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Adam Lambert tweets: "Yeah you'll find the truth here in my arms"

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Posted at : Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on


Anonymous said...

That man has one sizzlin' hot body!!!

Anonymous said...

Just who is this "LUCKY WOMEN"; is she his new trainer or perhaps a friend? Inquiring nosey mind wants to know!!!!

Adam looks fantastic and so so handsome!!!

Anonymous said...

Swedish singer and songwriter. Quite popular in Scandinavia.

Anonymous said...

It's Tove Lo. twitter @iamtovelo

She wrote some songs with Adam when he was in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is the line to a song they wrote together.

I wonder who's taking the picture.

Anonymous said...

The truth is also keep drinking water, LOL

Gabi said...

Really nice to see him out and about being active and looking gorgeous! Who might have taken that pic??

Anonymous said...

It's got quotes do this time I do wonder if it is lyrics from a song they wrote together. I wonder if she sings on it with Adam.

2:12 PM, has had a hit in the US as well.

Tove Lo is touring the US and Europe this spring and summer.

Anonymous said...


Dee R Gee said...

Sounds like they could be song lyrics to me. Whatever Adam is doing, it's working for his health and good mood. April can't come soon enough!

Anonymous said...

I think she might be on adam new not too familiar with her music.

CT said...

I think she and Adam have collaborated on his new album. He's mentioned her name before I think when he was in Sweden recording so they possibly met through Max Martin. Anyway, we can see they are hiking together.....nice :)

Anonymous said...

I love her music. She is doing great on US radio, good for her. She seems very much the spirit, open minded.
Adam looks beyond great, criminally attractive!

Anonymous said...

*free spirit

Anonymous said...

She is the one that said after working with Adam In Sweden how phenomenal Adams raw voice was. She said the voice is one thing on a CD but she couldn't believe how phenomenal is natural voice was.

Anonymous said...

They seem to be enjoying each other; nice to work with someone who is talented too. Maybe she is his guest while in town; he certainly has the room. She seems like she would be great company since they are having such healty fun together, and a nice working relationship too!

Nice where he has a home big enough where he can have out of town guest if he wishes!

choons said...

what a change in our boy from the days when he was trying to jog with Sauli - he didn't look happy then - just wasn't his thing. But now he's embracing the outdoor life - beautiful view up there and I'm not talking about the sagebrush ...

Anonymous said...

Are you sure that's Tove? Looks older than Tove... saw her on a TV show last week...or maybe it's just the pic...shame we can't her eyes. Tove has BIG eyes... Maybe it was Tove that took the pic and this woman is someone else... ;)

Dee R Gee said...

I'm always amazed at the wide variety of singers who get good U.S. radio play, including Tove Lo. So ironic and frustrating that Adam has struggled with it. Maybe his relationship with her is an indication that they have worked on something together. We'll know soon!

Dee R Gee said...

6:48, In my own 6:48 post, I just assumed that 2:13 was right about this being Tove Lo. Could be wrong. Someone here will clear it up for sure.

Anonymous said...

you love a woman in your arms? hot damn:)) great feeling isn't it????

Anonymous said...

It's hard to tell with her hair tied back and sunglasses but I'm assuming that is Tove. We know she is in LA and Adam tagged her in the pic. Most likely it is Tove.

Anonymous said...

I believe that is Tove as she have a scorpion tattoo under her right collarbone and the girl in picture have it too (although we can't see what is it here) :)

Anonymous said...

Tove is up for an IHeart music award for her lyrics to Habits.

yada said...

Appears to be Tove to me...

Such a beautiful view. And my my what a HUNK Tove is with. Quite the sculpted physique he's carrying, too. YUM!

Looks like an awesome time for them. :)))

Anonymous said...

It's great that he has found the joy of jogging that Sauli knew already back then. It would have been tho nice if they could have shared and enjoyed this hobby together when they were partners.

Anonymous said...

I think I can see Adam's house from that view. J/k

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have seen pictures of Adam and Sauli running together several times; don't know if they were partners or not when those particular pictures were posted; but they were at least friends as far as we know.

Also, we must remember that we do not know what Adam; or any of him and his friends or past relationships were and/or doing at all times. His life is not a reality show; as much as some would seemingly want it to be.

We are not priviledged to all of Adams life 24/7! Thank goodness!!!

Adam does look very happy and healthy. Looks as though him and his companion is have so much fun; good for them!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the truth that is in Adam's arms is Tove; meaning they have done something together on his TOH Album!!! She is the only thing I see in his arms on that particular picture; Lucky, lucky woman!

Anonymous said...

Sauli loves Runyon Canyon, and went there every chance he had, when he was with Adam and when he was not. I am sure when he saw this picture, he was wishing it was him up on the hill.
Adam did go to Runyon Canyon with Sauli when they were together and after they separated, but I don't think Adam was in very good shape at that time for jogging or hiking up hills . Sauli has been in good shape for years. But I think Adam can handle it a lot better now, that he is in better shape, after having personal trainer .

Anonymous said...

"Thank You Doctor Phil"!!!! Now put Sauli and Adam's medical records back in their confidential medical files!!!!

No one knows what the phycial health is of each of these men; sad when someone thinks they know everything by just looking at someone!!! Really none of our business. They are both beautiful men of different types of body structures.

Some people are busier then others in this life; and some may have more time to do different things; everyone's life stype is different. Adam has friends of all body types, I am sure it is not his goal to be like them all, it is probably just to be the best healthy self that he can be.

I would say also, that Sauli and Adam are not twins and, also they are not in competition with each other; so it might be very, very wise to STOP comparing them!!! Thank you very much!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful truth Adam; the both of you!!! He looks so darn happy and healthy!! What a beautiful man!
Just love this happy picture of the two of them.

This seems to be such a very happy time in Adam's life; so happy for him!!

April hurry up and come!! Hard to wait for TOH!

Anonymous said...

11.52 I totally agree with you. Really tired of these little snipes from same person over and over. True some people Adam are busier than others. Adam been very busy and he facing another busy year that will start soon. He still has managed to get himself in amaizing shape. But honestly he never been in bad shape. His trainer done a good job but In reality Adam has to put in the work and he has. He hiked before and he had no problem with it come on. There is no trainer in site and he hiking with a friend. I do believe he has collaborated with this lady both in Sweden and probably in LA as well. He has a Such a busy year a head of him. I think he will continue to keep up working out as much as possible and still have a career. He facing an amaizing time In his life with the album and single coming soon. The first love in Adams life is music.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is Amen; and will testify in the church of the
Glam One! Looking at a picture of the most gorgeous man this side of Heaven; can I get a witness; everybody say yeah.............

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What's wrong with Dr Phil??? I like him better.:=)