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Britney Spears’ Britney Army vs. Adam Lambert’s Glamberts – Best Fanbase [ROUND 1]

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Alright, fans. Let’s get ready to rumble! This year’s March Madness is seeking the best fanbase, so each week we’re pairing up artists to find our which fandoms are the most devoted. Round 1 features Britney Spears‘ Britney Army versus Adam Lambert‘s Glamberts. Who do you think is the best fanbase?
Britney Spears’ fans stuck by her side since she shimmied onto the music scene in 1998. While Brit’s career is full of highs — like her Las Vegas residency and her insanely impressive music catalog — there’s no doubt that she’s experienced some lows as well. Nevertheless, her loyal Britney Army stuck by her side through all of it, supporting her in every way possible. Now that’s the definition of devoted.

Link to article:


Anonymous said...

There is a paragraph about Adam as well at the site.

So are we the best fan base?

Lam-My said...

So in the lull of the storm, AdminFan decides to take us Glamberts to war lol!

Well well well...we have special kungfu tactics where you don't even realise you have been floored! lol! So let's go...follow the not-so-hidden Dragon lol!

No escaping when we start
Once we're in we take your heart
There's no way you'll ring the alarm
So hold on until it's over lol! / FYE

Round 2... Ding Ding !

Anonymous said...

No thanks I don't do bracket polls.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Well ... here I go again ... got my voting boots on ... fire up the old PC ... and ... VOTE!! till it's over!! Glamberts FTW!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Unknown said...

Once I ' m in I own your heart! So very true Adam.QAL withdrawals but excited about era 3, this is your year.

Lam-My said...

Tess.....Vote!! till it's over!! sure is funny! but not so sexy as Adam meant it to be. lol! Hey Happy Birthday to you and me 7/3 and 8/3 !! Timeslot gave me a Bingo! on my birthday, caring.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who voting hourly? I noticed the percentage is dropping each hour I vote.

Pan said...

Many Happy Returns Of The Day, Ms. Pisces!
My mom was a Pisces and she was the sweetest, wisest, friendliest woman in the world.
I hope my Rupert has been able to safely deliver the roses, I can't see the image!

Lam-My said...

Pan.....Oh my goodness! You really touched me; so beautiful I feel something fluttering in my heart. Best virtual birthday present since I came here! Wow! I short-cut it on my desktop so I can admire each and every rose! The saying, a picture speaks a thousand words really holds true. I believe what you say about your Pisces Mom, with a daughter like you. Thank You !!!

Anonymous said...

Glamberts will make sure they win!

Dee R Gee said...

Just voted. I know these things don't mean much, but they sure make many fans feel like they're supporting Adam and keeping his name out there. Nice write-up pon Adam, too.

CT said...

I've started voting. Agree with DeeRGee that it shows our support for Adam to the outside world. Glamberts have a reputation for fiercely, always supporting Adam and that's a good thing! More importantly, Adam loves his fans and knows we've always got his back so I don't mind voting for him in any of these polls.

Jean Renard said...

LAM-MY-did I miss your birthday? I pop in and out of this site and read a few things, but not everything, so I missed any post where you wrote about your birthday. That aside, I surely wish you experienced the happiest of birthdays, AND, I know you will stay forever young with your love of life (and Adam)! The very best of wishes for good health are coming your way from far away in the desert of Scottsdale, Arizona, (not that far from where Adam lives). Your birthday was March 8TH? May you have many many more!!!! Sincerely, Margarita Lady

Dee R Gee said...

Last time I looked (this morning) Adam was winning the poll. We Glamberts just might have a chance if we keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Glamberts wake up!!! Adam has been losing ground steadily all day. Today, around noon, Glamberts had 57.52 %, and Britney Army had 42.48%.
Now, at 8:45 pm, Glamberts are down to 54.95% and Britney Army has 45.05%!!! At the rate Britney Army is closing on the Glamberts, they will beat us before the poll ends!

Dee R Gee said...

It's about 45% vs. 55% right now with Adam ahead. Britney's fans are working hard to catch up. I just voted again. Let's not forget about this one. It's once an hour.

Lam-My said...

Hello Margarita Lady!
Don't worry, I did not alert anyone about my birthday 8/3 until now, more by chance; you will always remain in my memory, a caring person!! I always treasure those who care from their heart... because caring people don't come easy.
Yea I can imagine you trudging with your lovely terrier, Chula across the beautiful Arizona Desert...perhaps you might see a mirage of Adam or better still real Adam walking towards you some day. lwl!
Thank You for the birthday greeting !!!

CT said...

Right now Adam has 55.5% and Britney 44.5%.
Voting once an hour Glamberts .......time for me to go to sleep, I hope our international Glamberts keep up the voting!

Anonymous said...

Lam-My, My dear Glam Sister!
Your posts have been so much fun to read, no wonder it was your BD 8.3! I'm late but send you my loving Greetings and Gentle Rays of Sun and Starlight through space!\O/\O/\O/

And my Best Wishes to Tess too(7.3), always better health and happy days waiting for Adam's single and album and for continuing all this voting! You seem to be a real power house:)))!

And Hi to you Glam sister Pan too! Remembering our last fun chat on the Rio thread:))).
Have a nice day in Adam-land.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
We have a fight on our hands. Britney's army seem to be out in full force. All I can say is Glamberts, vote vote vote.

March 12, 2015 at 2:51 PM

Anonymous said...

Adam lead by 65% when I first vote and now Britney's army lead by 50.54%! Come on Glamberts!

Lam-My said...

Hello Kindred Sister!
You are another one, always embedded in my memory, yes via thoughts through space. Hey Kindred, I've moved on from telepathy to telekinesis lol! a lot more difficult cuz it requires a huge amount of concentration to make something move lol! I think you will enjoy that too.
Yes indeed, you too, a very caring person...just like the above birthday well-wishers. Thank You so much for the birthday greeting!!!

And once again...Thank You all dear birthday well-wishers...With Love!!! You all made this my most memorable online birthday!!! Red roses and all !!!

Lam-My said...

Very touching indeed!!!