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Queen FB updated: Richard Wilkins speaks to Queen and Adam Lambert about why the late, great Freddie Mercury would be jealous of what they’re doing now!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, August 25, 2014

Posted at : Monday, August 25, 2014


Lam-My said...

I think, forget the clichés, he's no Freddie or he is filling big shoes. Strangely right from the start, I never felt Adam was filling any shoes big or small...he wears beautiful boots that wobble down the runway. lwl! What I'm saying is, he doesn't copy rather, he internalises the concepts, the historical background of the Queen songs and lo and behold, you've got yourself a brand new song! I guess his voice/singing is the masterful 'chef' that cooks all the ingredients so sumptuously together into a modern dish. Also, right from the start, close to 3 years ago, I contended Adam was resurrecting Queen songs and Queen band; though most think Queen was doing Adam a huge favour of getting him recognised; yes, but that's only part of the equation. Like Brian so candidly admits they thought it was their swan song with regard Queen. About Freddie being a little jealous perhaps he meant it in a loving way; Freddie would be so thrilled his songs can be revived this way, to almost new contemporary songs status. Here much has to be credited to the "originators" as Adam so aptly put it.