Videos of Adam Lambert Arriving in Finland!
Filed Under (video ) by Admin on Monday, December 19, 2011
Posted at : Monday, December 19, 2011
Thanks to Adam Lambert Fan club, LoveALForever and Ilta-Sanomat!

Photo credit: EnniIIV Enni
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so we'll just have to figure out how long he is stsying . lol Those girls were so cute.
Awwww. All alone with his bags... nobody to pick him up... :(
I love the two girls hanging on to each other for dear life not believing what thay are seeing as they are following Adam. Such awe, such fun. And what a dear he is being so polite as his fans are in Finnland.
I volunteer to help carry bags
From Barcelona
"Finland", that is.
Wellcome to Finland Adam! Too bad we dont have white x-mas this year but I bet you´ll still have wonderful time with Sauli and his family. I just wish I could be a fly on the wall when Sauli´s dad and his family meet Adam.. :)
And to anon 10:11, it was very wise for Sauli not to pick Adam up. There were already some paps at the airport. It would have been even bigger fuss around them if Sauli was there.
It´s quite pathetic to imply that Sauli would not care.. but that leaves you of course space to think that Adam did not come to Finland to meet Sauli at all but to have a secret holiday with Tommy..
Awww, Adam is like a Finn already. Independent and carrying his bags himself. :)
So happy Adam gets to spend time in Finland with Sauli and his family. He must be exhausted from the flight, but always so nice to the fans. Guess the boy gave him a box of chocolates. Very sweet!
standing and gawking at airports are so stalkerish. It shouldn't be allowed. Doesn't anyone have anything be to do in their life besides stalking rockstars and their lovers. Pathetic*
If anyone feels like doing a little voting. Q102 Philly has a poll Who is the best performer at a jingle ball. Adam is against katy Perry and needs some votes.So glad adam is in Finland!
doesn't anyone have anything better to do? Yeah! that is the truth! quit standing around prying into other peoples lives and their love affairs. really pathetic***
maybe TJR juggles Liz and AML????!!! doesn't he go both ways after all????
10:39 hell if I was at the airport I'd be the biggest gawker there and I'm not a sweet little girl either!! he he heee
10:41 who cares? why do you care?
Happy Holidays to Adam and all the fans! Thanks Adam for the holiday gift! Love Better Than I Know Myself!
Guys, go to this radio station and listen to Better Thank I Know Myself. Their gonna play it any minute:
maybe AML likes a 3 way while on the freeway???!!!!:))) that can be a little risky afterall:)))
10:52 thanks for the info!! I didn't know it was getting radio play already. Order it tonight after midnight on iTunes.
someone is cruisin for a bruisin.
10:55 haven't heard fromn you in a few days, were you pink slipped?
Toby Knapp want you to like this facebook page to play Better Than I Know Myself.
tkradio toby knapp
Ok, @adamlambert fans... For every 1k likes we get, we'll play the song! Like us on Facebook! Here's how!
Go to the following page and click on like button on upper right hand corner of his page:
Toby said if he gets 1000 likes on his page he will play BTIKM and if he gets another 1000 he will play it again. Go to the link and do it now:
Probably Adam sugested Sauli not meet him at the airport. They will prolly have a hotel room, and that would be so nice to greet each other in privacy.
Okay, these DJs are thirsty to play Adam's BTIKM but they are asking for favors from us. Let's show them love and support them so they'll play BTIKM.
tkradio toby knapp
btw, global @adamlambert fans, once we hit 1k likes, i'll tell u exactly when u can listen. if ur not n dc, click this:
This is the live stream for 99.5:
Come on guys stop childish stuff and start supporting Adam. Show your love by going to the above links and support the DJs favors so they will play BTIKM. DO IT NOW.
Sorry to say there are some (maybe one?) sickos on this site.
Very happy for Adam's safe arrival in Finland. I hope he has a wonderful time with Sauli and his family over the holidays. Adam very much deserves some private time. He gives so much to his fans wherever he goes. Happy Holidays Adam!
Judging from all that luggage that Adam has,it looks like he may be having some promotions in Europe( @ radio stations maybe)while he's there.I'm sure Sauli will bw glad to see him,too.BB we just love your hair;please keep it like it was for the Amway gig.
Adam single sounded fabulous on 93.3 FLZ.
Now show some love to Toby to play BTIKM. Go to the following link to like his page. Once he reaches 1000 likes he will play BTIKM. DO IT AND PASS IT AROUND TO YOU FOLLOWERS ON TWITTER AND FACEBOOK:
Dj's just having some fun, let's have some fun with them too.
On Toby's page there are two like buttons. One on upper left side of the page and another one below on upper right side of the page. I clicked on both of them.
When will we start hearing BTIKM on the radio?
Well we have to request radio stations to play it for now.
Those girls just love Adam. That is what being a fan is all about. The comments in regards to Tommy/Sauli disrepects Adam so much. Fans lift up there star and his "family" Adam would not be plese to read "crap" I am with who ever wants to support Adam and his music. The video was adorable to see him interact with people. That was his private time and every seemed to be OK with that. China to Finland Now that is some jet lag going on for sure.
To all the real Glamberts out there Happy Holiday!
Q102briand Brian Douglas Q102
I will be playing the new @adamlambert single "Better Than I Know Myself" at 6p (e) tonight on Q102. Listen online at
MIX 105.1
@MIX1051 MIX 105.1
We'll debut the new @adamlambert "Better Than I Know Myself" around 3:35pm on @MIX1051 Listen: @AdamLambertFans
Anon @11:35, yes, but do the radio stations have it to play now?
Is it just certain areas of the country or certain cities. I live in the southeastern US and would love to hear it on the radio.
Adam was so polite and cheerful even tho he was probably so tired.
I agree that Sauli there would have generated unwanted attention. Still, having one of his family or friends pick up Adam seems nicer than looking for a taxi by yourself.
There was a lot of luggage. Maybe he's staying for Christmas : )
This is the part of being famous that SUCKS. . . . personal space . . Poor BB he can't hide anything anymore . . . he handle it well. . . Sorry Adam we just love you!!! Holiday greetings to you and Sauli..
I would like to comment on the Tommy thing. Yes, it is disrespectful, since Adam has tried to clear it up that Tommy is straight and nothing romantic went on with him and Adam. And also since Adam is involved romantically with someone else right now. But I also hope Adam can see what his spectacle on stage with Tommy has generated with some of his OTT fans. I know he said that he did it because the fans wanted it. I hope he realizes that he can't do just everything the fans want, especially if it's not honest(Tommy being straight). To say that these people are obsessed would be a very kind assessment.
Seeing a celebrity at the sirport is not stalking. Except for a few really crazed fans, most fans just want to see the person they love and make a heartfelt connection. It's harmless, and I think most celebs, Adam included, are flattered by it. Adam didn't seem to expect these fans to be there, but he handled it with grace, as usual. It's a small price to pay for fame, if you ask me. These fans buy his music and support him. He knows this. Those two girls were charming and so thrilled to be so close to him. Wish it had been me!
Of course, we need to support the single in any way we can. Go on Toby's Facebook page, call radio stations, whatever it takes.
Oh, and there will always and forever be those think that Adam and Tommy are a secret couple. Ignore them! Maybe they'll finally get tired.
Nevermind, I just see the answer to my radio question on another thread.
@11:49AM I know radio stations have BTIKM to play it. Few radio stations around the globe play it already. As they get more request from fans they have no other choice but playing it on the radio. I have no idea when RCA will push the radios to play it on rotation like WWFM and IIHY. For now it would be nice as fans we request our local top 40 and CHR radio stations to play it. I send few emails to my local radio stations to play the song. You can all do the same. Let's give some love to our local DJs for the holidays and request BTIKM.
I saw the thread for radio request. I'm gonna settle there and leave this thread for Adommy and Saulibert fans. They love Adam less than serious Adam fans who only care for Adam's music and leave his personal love and life affair to him. Majority of us are only concerned about Adam's music to be heard on radios across the globe.
I just posted this on the newest thread, but I'll post it here too, re requesting radio play:
Here is a link to take you to a list of US radio stations by state to request Adam's new song:
The first paragraphs say this:
"LIST: U.S. Stations Pop/Top 40!
Posted on December 19, 2011
Find your area below and then send in a request to your local station(s).
Don’t see your area listed? Please let us know…thanks!
*REMINDER: Use commom sense and do not overdo it with the requesting, especially right now with the song really not getting off the ground until January."
Just "liked" Toby Knapp on Facebook!
staying at an airport for endless hours with no reason to be there is stalking. If you don't have a flight out or someone you personally know flying in, it is considered stalking. I know Adam finds it weird. Celebrities have alot of shit to deal with.
isn't Kesha in Helsinki this week as well??? maybe they might reconnect!!!!
I just hope that Adam has a nice, RELAXING visit with Sauli, his family and friends. Goodness knows, he deserves some peace away from all the hype to spend some time with his love and to meet everyone that's important to Sauli. Hope Adam has a wonderful time. He deserves it! LL
Today IS-Tutka: Sauli in Finland. Have not yet translated.
I am delighted to have Adam in Finland. I believe he will have more privacy in here than in most parts of the globe. Finns tend to appriciate individual space of others.
Howeve I find it akward to expect that there is no interest at all for our boys, sice both are well liked and known here.
So many of us were aware that he might come, and still only handful of people were at the airport, and I am glad they were. I did love to see him arrive.
From now on I'll expect from my fellow citizens, that boys are left alone, unless they make really public appearance.
I wish Adam and Sauli a relaxing and wonderful holiday!
I also got a bang out of the two girls holding each other up. It was like if they let go, the man before them would disappear. Must say I am not surprised that Adam spending the holidays with Sauli and his family in Finland. Love is sharing with the one you love. Happy for them both. Anyone know how the Shanghai went? No videos.
is Adam gonna meet the father? this is very serious! when is the wedding???
wonder if Sauli is sick of all the fangirlies that come gawking over hiz Boi:)) It's a wonder he hasn't got hiz stick out to beat them off! is Sauli bi? did he have a relationship with a woman before?
Anon @3:23, is Sauli bi???? Good question. Does anybody know? Do any of you Finns out there know?
Anon @3:21, Wedding? Sauli's not pregnant is he?
Adam will need several days rest after all that traveling.
aww, felt a bit sad watching this video. It really seems Adam wasn't expecting any fans to meet him, and had wanted to slip in unrecognised. Don't think he was happy they were there, but was trying to be polite about it. He was obviously tired, 2 long haul flights in a few days, probably a bit nervous about meeting Saulis family. I'm sure there was no one to meet him beacuse he was trying to fly under the radar. As to the luggage, I don't think he had much, 1 big jacket and a couple of pairs of his boots would fill one of those suitcases.
I guess some Finns have AdBert radar. They just knew he'd be at the airport
Yes,there was about five Finnis fan´s at the airport,that must have been painful for Adam.LOL
He should've been picked up by one of Sauli's friends instead of calling for cab. Adam picked up Sauli few times from LAX. j/s
Love Adam's new shades! Never saw them before.
@6:12 HA HA HA!!! You'r right -very painful for Adam to meet few fans:):):)
omg!,he had to take a cap.I`m shocked
Just teasing:)
Sauli is expecting twins and TJR is the Godfather:)
Guys, Better Than I Know Myself is available on iTunes:
Buy it for $1.29. Gift it to your friends and relatives. Rate it. Write your comments.
Anon@ 7:03 pm: I understood that Sauli was working at the time A arrived at the airport. Should he have dropped his work responsibilities to be at the airport? There is even more to those work responsibilities, but I'm not going there because it's nobody's business.
Also, it was around 3-4pm on a regular Monday. Most of Sauli's family a friends were most likely working. Why should THEY drop what they ard doing to pick up a capable adult from sn airport in a vou try with the best and the safest taxis in the world, and where everyone speaks English?
The answer is YES, I think someone should have come to pick him up.
HK fan 4:47, Don't be sad. Finland was the first European country where Adam was really popular. Thousands showed up when he had a signing for fans at a department store on his promo tour, spring 2010. The GNT concert wasn't the best here, he was not feeling well when he arrived, but after he met Sauli and recharged his batteries here, he had much more energy and was on a happier mood when he left. :)
I'm not sad because only a few turned up, more that he clearly wanted to arrive with noone knowing he was there, and have a quiet private time. But I'm sure he will get treated very well in Finland.
HK fan, oh ok, but it really wasn't possible, since the fans knew he was not on the LA plane he was supposed to. Also some inner circle fans in LA knew about this trip weeks ago. For the Finns this was quite a surprise though. I didn't expect him to come and it won't affect my life in any way. In Finland people are not as stalkerish as in many other western countries. We have a different celebrity culture here. I don't think Adam was expecting anyone to pick him up. It didn't look that way to me, that he was looking for someone.
I mean many finnish celebrities use public transportation. They can be famous in or outside Finland, since there are a few internationally known rock groups here, but they still travel by train etc. :)
Adam, seemed surprised to see fans at the airport since this was a personal trip. He was so sweet, even tho' he had to be exhausted. The Finnish girls were so cute and he seemed a little taken aback when he was asked how long he was staying. No body guards, entourage or stretch limo, just a down to earth guy shlepping all of his own baggage like anyone else, trying to be normal,just another quality about him that's so endearing. I wonder what the fan gave him that he put into his luggage. He looked so adorable and handsome! If Sauli met him at the airport, more paps and fans would be alerted. Adam obviously just wanted to arrive quietly without fanfare. I'm sure that he doesn't want his fame to create any disturbance and inconveniences for Sauli's family. I hope their private time will be meaningful and respected. I think Adam will really enjoy this time in Finland experiencing Christmas with Sauli's family.
Funbunn 11:36 The kid gave him a box of finnish chocolate pralines by Fazer.
Anon 3:23 and 4:06 PM Sauli is gay. He has lived with a boyfriend in his twenties. To anon 3:23 what is coming to fans he has used to them. After he won BB he had a lots of fans and some of them has been following him for years so I don't believe that Adam fans are any problem for him to accept or understand how important they are to Adam and to Adam's career. Without fans there is no career.
For the first time i understandt,you are taking this very seriously,i`m very sorry if hurt someones feeligs.
For me it just being fan,having fun.(7.03 pm)
HK fan 10,26
Adam is in Finland,it is Europian country and they have: electricity,
He is save!
@anon dec 20th 3.49
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, or where you're getting that from. For the 3rd time, all I meant was , that it was clear he wasn't expecting anyone to meet him, and that he'd just wanted to arrive quietly without anyone knowing....
HK Fan 4.40
I am so sorry if you feel bad,you are just like an Russian ballet dancer....
It's funny when you compare the videos from Shanghai airport to the ones from Helsinki. In Shanghai Adam had to have bodyguards and stuff, and there were hundreds of hysterical fans. In Helsinki, there were those two hysterical teenage girls, a couple of photographers and a shy kid with his mom. But then again... population of Shanghai -roughly 23 million, population of Helsinki -roughly 600,000.
6:58, you enjoy making fun of these people don't you? Why?
Some are serious, some are just having fun. Don't make fun of them.
I'm a fan of Adam's, just not to the point of caring about his personal business as much as them. I'm here because I'm bored today - on vacation from work. Their comments are funny, but you don't have to be cruel.
8:26 Yes, Finland is a very small nation and you get used to bigger nations pointing fingers at you and blaming you about the silliest things. I don't mean the Asian countries. Mainly some European countries and the US tend to be bossy. But we try to ignore it. Fandom is like the globe on a smaller scale.
I think Truth is always a good weapon, if someone gets too nasty. But you gotta have knowledge about various issues then..
@ December 21, 2011 3:23 AM
Ha! I, too, am a Finn. I'm sitting here, scratching my head, thinking 'What on Earth is that person on about?!'
To my knowledge, I did not "point fingers" or "blame Finland" for anything in my comment. It was just an innocent observation. I think it's great that Adam didn't have to worry about his security and such because Finland is so small and safe a place.
Please do enlighten me how you chose to interpret my comment.
~ Anon Finn from December 20, 2011 8:26 AM
Oh, I wasn't disagreeing with your comment. I just got carried away and added some more of my own opinions. I was thinking about politics and monetary issues and stuff like that. Maybe I should have left that out.. :)
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