LONDON REVIEW: Classic Rock Magazine
Filed Under () by broddybounce on Monday, January 19, 2015
Posted at : Monday, January 19, 2015
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credit: Kevin Nixon / Classic Rock |
"...a number of fans...have reacted to Adam Lambert's involvement with the kind of fury usually reserved for people who mistreat donkeys in small Spanish communities." ... "He's "too gay", suggested a reader on this website recently (you wonder if Paul Rodgers could similarly be considered "too heterosexual")."
"He's a captivating frontman...."... "it's somehow a much warmer celebration of the band's's heartfelt and powerful and ridiculous in all the right ways. It's Queen."
NOTE: You will need to register on the site, which is completely free, in order to read the article. As much as we would love to reprint the review in its entirety here, we are unable to do so without exposing AL 24/7 to potential legal recourse.
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I am really tired of this gay discussion. Love has no sexual orientation. We love Adam for all that he represents. He loves his fans. He loves life. He loves people. I understand that the gay discussion comes in the context of Freddie Mercury and the progress our society has made, but enough is enough. Adam is my hero on so many levels and I have come to love and admire him so much. You think doing this marathon singing tour is not a challenge???? He is such a wonderful person. The gay label is myopic. Get over it reviewers or you will miss the wonder of the man.
Thanks brodybouncer.
I joined the website so I could read the whole article which was pretty good. There have been so many ultra positive reviews out of the UK that when there's in the slightest amount of negativity in a review, it stings.
Accept or reject it, I don't think the "gay" thing is going to go away any time soon. It doesn't rile me because it's part of who Adam is. He doesn't shy away from it and as his fans, nor should we.
I don't care for the negative attitude of these last two posts. They could just as easily been made in a neutral or positive fashion. Nothing like first thing in the morning being hit with a negative attitude towards things.
This is a very good review by someone who isn't just gushing for the sake of gushing. It is thoughtful and balanced. I think the gay issue is actually na apt topic in these Queen write-ups. Freddie's and Adam's sexuality were, and are, handled differently in different times in society. It is reflected in their performances in a very obvious way. It reflects social change and attitudes. It's an integral part of Queen's persona. It's a valid part of the discussion IMO. At some point, the discussion should just fade away, but we're certainly not there yet.
at 6:09 AM
That's ridiculous! They are not negative posts at all. Maybe you got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. We are all here as ADAM'S FANS.
Very well said, Dee R Gee.
Let me try again==more positively. The reviews of QAL are so impressive and so positive. Adam is at the top of his game; he made have needed the Queen song catalog to really show what he can do. He is so personable. There are sooooooo many wonderful things about Adam and what he brings to entertainment and so many people have "discovered" him. It is just an exciting time for him === and for us. The gay focus will pass in time when it becomes more common to have a superstar who is gay. We are not there yet, but we will be there eventually.
There seem to be some riled up Glamberts on that website, posting comments re that review. How to win friends and influence people - not!
6:21 am, that is so embarrassing. Both Shosh and Adam asked fans to not do that yet there there are. And Classic Rock has been so supportive of Queen + Adam Lambert. Shame on those glamberts.
Yet again, there are comments on the Classic Rock website accusing the author of the review of not being at the concert, because he said something the posters didn't like, and he has replied that he was at the concert. It really makes Glamberts look bad when they attack the media for no valid reason whatsoever.
6:17 and 6:20 am, posts, not comments.
The two posts about the reviews have a negative tone. They could have been presented in a less negative way.
That was a great review!!
Adam and friends last night?
I thought it was a good review. I'm very thankful for all the good reviews our boy it getting. The thing I don't get is people complaining he's too gay.... really....I can totally understand people complaining he's too sexy and they're worried the people sitting in the first few rows might somehow spontaneously combust. Or that's if he stand still too long the stage will melt from his uber hotness, but too gay...hell I don't even know what that means....IT'S QUEEN!!!!'
Seems odd that gay should even come up at all, Freddie was gay.
I see the troll is back....
I thought the review was pretty good.
Your way of expressing how a Glambert feels about Adam is extremely crude, but true. He deserves and has earned 100% praise. Any snarky remarks made about him are usually false, and we are touchy on the subject of any lies or false statements about Adam.
I agree wholeheartedly with what you've said! I think the Queen catalog has definitely carried Adam's voice to the stars! Not many can match up to Adam, plus add in his oozing charm and personality, and need I say stunning good looks?
I can't understand comments that bring up the "gay" thing...whatever difference does it make? God given talent as Adam has doesn't differentiate between "gay" or otherwise.....
10 25am
Hey, potty mouth; doesn't it just make you want to cry that Adam is getting all of this unconditional love and support. Sorry your little brain is spinning but, don't fret, you will get used to the GFG's praises; cause it is never going to stop; it's going to get louder and louder until your head will spin off of your potty mouthed neck!!!
Adam is getting some of the greatest reviews that I have ever seen. A few not perfect ones here and there; but, so what, no biggie. No complaints here. Just so happy about all the wonderful things that are happen to Adam.
But, fans do have a right to express their feelings; and that is ok too, as long as it is done respectfully. That is my opinion; and I am sticking to it, ha ha!!!
The working word here is 'respectfully' unlike @10:25 AM filthy comment ... troll or no troll .... I feel it should be deleted from this thread. I am sick & tired to the bone of being tolerant of these filthy remarks about ADAM on his own fansite!! Now ... I've said it & I feel much better. Some people sure know how to rain on one's parade ... well ... I'm going away to another thread & read about ADAM's praises for awhile.. it's good for my soul!!
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
I registered to read the article and it was a good review. Didn't feel anything bad about it. I also downloaded their recent issue of magazine with Queen + Adam on the cover of this magazine. You can get it here:
Classic Rock Magazine by TeamRock
Perhaps I have missed some of the reviews......but I haven't seen any derogatory comments about Adam being gay. Just ones that have spoken of the freedom Adam has that Freddie didn't. Adam being gay is something he puts out there, in interviews, in working for LGBT projects, even on Glee!
He gives an exaggerated performance not only on Killer Queen but prancing during other songs. Adam isn't ashamed of being gay, as he has said many times he is proud of his orientation. He never denies it or pretends to be straight. We should be proud of him.
I am sure he is ecstatic with all these reviews.
I know I am!
6:36 AM
Neither post was negative.
Really sorry that inappropriate comment lived on the page so long today but it can only be deleted by the admin who created the blogpost and, for some reason, the "delete" function is not available via smartphone -- only on desktop/laptop -- and I wasn't able to get to my computer until now.
That comment is now DUST!
Will certainly try in the future to nab that kind of thing quicker if and when at all possible.
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