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New/Old (?) Picture of Adam Lambert: Sooooo Handsome!!!!

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, March 7, 2015

Posted at : Saturday, March 07, 2015

And while we wait for news, new pics, new Adam Instagram pics/vids...., etc.. : This GORGEOUS picture of Adam Lambert, via this tweet from my friend Nadine... Gotta TOTALLY agree!!!!! 

Picture via nikki_trespassing , edit by Lilybop 


JAK said...


Anonymous said...

He looks so fantastic in this white festive shirt... like he just threw away the tie, opened a few buttons... let the fun begin... unfff!

Dee R Gee said...


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I've never seen this pic. Gosh, he is so inviting in this pic, imho anyway. Charismatic always! Gah :)

Anonymous said...

THUD.....just so handsome...

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous man!! What a hunk!!

Unknown said...

New pic for me also. Gorgeous, talented and sweet man. That is what's so great about this site, little surprises like this show up. Love it!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous picture. This man is sheer perfection and with a voice to match. What more could we ask for!

Anonymous said...

Very nice. :)

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, posts are disappearing again. The one I left here earlier tonight is gone.

Anonymous said...

Adam always looks good in pictures no matter what.
He wins Mr. Photogenic Ever hands down with no competition.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:15 PM
I'll let the Blog owner know.. She's checking the spam file for comments that should not have gone to spam.. Quite a few lately unfortunately.. Hopefully she'll have it back up soon..

Thanks for letting us know..

Anonymous said...

Adam looks gorgeous of course!! What I really find fascinating in this wonderful picture is the cuteness of it all. The young lady with the seemingly puckered lips looking up at Adam; and he looking down at her with teeth together. Would love to have heard that interchange. By the way, the picture of Adam and the fan is so charming; that combination makes the picture even more intriguing!!!!

Whatever the interchange was; I am sure that Adam was the ultimate gentlemen that would put a person in a loving trance; with that hunk even looking at you. It would rival a person's ORIGINAL HIGH!!!

yada said...

Gorgeous gorgeous Adam!!!

SUCH a beautiful and sexy blend of masculinity, sex appeal, charm..... Every detail. Gaaahhhh....

His pictures are almost hypnotizing!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Yet another pic of Mr. GORGEOUS for my album!! Gotta clean out my computer to make room for MORE!! What a DOLL!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)