JAK and @Ya'll - loosen and lighten up, folks, EXPRESS yourselves, this is a fan site of a most DELICIOUS, EXPRESSIVE, HUMOROUS, SEXY FUN LOVING SINGER/PERFORMER in this world!!!

High time the comment sections (after the big CHANGE!) started reflecting some of the extraordinary qualities of this GORGEOUS Bird of Paradise. Immaculate singing/performing is a given, of course... plus there's so much more to enjoy and comment... be merry, be joyous, be commenting!!!

Dee R Gee said...

Vagrant, Love your poem and your message! Just because we've managed to escape the rude, crude and obnoxious trolls here, doesn't mean we have to act like we're in church. A little naughtiness, and little riskiness and lots of humor is what makes it all fun. That's what Adam is all about. That's what sets him apart. That's why we love him so. Yes, he is our Bird of Paradise.

Dee R Gee said...

Rose petal, meant to say thank you for the poem! I used Anne marie's name by mistake. Can't seem a keep track of who is who today!

Rosepetal said...

No prob... I spent all morning thinking it was Friday. I can't tell u how disappointed I was to learn the truth .

yada said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yada said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
yada said...

Vagrant... great words. :)
Lets all enjoy.

Rose Petal.... Awesome poem! Gave me a big grin... hahahahaha

JAK, with our little group here... you have nothing to worry about. LOL

Anonymous said...

Actually Corey Griffin was not the original pioneer of the ice bucket challenge. That challenge to raise money for charity has been around a long time. Corey was very good at using it for fundraising for ALS on behalf of his friend who has it. It has been reported he helped raise over $100,000.

The original rules of donating or doing the challenge seem to have gotten blurred. DRG was worried people were railroaded into doing it but I have seen some very funny vids of people donating money instead.

I haven't seen any reports of Corey drinking to cause him to jump of the roof of the building on the pier. Rather it is very common for people to jump off that roof into the water. I have not seen anything suggesting ending the challenge due to Corey's death.

So far the ALS Association has received $41.8 million in donations ( as compared to $2.1 million during the same time period last year.). If you are inclined to donating please keep in mind all the other neuromuscular disease associations or your favorite charity.

glitzylady said...

Re "naughty" comments: (IMHO)

All we really ask here on 24/7 is that you:

Are respectful of Adam Lambert, although we don't always have to agree with him..

Are respectful of others here....we don't have to agree with each other either..

That's pretty much it.

Adam can be a **bit** naughty sometimes, so why can't we?? :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I think as fans we know by now that Adam enjoys a good "innuendo"(sometimes a bit..or a lot... sexual).. He occasionally uses a swear word or two.. including the dreaded "f" word.. But he also keeps it "classy" for the most part..

So @JAK, feel free to treat us to that "funny, naughty" comment :)))) I can't imagine it wasTHAT bad, right?? Guessing it was PG or R rated, but guessing it wasn't an "X-rated" comment....

Or was it??!!!

If it was, you can email me......


Nobody said...

Still doesn't explain why my comment that was respectful to Adam and to others here was deleted or why I have never been given a reason why it was deleted despite asking multiple times.

Nobody said...

ETA it is not respectful to delete and then refuse to acknowledge you did it or explain why.

Double standards.