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Adam Lambert liked 3 photos on IG

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, March 9, 2015

Posted at : Monday, March 09, 2015


JAK said...

Alisan.....I think most of us can identify with those goals.
Good Luck and blessings to all!

yada said...

Really awesome words from Alisan Porter. Amen, girl! Looking to grow in the same beautiful, giving, and amazing ways. Blessings for both our journeys....

.... And you, too JAK! :)

yada said...

That play on the Nike slogan.... Lol.
Gave me a good chuckle. Cute!

Gabi said...

Lots of emotional stuff that Adam is liking. Is there anything he wants to "just do it but not really"?
(This is more meant in a lighthearted way...don't want to over-analyze)

Anonymous said...

12:39pm, yes, exercise.

Anonymous said...

Agree 12:43 :)