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Early Video from Milan: "Under Pressure"

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Only a few vids have been posted as yet for Milan — and you can bet Glitzylady will have her usual wonderful vid posts when a good amount of them finally go up — but, in the meantime, to whet your appetite, here is what I thought was the best so far of the few that are on YouTube.  Thrilling performance of "Under Pressure"...!


nancdruuu2 said...

Beautiful! I feel so happy that Adam is feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Still recovering from Bronchitis!!!:) Damn, what medicine did you take ADAM???? Milan rocked with you tonight!!!

UP is one of my favourite and you slayed with the exciting fans indeed!!!:) You are the beast ADAM!! We love and adore you damn it!!!:)


JAK said...

The bronze pants performance was fantastic in this video.....I'll have to watch again, first time around I didn't notice that he was singing too!

Anonymous said...

Bravo Roger!! Adam sang some of the song but Roger sang it all. I'm glad Adam was looking after his voice as much as he could.

And those pants, Adam!!! Haha JAK .... looks as though he was poured into them .... very nice!!! :-D

JAK said...

I'm sure it's because my mom was a seamstress that I notice ....uh..... garments! ;-)

Jean Renard said...

JAK-I am with you. I watched the video and then I thought to myself, "OMG-I have to watch that again to listen to Adam and Roger sing this time". The gold in those pants really sparkled tonight!!! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to vote for Adam, OUT has a poll for the top 100 eligible bachelors. So far Adam is leading with 18% way above the others. I think last year Adam Levine won it.

yada said...

Lawdy!!.... Those paaaannnntttssss.....the way they fit... and, uhh... so on....

*wipes drool off chin*


Well now...The show sure did go on, hmmm? Yum.

As for the singing and delivery - excellent!! What team work. Adam seems quite refreshed...recovering nicely....
SO very proud of him. He went out there and knocked em dead. :)))