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Lucky girl!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady, put up this gif of Adam blowing candles on his birthday cake

Happy Birthday, Adam!

JAK said...

I used up my iTunes gift card treating myself to a little nostalgia today, two albums of Linda Ronstadt's best.
Now I'm wondering, anyone old enough out there....does this young lady look a lot like Miss Ronstadt to you?
The dark eyes and apple cheeks gave me a jolt of recognition.

Sweet faced lucky girl to meet our Adam.

Anonymous said...

@JAK, I don't know who she is but I googled her name and you're right. She does look like her a lot. This is picture of Linda:

Anonymous said...

Yes JAK, now that you mention it, this attractive girl does remind me of Linda Ronstadt. :-)

Anonymous said...

There's a photo of this girl with Adam on another thread ..........

Anonymous said...

8:16 pm, isn't that an old pic?

yada said...

Yep JAK...she certainly does - lucky her! Especially in the eyes...and full cheeks, creamy complexion. :))

Anonymous said...

Linda was vocally and visually stunning. What a great singer. My favorite of all time. This gal does have those big brown eyes.