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Adam Lambert’s been a trailblazer for almost every step of his pop music career!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, August 11, 2014

Posted at : Monday, August 11, 2014

Adam’s been one of the loudest supporters of gay artists since the day he first burst onto the scene on “American Idol.”
Now he’s voicing his belief that more and more LGBT artists will begin popping up as popstars, because of the presence of singers such as Frank Ocean and Sam Smith, who are becoming more relatable to mainstream listeners.
Speaking with The Backlot, Adam expressed his feelings about the rocky road an openly gay performer faces in show business in the 21st century:

Read here:


Anne Marie said...

If a person has talent, it shouldn't matter what their religion or lack thereof is. But
Adam is being a trail blazer for gays, which is a bit different. He cannot change the minds of Muslims, Christians, and Jews to change their religious beliefs, which are based in their bibles. To love all people is the right thing, but to accept a gay persons lifestyle is not right, according if it is against their religious beliefs. Sodomy is not a right thing. I don't call it being closed minded to stand up for what you believe. Adam is standing up for what he believes in, and I respect that, but that does not make other people wrong.
Adam is being accepted because he has an undeniable talent, not because he is gay. But because he is gay, talent or not, some countries will not let him perform, nor will some areas even in the USA. Because this is based on religious beliefs, he will never change these people. Adam believes in a persons right of expression, a good thing, and these same people have that same right. This is only a comment of what the real world is like.

smith said...

In what place in the USA, exactly would Adam not be allowed to perform. TOLERANCE is the thing here. Even the pope said "Who am I to Judge"
Judaism , other than orthodox is accepting as is Hinduism. Muslim extremists thinK everything is a sin. The Dalai Lama has no problem with it. So why is sodomy ok between a man and a woman and not between 2 men. I'm sure you're a very nice person, but stop living in the dark ages. We have no right to judge other people, if it doesn't hurt us.

nancdruuu2 said...

@smith - I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned extremists. Those people will never come around because they believe it is okay to "hate". We have seen many examples of this such as the "religious" people who protested at military funerals, etc. Many places around the world wish to destroy whole groups of people they have decided do not have the right to exist. These people will not change but rational people will and those are the ones we want to reach even if it's one person at a time. I believe it can happen.

Anne Marie said...

Jesus said do not judge others lest I judge you, not the pope.
The bible belt in the USA, is not so tolerant of the gay community.
It was noticeable that the Queen tour avoided the southern states.
Sodomy is not OK between a man and a woman it is not a natural way to have sex. I think some people call it using the ' back door', not a natural way to have sex. I am not judging anyone, I was stating that Adam cannot fight peoples religious beliefs.
That would be asking people to forgo believing what their bible teaches and follow his thoughts on the subject. He has gained a lot of fans who don't have these religious beliefs as he is becoming more well known. Adam has had his share of non-acceptance, and he is standing up for what his beliefs are, and I respect that. There is just as much sin today if not more, than there was in the dark ages, it's just more open now. I don't think you will find ANY religion is OK with sodomy.
Adam is trying to be a trail blazer, and he has succeeded along with a few other people, he is not alone, but he cannot change all people, whose beliefs are just as strong as his.
I personally enjoy his singing talent very much, but nobody will make me believe that sodomy is OK.
I am sorry if I have offended any one, was not my intention. Before anyone tells me, that what people do in their private time, should not concern me, I still stand by my personal belief.

Anonymous said...

Robin Williams committed suicide 😭

BetsyWas said...

R.I.P. Robin Williams. Very sad news indeed.

Allysa Mentor said...

Exactly where in the bible does it say sodomy between a man and a woman is a sin.......

Dee R Gee said...

Allysa, that's a good question. I don't think it does. People tend to interpret the bible to match what they feel is right. I would guess that sexually behavior, whether it's between a straight couple or a gay one, is more similar than many of us realize. It has nothing to do with religion. Sex and love are universal throughout humanity. To punish some people for something they cannot change is just cruel. Adam and others like him deserve the chance to have love in their lives.

Gabi said...

All of us Glamberts, who became fans mainly because of Adam's singing talent, should not underestimate the impact he has had on the musical landscape and beyond. I'm proud.

R.I.P. Robin Williams. So sad. Why??

Lam-My said...

An old poem of mine on Adam as a trailblazer. So here goes...dated 2011.

Adam the trailblazer
Also the innovator
They complement each other
Accentuating diverse colours
Round two is Trespassing in spring
It'll be an unprecedented sing
Nothing short of miraculous from the king
Hot goodies in a bag with everything
Adam, it's time for rock and roll !
Bring on your scintillating show
Like there's no tomorrow
Row Adam row...ho ho ho
With beautiful blue eyes...aim !
Precise, on target, insane
You're soon en route to entertain
This time round, we'll all faint
Glamberts often hitch a ride
Fast and furious to concert sites
Like the rise and ebb of tide
Fearlessness and pride imbibed
Inevitable success is a sure bet
Glamberts readily attest to that
Like a lightning roller-coaster...he'll smash
To smithereens anything in its tracks
Your new single will be arriving shortly
An effective timely remedy
For all the woes and rigidity
Topping the music charts favourably
Adam is all about love and radiance
Enhanced by Riff's pure innocence
A breathtaking efflorescence
Godfather's inspirational fragrance

December 4, 2011 at 9:43 PM

Lam-My said...

Wheee...So is Adam in the east now
Waiting for some excitement and sound
Of QueenBert and Adam to wear his sparkling crown
Mmm...Prince Charming is galloping into town
Knight of the night in his shining armour
To the eastern gals' vehement clamour
To get as close as possible
For a glimpse of their handsome singer
As his voice swings lustfully into the ether lwl!

yada said...
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yada said...
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yada said...
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yada said...

(Ok. Last edit! Wish there was an "edit" button so we wouldn't have to delete. lol. But, I digress...)

Anne Marie...
I admire you for stating your beliefs the same way I admire Adam for stating his. I applaud you both. It takes courage both ways... Kudos.

Imho... Respect and tolerance is not about believing the same way or accept everyone's cultures and lifestyles. It's about respecting all individuals as equal people and human fellow beings in spite of differences. I feel to scold & get on to someone for disapproving the lifestyle and/or beliefs of another... is not realistic, imo.

I believe that the highest expression of tolerance is being able to state disapproval of lifestyles and cultures of another while extending respect and compassion to the PERSON. (Christian, Hindi, gay, straight, whatever). Imho, that is the truest Tolerance.

And, imo, real tolerance is respecting those who agree with Adam's lifestyle - their right to share it - and, also respecting those people who disagree with things about Adam's lifestyle as well, and their right to share it. But, also appreciating that those who may disagree with Adam on some things and share those disagreements... can also be fans of his and respect his amazing talent, profound gifting and, well... his just plain hotness. :)

Lam-My said...

There is quite a lot of difference between acceptance and tolerance.
Acceptance has more understanding of the matter concerned and therefore does not question its practices or norms.
Tolerance is a kind of lip service that allows something to carry on but with not so much understanding or empathy of the matter or situation.
Okay, my stand on the gay issue is acceptance because I feel it's a 'freak' occurrence of nature that one's brain/mind is both male and female and as a result lives one's life the way one is born into.
On the other hand if your choice is tolerance with regard this gay phenomenon, then in actuality, there is not much acceptance on the issue but will allow it, sort of one eye closed.

Anonymous said...

To me tolerance is accepting others right to different beliefs and behavior without disapproving of their beliefs and behaviors.

I disapprove of people who steal or kill and I do not tolerate their beliefs or behaviors.

To say one has tolerance of Hindis but disapproves of their lifestyle or culture, as the example given in a comment above, is really hate and intolerance.