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Adam Lambert will be serving as guest judge at the NY auditions!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, September 15, 2014

Posted at : Monday, September 15, 2014


Anonymous said...

Gosh...that came out of the blue, always something to surprise us in the Adam fandom....I think he'll do great, he's already had a bit of practice as a guest judge on an audition round of Chinese Idol:)


Magiclady said...

I think it's great. It just gives other people that are not aware, the ability to see how charming and funny he can be! Not to mention how hot and handsome he is!

Anne Marie said...

This should be a short gig in NY. Keith will be back soon. Good thing Adam was totally available.
These pre judging things get very tiring for the judges. Adam going into the middle of it, might be hard, because he hasn't seen who else has been judged, and this will be a call back thing. But he likes any excuse to go to NY, one of his favorite places. I think the judging part, takes a lot of hours.

Anne Marie said...

I don't think this part is televised, it might be, depends how far along in the pre judging they are. If it is the one where they go on to Hollywood, it might be televised.

Dee R Gee said...

Gee, I sure hope his part is televised. We'll go crazy with frustration if it isn't. Still glad he's doing it.