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Socialite Life: Adam's Back! (with 22-Photo Milan Gallery)

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Socialite Life already has a 22-pic gallery posted of the Milan show!  So happy Adam is back in fine shape and full form!

"... looking at these photos, Adam was on it! Who would guess that just yesterday he was still on bedrest?"

"They’ve gotta be out there spreading the Gospel of Freddie–and Adam is really the only singer I trust to preach it."


Anonymous said...

Well, he's full of pis and vinegar. Yippee!!

Anonymous said...

@ 6:44PM

Dee R Gee said...

Yep. Piss and vinegar for sure! That's what my grandpa used to say. Wow, did he ever rock it in Nilan. The crowd was SOOOO into it! Great to have you back, Adam!

Dee R Gee said...

Meant Milan. duh.

Jean Renard said...

I was born and partly raised in Kentucky and the old saying there was always, "He is full of piss and ginger". Isn't it funny how old sayings differ from place to place. Now, that crowd in Milan was truly full of "piss and ginger". Adam just let them partially sing the songs at times during this performance. Thank you G-d and the Universe for helping him to so quickly return to the stage. In 2006, I spent a day in the hospital from severe bronchitis and was on oxygen-it took me about 10 days to fully recover and I could not work during that time. Adam was really lucky-it could have been much worse. What a trooper he is!!! Margarita Lady