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VIDEO: News Feature From Poland: Featuring Queen + Adam Lambert Promo For 2015 European Tour (via @Jadelle11)

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, December 12, 2014

Posted at : Friday, December 12, 2014

VIDEO: News coverage from Poland: Queen + Adam Lambert EU Tour Promo: 2 minute 30 second news feature.

             Screen cap from the news feature on Polish TV

Includes footage of the Queen + Adam Lambert Berlin Press Conference, Queen + Freddie Mercury and Queen + Adam Lambert Performances... 

Lots of Adam Lambert moments!! 

Via @Jadelle11 You Tube: 

"2014 12 12 T V N 24 Evening News QAL coverage"


Link To @Jadelle11's You Tube


Anonymous said...

QAL fever all over Europe!!


Anonymous said...

I'm going to take a chance and hope nobody tries to kill me.. But Adam's voice has a trained voice next to Freddie who doesn't have a trained voice. There is a difference...The training shows...

Anonymous said...

I'm going to take a chance and hope nobody tries to kill me.. But Adam has a trained voice next to Freddie who doesn't have a trained voice. There is a difference...The training shows...

Anonymous said...


When are the Godfathers going to give us back our boy?

Still love you Brian and Roger

But miss Adam here!

JAK said...

There IS a difference, but I still love Freddie's voice too.

Anonymous said...

Of course there are differences in their voices and styles of singing, lots of reasons for those differences. But it is totally possible to love them both. Or prefer one or the other. Comparing their voices (in a valid way) is futile, not possible to do.

Anonymous said...

Can I say that to each is own!!:)

I loved Freddie since I was young and now Adam came along and my life in rock n' roll is alive again!!!:)))


Anonymous said...

Love both their voices. It's not a competition although sadly some people think it is and keep going regurgitating it. :-( There's no one like Freddie and there's no one like Adam.