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OUT Magazine: 5 Things We Learned from Adam Lambert’s Queen Tour

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, August 05, 2014

credit: Ethan Miller as posted on
Although this is just an article containing highlights from yesterday's feature story on Adam in The Advocate, it's a thoughtful recap and is particularly refreshing that writer Dennis Hinzmann uses a descriptor for Adam other than "American Idol runner-up."  (We do love the above photo they chose to lead the story, despite that it's from the iHeart concert and not the tour!)



glitzylady said...

Yes, we do love that picture!!!!

Anonymous said...

We'll get bunch of media coverages because of Adam's involvement with AT&T LIVE PROUD campaign for LGBT. Good luck to those lucky fans who smbitted their memes to win a day with Adam in NY.

Rosepetal said...

This was a great article. I'm so encouraged that there seems to be more mainstream acceptance, of people within the LGBT community in all walks of life. Perhaps, there will one day come a time when a persons sexuality isn't given a second thought . If so hope and pray I'm alive to see it .

CT said...

Great article! I'm so happy for Adam that he is beginning to see the "post gay sensibility" in our society that he has spoken about many times and fought for through his celebrity.

Yes, I love the picture they chose for the article:)))