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VIDEO: Watch Dr. Brian May & Roger Taylor Of Queen In A Beautiful & Candid Moment Enjoying Adam Lambert's Perfect Vocals In Hamburg, Germany: "Somebody To Love"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, February 10, 2015

This is so much fun!! Watch 2 of the biggest Adam Lambert fans on the planet AKA Dr. Brian May and Roger Taylor of Queen, enjoying Adam's amazing vocals and his interaction with the audience at the Queen + Adam Lambert Concert in Hamburg, Germany at the O2, toward the amazing finish to "Somebody To Love"...

Usually, all eyes...and all cameras.... are on Adam Lambert at this point in the performance... But this videographer had the presence of mind to capture these candid & beautiful moments when Dr. Bri and Roger just stood back and ENJOYED the brilliance that is Adam Lambert,  right along with the audience.. 

Via nightwingtt

"Queen: It's all about the fun and happiness. Hamburg O2 World" 



JAK said...

They see in Adam what we do......he has 'charmed' them and they know that he is special.

With Adam it's not just the incredible's his Peter Pan spirit of vitality and youth....a glimpse of Neverland and for the moments he is on stage he takes us all with him to that enchanted place.

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't a glass half-full.
He's a glass overflowing!! <3

Pan said...

Me, again, the first, the advantage of living in the right time zone. lol
Mesmerized , this is the word, isn't it?

My post will not be about will be about another of Adam's performances, the "newcomer", Save Me, which also mesmerized both the audience and the writer of the song.
Listening to power ballads in general ,Brian's in particular gives me the feeling of "peeping"through a little window into a small part of the rockers' soul, the most vulnerable part. A much loved Victorian character says about being in love something I dared to paraphrase: those short moments of love make my strings , somewhere under my left ribs to be tightly, , inextricably knotted to Adam's, Brian's similar strings.And after the song ends I bleed.
Save Me sounds amazingly fresh in Adam's interpretation with its new orchestration and it makes Adam's voice sound unmatchable with any other pop singer today.After listening to Adam's heart wrenching performance in London, I've found myself coming back to it again and again, to cry a little, to let myself be spellbound by their mastery, again to admire Adam , the master of vocal crescendo.He begins the song sweetly, like chanting, then his voice becomes more passionate, more dramatic, more powerful, the boys join him , Brian plays a final sweet guitar solo, EMOTION in its purest form.

Pan said...

LOL While typing my post, JAK and an anon have posted before me.
A Pan from Thrace!(southern part of Romania)

Anonymous said...

I too find Brian's guitar playing and Adam's vocals very emotional at times

a match made in heaven

Anonymous said...

They love him! :-D

Rosepetal said...

What an excellant analogy. I've also had such a special when I see Adam perform. It's as if we're the only two people on the plane of the earth, I have no worries, no problems at that moment in time all things have simply slipped away. Time stands still my heart and soul are full and I'm in total peace. Like everyone else I don't understand it but I never ever want the feeling to go away. I had never thought in the terms you put it so thank you for assigning dimension to my feelings.

Dee R Gee said...

JAK, again, you said it so well. Adam will forever have that boyishness quality, no matter what his age. It's charming and innocent and natural. I would add, though, that he is Peter Pan with a delicious helping of naughtiness that spices it all up.

Love this video of Brian and Roger standing by at the ready while Adam does his magic with the audience. Those two are Glamberts for life, just like we are.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

One personal review from long time Queen fan:

yada said...

Amen, JAK! Exactly.... Along with the spicy naughtiness, too Dee R Gee....
(I call it Adam's "special sauce" ;))

It makes my heart feel so good when I've heard Roger say to interviewers about Adam: "He really is special". And, of course the prolific accolades Brian has bestowed, as well. You can tell they are simply being honest... And are rather in awe of him as we are, and they appreciate him and his role in their lives. I've been a rock music genre fan for many years.... And I've never heard or witnessed the shameless openness with which these two exceptional gentlemen express their appreciation and advocacy of Adam; particularly in the midst of intense fall-out. They have my deep respect.

I've liked Queen for years.... Their music is forever etched in my memories associated with different times of my childhood and growing up.... sweet nostalgia....

But, I have to admit, it's been these last 2 or 3 years.... especially these last months while Queen has toured with Adam that I, too, have felt that they also have a certain "specialness" about them as well.

They have embraced our boy .... They see him, his unbelievable talent... They respect his career and accept who he is. And they've been willing to shout it fall from the rooftops.

What's not to love about these guys?

..... Fantastic gentlemen, brilliant musicians, and solid Glamberts (just like us :)))))

CT said...

Beautiful, expressive posts here today. Thank you all for your poetic descriptions of the magic QAL has created for audiences around the world. We're so lucky to be on this journey with Adam because, for me, this is truly a once in a lifetime experience. Adam is a brilliant performer and that VOICE!

I've watched this video at least 10 times already and I'm mesmerized watching Brian and Roger watching Adam! They've played this song with him many, many times since they've been touring and, obviously, Adam still cracks them up! It doesn't seem to get "old" for them because Adam's humor, energy and incredible talent is amazing to witness. Lucky them and lucky us.

I noticed how carefully Roger has to keep his eye on Adam to get his cue exactly at the right second to come in on those powerful drums ( of course all the musicians do but this video gives a great shot of Roger & Brian at such close range). What a great video <333

The Dark Side said...

This is a pairing made in heaven. Freddie did you have a part in stearing this ship? It certainly is out of this world!

JAK said...

@ are from Thrace! I spent a glorious summer in my teen years happily drowning in myths and legends and some of the most enchanting were Thracian.

One of my favorite pieces of music is Enescu's Romanian Rhapsody. I played a lot of classical music for my kindergarten classes (on rainy days) and let them decide what the music 'told them'....this piece of music turned them into a gymnasium full of dancing ponies.

Anonymous said...

Brianbert and Rogerbert. :)

donna w said...

I absolutely LOVED that!!!!!!

yada said...

6:36pm....Cute! heehee

And together they are.... Brogerbert? ;-)

Pan said...

You're quite a lady, intelligent, funny and well-informed. Yes, ancient Thrace also included the southern part of present-day Romania ,but let's postpone our discussion about it till the end of the tour,shall we? I don't want people to get upset that we're talking about other topics .
And yes , George Enescu is "Romania's most important musician."