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(LATE) Review of Queen + Adam Lambert's Berlin Concert (2-4-15) Via Finnish Newspaper Sipoon Sanomat, With Translation

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, February 13, 2015

Posted at : Friday, February 13, 2015

A tweet containing a photo of this Queen + Adam Lambert Berlin O2 Concert Review from a newspaper in Finland was posted here on Adam Lambert 24/7 News earlier (on 2-12-15) by @Admin Fan but we had no way of translating it until now: Thanks to @Miachihu on Twitter, we have one!!! 

Photo credit via @TalcVids & @mallunma on twitter, and posted here on Adam Lambert 24/7 by @Admin Fan

Here is a translation courtesy of @Miachihu on Twitter via TwitLonger: 

"Berlin O2 review in a Finnish local paper"


"A concert review in Finnish local newspaper Sipoon Sanomat by Pauli Riekkinen"

"Translation by @miachihu, posted February 12, 2015"

"Adam Lambert & Queen in Berlin at the O2 Arena February 4, 2015--- The guitarist of the band Queen, Brian May, has been praising Adam Lambert to the press, saying that he’s at least as good as Freddie Mercury.--- Before last Friday’s gig in Berlin, I had taken that just as an expression of commercial courtesy in order to reel in more audience, but now, after experiencing the two-and-a-half hour spectacle, I’m ready to fully agree with his statement. That is to say, Finland’s ex-son-in-law filled Freddie’s shoes so well that they were like tailor-made for him."

"Adam Lambert doesn’t try to be Freddie at Freddie’s place, but as a natural singer/performer/diva he doesn’t have anything to be ashamed of at the side of the late front man of Queen. During the night in Berlin, Lambert almost stole the show, but luckily every now and then he was patient enough to take a break, giving also the original members of Queen their chance to shine. Brian May is such a guitar wizard that he probably even eats his breakfast with the help of his guitar. During his own solo part, he created such amazing and original sounds from his instrument that one could only sit and admire him."

"One of the absolute highlights of the concerts was also “Love of my Life”, which May played acoustically while he asked the audience to participate in a sing-along. Another original member, drummer Roger Taylor, on the other hand, had a fun ten-minute drum battle against his son, Rufus Tiger Taylor. The most absolute stars of the night, however, were the music of Queen and Freddie Mercury, and Lambert honestly and humbly acknowledged this at the end of “Killer Queen”. It’s worth checking out the videos from the concert from YouTube, since from those you get a slight idea of what the atmosphere was like at the Berlin O2 arena live."

"The importance of the one and only, Freddie Mercury, was emphasized with a couple of songs during which he sang some of the lines from the screen. If someone’s still wondering if it’s worth traveling to Europe for such a concert, it’s not worth hesitating anymore. These goodies are only offered in a couple of cities in Europe anymore, so I recommend that you quickly book last minute tickets and travel to one of the following places for your spring vacation: 11.2. Stuttgart, Germany. 15.2. Herning, Denmark. 17.2. Prague, Czech. 19.2. Zurich, Switzerland. 21.2. Krakow, Poland, and finally at the band’s home country 24.2. London, 26.2. Liverpool, 27.2. Sheffield."

"The writer is a music enthusiastic from Sipoo, Finland."



Unknown said...

Another late English review of Vienna concert:

Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzylady & Drakulka CZ for posting the positive reviews. :-)) Great photo in the Vienna review.

Unknown said...

Here is another Milano review - but strange:

And there is something about Adam in Germany - a little bit strange too:

Anonymous said...

Thank you glityzlady and thanks Drakulka CZ for the links to the extra reviews .... all much appreciated.

Dee R Gee said...

Each reviewer is entitled to his/her opinion, of course, but it seems like the ones who are somewhat negative are watching the show with both fingers in their ears and with one eye shut. I've decided to just ignore most of them. Adam's talent is so blatantly obvious, it's insane to suggest otherwise. Likewise with Brian and Roger. As has been said before, some people have a pre-conceived opinion, and they stick with that no matter what.

Thanks for posting all the reviews, good, bad and otherwise. Adam has gained MANY new fans in the last year. That's what matters.

Kath said...

Fun to read these review translations. Finland Ex-Son-Inlaw :S

Dee R Gee said...

Yes, I LOVE Finland's "ex son-in-law" thing. It's so endearing. They sure love him there.

Anonymous said...

I'm so tired of people complaining about what they think is a less than glowing review and assuming something must be wrong with the reviewer rather than accept Adam isn't everybody's cup of tea. Nobody can be everybody's cup of tea. Not even tea.

Anonymous said...

We Finns will always love Adam. Always.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. I love him what ever happens between him and Sauli. I just heard BTIKM in one shopping center. I know I' m one of the rare people who love this song. I can't help it. I love the song and wait for Adam's next album.

Anonymous said...

I'm so tired of people complaining about people complaining. Just skip the comment and move on.

Anonymous said...

People moaning about what they perceive to be negative reviews are one big moan!! To each his/her own. You can't expect the whole universe to love Adam.

HK fan said...


I love BTIKM too, so you're not alone.