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Adam Lambert Favorited @samsparro's Tweet!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Anonymous said...

Ask Kanye .

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:00 PM

He's already had his say, more than once.. I personally don't want to hear anything else from Kanye, thanks..

Anonymous said...

We can't make this place better when one of the admins is unnecessarily rude to someone commenting here and also puts down another performer.

JAK said...

I'm sure you don't have to give up the right to have or express an opinion to be an Admin. 'Helper'.

I think Sam's comment was so true. There is no one singer who is the best of the's all personal preference. As much as I admire Adam I also have dozens of other singers on my favorites playlists. Plus I skip from genre to genre with great delight.

I listen to Tim McGraw AND Aerosmith AND Beethoven !
"Variety IS the spice of life."

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:07 AM
You're kidding, right? I wasn't being rude to @Anon 10:00 PM. I can't imagine why you would think that.. You ARE aware of the Kanye West situation at the Grammys, I would assume..

Kanye West has insulted artists twice at awards shows by barging up on stage and effectively saying that Beyonce should have won the award instead of the artists who did win. In this case Beck and previously by Taylor Swift. My comment was in reference to that.. I cannot believe Mr. West would do that again... His comments after the incident at the Grammys on Sunday were awful..

I totally agree with Sam Sparro.... And I stick by what I said....

glitzylady said...

This is what Sam Sparro was referring to in case someone isn't aware of what his comments were in reference to, in this case Kanye West's after Grammys' rant...

Anonymous said...

I love Kanye. The man is a genius.

Dee R Gee said...

Kanye may be a genius in some way, but he's rude, arrogant, self-indulgent and,apparently, clueless about how inappropriate his actions are. Kinda ruins his "genius," at least for me.

Dee R Gee said...

Sam Sparro got it right, IMO. Bravo to him to saying so.

Anonymous said...

After passing of his mom, Kanye totally lost his mind. That's something a lot of people say. I like him but he needs to take it easy with his Beyonce obsession. Beyonce isn't desperate for attention. She is a megastar. It just cheapen her when Kanye does these things. Hope someone from her camp tells him that.

Anonymous said...

If Beck isn't upset, I don't know why people here are.

"The alt rocker said Kanye’s comments didn’t offend him, as he, too, expected Beyonce to take home the Album of the Year award. “I thought she was going to win,” he said. “Come on, she’s Beyonce!”

Despite Kanye’s unfavoring thoughts about his win, Beck’s feelings toward the rapper haven’t dwindled.

“I still love [West] and think he’s genius,” he said. “I aspire to do what he does.”

yada said...

I didn't watch the Grammys....

But it sounds to me like Beck is showing a tremendous amount of class. *Kudos*

Anonymous said...

Kanye is a lyrical and musical genius. His music is incredible and varied. He is a critical success as well as a popular success. Many artists quote Kanye as their inspiration. Kanye is a very hard worker and a perfectionist like Adam is. He also cares deeply about his community and bringing it up with him.

I suspect many people here have never listened to Kanye's music or paid attention to the things he cares deeply about and just see the tabloid version of Kanye and Kim. Kanye is sooo much more than that.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Just don't get this. There are several threads almost or totally empty and Kanye gets a lot more comments on AL fan site than the man AL himself! Don't care if he is called genious or devious, just take it to his fan site. Has nothing to do with AL.

Anonymous said...

This site is awesome but due to real life I can't comment on every thread, read all the reviews and watch all the videos so I do the last two. Sweet.

Anonymous said...

Beck's response exudes pure class. It might sound strange, but I have actually been thinking of checking out his music because of it. This may wind up being a blessing for him so that more people are aware of him. I think Kanye is very talented also, but perhaps he should start his own awards show. Of course, we probably wouldn't need to tune in because we'd already know who would win! Lol
